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HomePopYin Di An Lao Ban Jiu 印第安老斑鸠 Ancient Indian Turtledove Lyrics 歌詞...

Yin Di An Lao Ban Jiu 印第安老斑鸠 Ancient Indian Turtledove Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin

Chinese Song Name: Ai 爱!
English Tranlation Name: Love!
Chinese Singer:  Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Composer:  Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Lyrics:  Fang Wen Shan 方文山

Yin Di An Lao Ban Jiu 印第安老斑鸠 Ancient Indian Turtledove Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin

Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:

shā mò zhī zhōng zěn me huì yǒu ní qiū 
沙  漠 之  中    怎  么 会  有  泥 鳅  
How can there be loach in the desert
huà shuō wán fēi guò yì zhī hǎi ōu 
话  说   完  飞  过  一 只  海  鸥 
Then a seagull flew by
dà xiá gǔ de fēng hū xiào ér guò 
大 峡  谷 的 风   呼 啸   而 过  
The wind whistled over the grand canyon
shì shuí shuō méi yǒu 
是  谁   说   没  有  
Who said no
yǒu yì tiáo rè hūn tóu de xiǎng wěi shé 
有  一 条   热 昏  头  的 响    尾  蛇  
There was a rattlesnake with a hot head
wú lì de tǎng zài gān kū de hé 
无 力 的 躺   在  干  枯 的 河 
Lying powerless in the dry river
zài děng dài yǔ jì lái lín biàn zhǎo zé 
在  等   待  雨 季 来  临  变   沼   泽 
Waiting for the rainy season to come
huī láng kěn shí zháo shuǐ lù de gǔ tou 
灰  狼   啃  食  着   水   鹿 的 骨 头  
The grey Wolf gnawed at the bones of the deer
tū yīng pán xuán sǐ dīng zhe fǔ ròu 
秃 鹰   盘  旋   死 盯   着  腐 肉  
The vulture circled and stared at the carrion
cǎo yuán shàng liǎng zhī dí duì yě niú 
草  原   上    两    只  敌 对  野 牛  
Two hostile bison on the prairie
zài yuǎn fāng jué dòu 
在  远   方   决  斗  
Duel in the distance
zài yí chù bèi fèi qì de bái yǐ qiū 
在  一 处  被  废  弃 的 白  蚁 丘  
In an abandoned termite mound
zhàn zhe yì zhī è  hūn de lǎo bān jiū 
站   着  一 只  饿 昏  的 老  斑  鸠  
There stood an old turtledove, faint with hunger
yìn dì ān lǎo bān jiū tuǐ duǎn máo bù duō 
印  地 安 老  斑  鸠  腿  短   毛  不 多  
Old Indian turtledoves have short legs and little hair
jǐ tiān dōu méi yǒu hē shuǐ yě néng huó 
几 天   都  没  有  喝 水   也 能   活  
You can live without water for days
nǎo dai guā yǒu yì diǎn xiù dòu 
脑  袋  瓜  有  一 点   秀  逗  
The brain is a little funny
liè wù sǐ le tā bǐ shuí dōu nán guò 
猎  物 死 了 它 比 谁   都  难  过  
He's more upset than anyone when his prey dies
yìn dì ān bān jiū huì xué rén kāi kǒu 
印  地 安 斑  鸠  会  学  人  开  口  
The Indian turtledove society opened its mouth
xiān rén zhǎng pà xiū xī tāng héng zhe zǒu 
仙   人  掌    怕 羞  蜥 蝪   横   着  走  
Cactus shy game.cause sideways
zhè lǐ shén me qí guài de shì dōu yǒu 
这  里 什   么 奇 怪   的 事  都  有  
What's weird about here
bāo kuò xiàng māo de gǒu 
包  括  像    猫  的 狗  
Including dogs that look like cats
yìn dì ān lǎo bān jiū píng cháng huà bù duō 
印  地 安 老  斑  鸠  平   常    话  不 多  
The old Indian turtledove is not usually very talkative
chú fēi shì wū yā qiǎng le tā de wō 
除  非  是  乌 鸦 抢    了 它 的 窝 
Unless it was a crow that robbed it of its nest
tā zài guàn mù cóng páng xiè hòu 
它 在  灌   木 丛   旁   邂  逅  
It met by the bush
yì zhī lìng tā xīn yí de mǔ bān jiū 
一 只  令   它 心  仪 的 母 斑  鸠  
A female turtledove he loved
niú zǎi hóng fān zài xiǎo zhèn bèi duì bèi jué dòu 
牛  仔  红   蕃  在  小   镇   背  对  背  决  斗  
The cowboys duel back to back in the town
yì zhī huī láng wèn hòu wǒ shuí shì shén qiāng shǒu 
一 只  灰  狼   问  候  我 谁   是  神   枪    手   
A grey Wolf greets me who is the sharpshooter
wū shī tā niàn niàn yǒu cí dì 
巫 师  他 念   念   有  词 地 
The wizard muttered
duì qiú zhǎng xià zǔ zhòu 
对  酋  长    下  诅 咒   
Put a curse on the chief
hái wǒ kū lóu tóu zhè gù shi 
还  我 骷 髅  头  这  故 事  
Give me back my skull story
gào su wǒ yìn dì ān de chuán shuō 
告  诉 我 印  地 安 的 传    说   
Tell me about the Indian legend
hái zhēn shì xiā tòu le shén me dōu yǒu 
还  真   是  瞎  透  了 什   么 都  有  
Are you blind enough to have everything
shā mò zhī zhōng zěn me huì yǒu ní qiū 
沙  漠 之  中    怎  么 会  有  泥 鳅  
How can there be loach in the desert
huà shuō wán fēi guò yì zhī hǎi ōu 
话  说   完  飞  过  一 只  海  鸥 
Then a seagull flew by
dà xiá gǔ de fēng hū xiào ér guò 
大 峡  谷 的 风   呼 啸   而 过  
The wind whistled over the grand canyon
shì shuí shuō méi yǒu 
是  谁   说   没  有  
Who said no
yǒu yì tiáo rè hūn tóu de xiǎng wěi shé 
有  一 条   热 昏  头  的 响    尾  蛇  
There was a rattlesnake with a hot head
wú lì de tǎng zài gān kū de hé 
无 力 的 躺   在  干  枯 的 河 
Lying powerless in the dry river
zài děng dài yǔ jì lái lín biàn zhǎo zé 
在  等   待  雨 季 来  临  变   沼   泽 
Waiting for the rainy season to come
huī láng kěn shí zháo shuǐ lù de gǔ tou 
灰  狼   啃  食  着   水   鹿 的 骨 头  
The grey Wolf gnawed at the bones of the deer
tū yīng pán xuán sǐ dīng zhe fǔ ròu 
秃 鹰   盘  旋   死 盯   着  腐 肉  
The vulture circled and stared at the carrion
cǎo yuán shàng liǎng zhī dí duì yě niú 
草  原   上    两    只  敌 对  野 牛  
Two hostile bison on the prairie
zài yuǎn fāng jué dòu 
在  远   方   决  斗  
Duel in the distance
zài yí chù bèi fèi qì de bái yǐ qiū 
在  一 处  被  废  弃 的 白  蚁 丘  
In an abandoned termite mound
zhàn zhe yì zhī è  hūn de lǎo bān jiū 
站   着  一 只  饿 昏  的 老  斑  鸠  
There stood an old turtledove, faint with hunger
yìn dì ān lǎo bān jiū tuǐ duǎn máo bù duō 
印  地 安 老  斑  鸠  腿  短   毛  不 多  
Old Indian turtledoves have short legs and little hair
jǐ tiān dōu méi yǒu hē shuǐ yě néng huó 
几 天   都  没  有  喝 水   也 能   活  
You can live without water for days
nǎo dai guā yǒu yì diǎn xiù dòu 
脑  袋  瓜  有  一 点   秀  逗  
The brain is a little funny
liè wù sǐ le tā bǐ shuí dōu nán guò 
猎  物 死 了 它 比 谁   都  难  过  
He's more upset than anyone when his prey dies
yìn dì ān bān jiū huì xué rén kāi kǒu 
印  地 安 斑  鸠  会  学  人  开  口  
The Indian turtledove society opened its mouth
xiān rén zhǎng pà xiū xī tāng héng zhe zǒu 
仙   人  掌    怕 羞  蜥 蝪   横   着  走  
Cactus shy game.cause sideways
zhè lǐ shén me qí guài de shì dōu yǒu 
这  里 什   么 奇 怪   的 事  都  有  
What's weird about here
bāo kuò xiàng māo de gǒu 
包  括  像    猫  的 狗  
Including dogs that look like cats
yìn dì ān lǎo bān jiū píng cháng huà bù duō 
印  地 安 老  斑  鸠  平   常    话  不 多  
The old Indian turtledove is not usually very talkative
chú fēi shì wū yā qiǎng le tā de wō 
除  非  是  乌 鸦 抢    了 它 的 窝 
Unless it was a crow that robbed it of its nest
tā zài guàn mù cóng páng xiè hòu 
它 在  灌   木 丛   旁   邂  逅  
It met by the bush
yì zhī lìng tā xīn yí de mǔ bān jiū 
一 只  令   它 心  仪 的 母 斑  鸠  
A female turtledove he loved

Some Great Reviews About Yin Di An Lao Ban Jiu 印第安老斑鸠 Ancient Indian Turtledove

Listener 1:"This song is a rare Taiwanese style called acid-jazz. At the same time, the songs are mainly R&B and New hip-hop, coupled with the classical baroque string accompaniment and Band, forming a British retro style. Coupled with the Spanish style of string performance, the artistic conception is unexpectedly extremely close to the film soundtrack. When making this song, jay recorded it in a more impromptu way and presented the lyrics in the most authentic way, which made the audience have an infinite and 100% imagination space. They can imagine the old turtle-doves in the vast desert or the people competing with each other in the city. The fantasy is happy."

Listener 2:"The melody sang its most seductive sweetness. Grace note shyness is just as beautiful as xu yuwei's singing about you"

Listener 3:"In our old literary and life sayings, it is common to hear people admonish others, such as "what you have is worth nothing". For the pride of the glory, and the humiliation of the disappointment, the gain and loss, after all, is only a person's life, in the moment of crisis, generous sacrifice to buy life, it is very common. Unless one considers external things more important than life, one cannot always reason! More than 10 years ago, a student asked me in class, what is the connotation of the philosophy of love? My answer, people love me the most. The so-called "I love you", that is because I want to love you love you. I don't love you when I don't want to, or don't need to. Therefore, love is the most extreme expression of self-selfishness. In fact, what people love most is neither you nor others, but myself. So, what am I? Is it the body? Answer: no. When you are seriously ill, the doctor declares that you must go to some important part of your body or organ in order to live. Therefore, almost all will agree with the doctor's opinion, prefer to give up the pain since the existence of life, share the joys and sorrows, suffering from the limbs or organs, only to live on their own life. Therefore, even my body, when it comes to the most important point, is still not my dearest, how can I really love you and him! So the Ming dynasty monk 栯 don Jackson, then say "world origin of light arms, why the world is priceless" paradox!"

How do you think about this song? Please leave a comment below.

Jack Smith
Jack Smith
I am a Chinese music lover, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share my passion for Chinese music with you. Through my love for Chinese music, I hope to connect with fellow enthusiasts and explore the beauty and depth of this incredible art form.


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