Chinese Song Name: Ye Hui 夜会
English Tranlation Name: Night Date
Chinese Singer: Wang Fei 王菲 Faye Wong
Chinese Composer:Zhang Ya Dong 张亚东
Chinese Lyrics: Lin Xi 林夕 Lin Xi
Ye Hui 夜会 Night Date Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Wang Fei 王菲 Faye Wong
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
zhǐ wéi nà mò shēng jiè zhi
只 为 那 陌 生 戒 指
Only for that momo ring finger
chóng xīn dǎ liang nǐ xiū cháng de shóu zhǐ
重 新 打 量 你 修 长 的 手 指
Reprint your long manicured fingers
nǐ sòng wǒ de zhǐ wén
你 送 我 的 指 纹
The tattoo you gave me
wǒ qiàn nǐ de xīn shì
我 欠 你 的 心 事
I owe you one
kǒng pà yào zài jīn yè
恐 怕 要 在 今 夜
I'm afraid it will be this night
hái gěi tiān shǐ
还 给 天 使
Also make to day
xǐ yuè chū yú qiǎo hé
喜 悦 出 于 巧 合
Joy out of coincidence
yǎn lèi hé bì gù zhí
眼 泪 何 必 固 执
He must hold fast to the tears of his eyes
zǒu wán tóng yì tiáo jiē
走 完 同 一 条 街
Walk down the same street
huí dào liǎng gè shì jiè
回 到 两 个 世 界
Return to the two worlds
yuán liàng nǐ hé nǐ de wú míng zhǐ
原 谅 你 和 你 的 无 名 指
I forgive you and your nameless finger
nǐ ràng wǒ xiāng xìn
你 让 我 相 信
You made me believe it
hái zhēn yǒu gǎn qíng zhè huí shì
还 真 有 感 情 这 回 事
That's a real feeling
ā huái niàn dōu tài shē chǐ
啊 怀 念 都 太 奢 侈
Oh, it's so extravagant
zhí hǎo xiàn mù shuí nián shào wú zhī
只 好 羡 慕 谁 年 少 无 知
I only envy those who are young
ní hóng dēng yǎn yǎn yì xī
霓 虹 灯 奄 奄 一 息
Neon lights come to an end
shí èr diǎn zhōng jí jiāng chéng wéi lì shǐ
十 二 点 钟 即 将 成 为 历 史
Twelve o 'clock will be history
wǎng shì ruò wú qí shì
往 事 若 无 其 事
When things go well, things go well
guān xi yě méi guān xi
关 系 也 没 关 系
It doesn't matter
wǒ men zài lái bù jí
我 们 再 来 不 及
We shall never come again
chóng xīn rèn shí
重 新 认 识
Heavy new knowledge
liǎng gè rén de qiǎo hé
两 个 人 的 巧 合
The coincidence of two people
zǒng yǒu gè rén jiān chí
总 有 个 人 坚 持
There is always someone who is firm
huí dào yuán lái de lù
回 到 原 来 的 路
Go back the way you came
zhù tóng yí gè chéng shì
住 同 一 个 城 市
Live in the same city
yuán liàng nǐ hé nǐ de wú míng zhǐ
原 谅 你 和 你 的 无 名 指
I forgive you and your nameless finger
nǐ ràng wǒ xiāng xìn
你 让 我 相 信
You made me believe it
hái zhēn yǒu gǎn qíng zhè huí shì
还 真 有 感 情 这 回 事
That's a real feeling
ā huái niàn dōu tài shē chǐ
啊 怀 念 都 太 奢 侈
Oh, it's so extravagant
zhí hǎo xiàn mù shuí nián shào wú zhī
只 好 羡 慕 谁 年 少 无 知
I only envy those who are young
yuán liàng nǐ hé nǐ de wú míng zhǐ
原 谅 你 和 你 的 无 名 指
I forgive you and your nameless finger
nǐ ràng wǒ xiāng xìn
你 让 我 相 信
You made me believe it
hái zhēn yǒu gǎn qíng zhè huí shì
还 真 有 感 情 这 回 事
That's a real feeling
ā huái niàn dōu tài shē chǐ
啊 怀 念 都 太 奢 侈
Oh, it's so extravagant
èr yuè shí sān hào dào cǐ wéi zhǐ
二 月 十 三 号 到 此 为 止
Until the thirteenth of February
Some Great Reviews About Ye Hui 夜会 Night Date
Listener 1: "People are forced out, human potential is infinite, content with the status quo, you will gradually be eliminated, push yourself, break through yourself, you will create a miracle. Don't say impossible to yourself, the direction of the tree, the wind decides; The direction of a man is his own."
Listener 2: "If it is gained, I am lucky; if it is lost, it is my life. Faye Wong's view of love is the same as Xu zhimo's. Most of us don't live to be that free and easy, so her way some people are sour."
Listener 3: "The song is supposed to be about a reunion of two old lovers who already have a family, and two people walking down the street together, each with a lot on their minds, nostalgic for their younger days and feeling sorry for the present. Since February 14th is Valentine's Day, February 13th means that our love doesn't have to last, so let's stop here. It's a grown-up feeling."
Listener 4: "The first time I received the ring in my life was February 13. In the crowded temple fair, we went to shoot an arrow and hit a stuffed doll. He put the stuffed doll in the pocket of my down jacket hat, but I couldn't get it. He stuffed something into my down jacket pocket with great speed. Surprised moved in a complete mess, can not hear the people around what to say, I remember he some shy smile opened the box, gave me to wear the ring. We solemnly to each other to bring, each other's eyes are only each other. In the crowded crowd, we hugged and kissed as if nothing had happened, and we couldn't hear the noise around us, as if the world was just him and me. That was the first ring I received. I remember exactly what it looked like. It wasn't expensive. It was just the right size. Every day is the ultimate romance, and that's the story of my 17-year-old love, and that's the story of my whole life."
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