Chinese Song Name: Zui Hou De Zhan Yi 最后的战役
English Tranlation Name: The Final Battle
Chinese Singer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Composer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Lyrics: Fang Wen Shan 方文山
Zui Hou De Zhan Yi 最后的战役 The Final Battle Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
jī qiāng sǎo shè shēng zhōng
机 枪 扫 射 声 中
The machine gun swiped away
wǒ men xún zhǎo zhē bì de zhàn háo
我 们 寻 找 遮 蔽 的 战 壕
We looked for a sheltered trench
ér shí shā diāo de chéng bǎo
儿 时 沙 雕 的 城 堡
A sand-carved castle
huǐ huài le chóng xīn gài jiù hǎo
毁 坏 了 重 新 盖 就 好
Just destroy it and replace it
kě shì nǐ nà jiàn rǎn xuè
可 是 你 那 件 染 血
But it's your bloody one
bù mǎn dàn kǒng de jūn wài tào
布 满 弹 孔 的 军 外 套
A military jacket covered with bullet holes
què jiù lián dǎo gào shǒu dōu jǔ bù hǎo
却 就 连 祷 告 手 都 举 不 好
He could not even lift his hand to pray
zài xiāo yān zhōng xiǎng qǐ
在 硝 烟 中 想 起
In the smoke of saltpeh
bīng bàng qì shuǐ de wèi dào
冰 棒 汽 水 的 味 道
The taste of ice bar steam and water
hé nà xiē wú suǒ shì shì
和 那 些 无 所 事 事
And all that nothingness
yì zhěng gè xià tiān de nián shào
一 整 个 夏 天 的 年 少
All summer long
wǒ fàng xià qiāng huí yì qù nián
我 放 下 枪 回 忆 去 年
I put down my gun and recalled the past year
yì qǐ bì yè de xué xiào
一 起 毕 业 的 学 校
A graduated school
ér yǎn lèi yì zhí dōu wàng jì yào diào
而 眼 泪 一 直 都 忘 记 要 掉
And the tears will always forget to fall away
cháo xiào de shēng yīn zài fēng zhōng
嘲 笑 的 声 音 在 风 中
The sound of laughter is in the wind
bú duàn bèi liàn xí
不 断 被 练 习
Never stop being practiced
zhè shù lín jiān chōng mǎn le dí yì
这 树 林 间 充 满 了 敌 意
The forest is full of enemies
bù duì qì shǒu zhèn dì
部 队 弃 守 阵 地
The main team abandoned the field
nǐ jiān chí yào wǒ yě lí qù
你 坚 持 要 我 也 离 去
You insist that I depart also
wǒ zěn me néng fàng qì
我 怎 么 能 放 弃
How can I let go
wǒ liú zhe péi nǐ
我 留 着 陪 你
I'll stay with you
qiáng rěn zhe lèi dī
强 忍 着 泪 滴
I tried to hold back the tears
yǒu xiē shì zhēn de lái bù jí huí bú qù
有 些 事 真 的 来 不 及 回 不 去
Some things really come and go
nǐ liǎn zài chōu chù
你 脸 在 抽 搐
Your face is twitching
jiù kuài méi lì qi
就 快 没 力 气
I'm running out of steam
jiā xiāng shì bù zhǔn wǒ zài tí
家 乡 事 不 准 我 再 提
I'm not allowed to talk about family matters
wǒ liú zhe péi nǐ
我 留 着 陪 你
I'll stay with you
zuì hòu de jù lí
最 后 的 距 离
The last distance
shì nǐ de cè liǎn dǎo zài wǒ de huái lǐ
是 你 的 侧 脸 倒 在 我 的 怀 里
It is the side of your face in my breast
nǐ màn màn shuì qù
你 慢 慢 睡 去
You go to sleep slowly
wǒ yáo bù xǐng nǐ
我 摇 不 醒 你
I can't shake you
lèi shuǐ zài zhàn háo lǐ jué le dī
泪 水 在 战 壕 里 决 了 堤
Water of tears burst the dike in the trench
zài xiāo yān zhōng xiǎng qǐ
在 硝 烟 中 想 起
In the smoke of saltpeh
bīng bàng qì shuǐ de wèi dào
冰 棒 汽 水 的 味 道
The taste of ice bar steam and water
hé nà xiē wú suǒ shì shì
和 那 些 无 所 事 事
And all that nothingness
yì zhěng gè xià tiān de nián shào
一 整 个 夏 天 的 年 少
All summer long
wǒ fàng xià qiāng huí yì qù nián
我 放 下 枪 回 忆 去 年
I put down my gun and recalled the past year
yì qǐ bì yè de xué xiào
一 起 毕 业 的 学 校
A graduated school
ér yǎn lèi yì zhí dōu wàng jì yào diào
而 眼 泪 一 直 都 忘 记 要 掉
And the tears will always forget to fall away
cháo xiào de shēng yīn zài fēng zhōng
嘲 笑 的 声 音 在 风 中
The sound of laughter is in the wind
bú duàn bèi liàn xí
不 断 被 练 习
Never stop being practiced
zhè shù lín jiān chōng mǎn le dí yì
这 树 林 间 充 满 了 敌 意
The forest is full of enemies
bù duì qì shǒu zhèn dì
部 队 弃 守 阵 地
The main team abandoned the field
nǐ jiān chí yào wǒ yě lí qù
你 坚 持 要 我 也 离 去
You insist that I depart also
wǒ zěn me néng fàng qì
我 怎 么 能 放 弃
How can I let go
wǒ liú zhe péi nǐ
我 留 着 陪 你
I'll stay with you
qiáng rěn zhe lèi dī
强 忍 着 泪 滴
I tried to hold back the tears
yǒu xiē shì zhēn de lái bù jí huí bú qù
有 些 事 真 的 来 不 及 回 不 去
Some things really come and go
nǐ liǎn zài chōu chù
你 脸 在 抽 搐
Your face is twitching
jiù kuài méi lì qi
就 快 没 力 气
I'm running out of steam
jiā xiāng shì bù zhǔn wǒ zài tí
家 乡 事 不 准 我 再 提
I'm not allowed to talk about family matters
wǒ liú zhe péi nǐ
我 留 着 陪 你
I'll stay with you
zuì hòu de jù lí
最 后 的 距 离
The last distance
shì nǐ de cè liǎn dǎo zài wǒ de huái lǐ
是 你 的 侧 脸 倒 在 我 的 怀 里
It is the side of your face in my breast
nǐ màn màn shuì qù
你 慢 慢 睡 去
You go to sleep slowly
wǒ yáo bù xǐng nǐ
我 摇 不 醒 你
I can't shake you
lèi shuǐ zài zhàn háo lǐ jué le dī
泪 水 在 战 壕 里 决 了 堤
Water of tears burst the dike in the trench
Some Great Reviews About Zui Hou De Zhan Yi 最后的战役 The Final Battle
Listener 1: "My dad is a Vietnam Veteran! I used to listen to Jay's songs. What did my dad always say you listened to? Not a word! Once I was listening to this song on the computer stereo and he heard it! Then my dad asked me the name of the song with tears in his eyes! That was the first time my father listened to Jay's songs carefully, and since then my father never said that He could not understand Jay's songs! Every time I had to play him 'The Last Battle', and every time he listened to it with tears in his eyes, sometimes several times!"
Listener 2: "I admire Jay's melody line, especially some songs, which are nice and simple. Like the Last Battle, the first sentence is la Si do do do… Then do all the way to the end of the sentence. This melody written feel less magical, but with 4 add9 chords after class 5 sus4 6 small add9 became very good to listen, when clever chord change heavy and complicated, smooth melody chose is simpler, there are some weight in addition to the middle and small note, it is like a melody and chords perform together, chords and performing rendering emotions, melody chose the most, the lens to chords, let the chords of luxuriant and remove the grand background of the song. I think the melody line with ease of advance and retreat can be said to achieve the realm of "less is more".
Listener 3: "Jay's songs are really positive. This song is about anti-war, it is also about anti-domestic violence, traditional culture, singing about the motherland, every song about family, friendship and love is touching.At the beginning, there is a sound of gunfire. When I was a child, I heard the last battle for the first time and asked my father foolishly: Dad, is there a war outside? Let's run away… My dad's face is impatient: this is the sound of a song, now think my dad was wondering if he had a fake baby. After the prelude, Chou narrates the opening song. It's like telling a story for you, first using music to make the atmosphere, and then when we're there, telling you the story in a whisper. On the smoky battlefield, you and your comrades guard the last trench. When the enemy is about to rush to the high ground, your comrades ask you to withdraw first while shooting, and you finally leave safely. After seeing his comrades for a long time not to come to the agreed place, you risk your life to return to the original way, no matter how others try to persuade you, you still vow to find it. When you finally see your comrades in arms lying in a pool of blood, you can see scenes from past battles playing in your mind. You hold their heads and cry with regret."
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