Chinese Song Name: Xia Bei Zi Bu Yi Ding Hai Neng Yu Jian Ni 下辈子不一定还能遇见你
English Tranlation Name: The Next Life May Not Meet You
Chinese Singer: Chen Ya Sen 陈雅森 Eisen
Chinese Composer: Zhang Bo Wen 张博文
Chinese Lyrics: Li Shou Jun 李守俊
Xia Bei Zi Bu Yi Ding Hai Neng Yu Jian Ni 下辈子不一定还能遇见你 The Next Life May Not Meet You Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Chen Ya Sen 陈雅森 Eisen
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
jǐn ài nǐ zhè jiàn shì jiù zú gòu měi lì
仅 爱 你 这 件 事 就 足 够 美 丽
Just loving you is beautiful enough
wǒ duō cì liú xià xìng fú de lèi dī
我 多 次 流 下 幸 福 的 泪 滴
Many a time have I shed tears of joy
róng rěn nǐ de hú nào nǐ de bù jiáng lǐ
容 忍 你 的 胡 闹 你 的 不 讲 理
I will not tolerate your uproar and your unreasonable behavior
ài bù róng yì wǒ huì yóng yuǎn shǒu hù nǐ
爱 不 容 易 我 会 永 远 守 护 你
Love is not easy, I will defend you forever
jiù zhǐ shì kàn zhe nǐ yǐ zú gòu huān xǐ
就 只 是 看 着 你 已 足 够 欢 喜
Just watching you is enough to make you happy
yǒu nǐ zài shēn biān wǒ wàn fēn gǎn jī
有 你 在 身 边 我 万 分 感 激
I'm so excited to have you by my side
róng rěn nǐ de rén xìng nǐ de huài pí qi
容 忍 你 的 任 性 你 的 坏 脾 气
Bear with your bad temper
sǐ xīn tā dì shì wǒ quán bù de chū xī
死 心 塌 地 是 我 全 部 的 出 息
Death's heart is the breath of my soul
xià bèi zi bù yí dìng hái néng yù jiàn nǐ
下 辈 子 不 一 定 还 能 遇 见 你
The next generation will see you again soon
suó yǐ wǒ hěn zhēn xī bù gǎn dà yì
所 以 我 很 珍 惜 不 敢 大 意
So I'm very sorry not to dare
yòng jìn suó yǒu lì qi xiǎo xīn dì ài nǐ
用 尽 所 有 力 气 小 心 地 爱 你
Love you with all your might and with all your heart
wéi kǒng nòng diū nǐ yì qiè lái bù jí
唯 恐 弄 丢 你 一 切 来 不 及
I don't want to lose you
jiù zhǐ shì kàn zhe nǐ yǐ zú gòu huān xǐ
就 只 是 看 着 你 已 足 够 欢 喜
Just watching you is enough to make you happy
yǒu nǐ zài shēn biān wǒ wàn fēn gǎn jī
有 你 在 身 边 我 万 分 感 激
I'm so excited to have you by my side
róng rěn nǐ de rén xìng nǐ de huài pí qi
容 忍 你 的 任 性 你 的 坏 脾 气
Bear with your bad temper
sǐ xīn tā dì shì wǒ quán bù de chū xī
死 心 塌 地 是 我 全 部 的 出 息
Death's heart is the breath of my soul
xià bèi zi bù yí dìng hái néng yù jiàn nǐ
下 辈 子 不 一 定 还 能 遇 见 你
The next generation will see you again soon
suó yǐ wǒ hěn zhēn xī bù gǎn dà yì
所 以 我 很 珍 惜 不 敢 大 意
So I'm very sorry not to dare
yòng jìn suó yǒu lì qi xiǎo xīn dì ài nǐ
用 尽 所 有 力 气 小 心 地 爱 你
Love you with all your might and with all your heart
wéi kǒng nòng diū nǐ yì qiè lái bù jí
唯 恐 弄 丢 你 一 切 来 不 及
I don't want to lose you
xià bèi zi bù yí dìng hái néng yù jiàn nǐ
下 辈 子 不 一 定 还 能 遇 见 你
The next generation will see you again soon
suó yǐ wǒ bào jǐn nǐ bù gǎn fàng qì
所 以 我 抱 紧 你 不 敢 放 弃
So I hold you tight and dare not let you go
wéi cǐ wǒ yuàn jiāo chū quán bù de zì jǐ
为 此 我 愿 交 出 全 部 的 自 己
For this I will give up my whole self
yóng yuǎn bú ràng nǐ wěi qu dì kū qì
永 远 不 让 你 委 屈 地 哭 泣
I'll never let you cry
yóng yuǎn bú ràng nǐ wěi qu dì kū qì
永 远 不 让 你 委 屈 地 哭 泣
I'll never let you cry
Some Great Reviews About Xia Bei Zi Bu Yi Ding Hai Neng Yu Jian Ni 下辈子不一定还能遇见你 The Next Life May Not Meet You
Listener 1: "True love is not rhetoric, love is really in the heart, love is to each other, trust, cherish, inclusive. Love depends on your actions, love is not you silly waiting, you do not take action will never wait for your perfect love marriage, then a good marriage, it is better to stay together with the people who love each other for life. Love is not a meal to eat, but with a person without love together for a lifetime, just like your marriage is like that no salt no taste of food, that kind of lack of salt for a long time powerless, that taste, only you can understand."
Listener 2: "The best emotion is that one is far away from the heart, a genuine feeling exists because of sincerity, and a sincere one is cherished and never leaves. Love a not necessarily see every day, but must often miss, not necessarily together, but must be in the heart. So this life must not lose the love of the people, because next life may not meet!"
Listener 3: "If you love someone very much, don't be afraid of the end, but try to love when you can, after all, not everyone can be lucky to meet a very love very love person! Because, people do not have the next life, please cherish the love you and the people you love it."
Listener 4: "Actually, I am lying to you! Let you forget me, I said the most painful words, this life is the most fortunate, is to know you, rejoice that I have loved, the most unforgettable, is with you every bit; The most beautiful, is to go to your heart; Most afraid, you stay up and lose sleep; The biggest wish, as long as you happy good; The most beautiful in life is to meet, the most rare is to know each other."
Listener 5: "Holding a person in my heart, missing is a habit, how important this person is to me, my heart will have more concerns, a person's life, always have no end of the mind, there are countless brush shoulders and countless encounters in my life! Thinking of you in your dreams."
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