Chinese Song Name: Wei Lian Gu Bao 威廉古堡
English Tranlation Name: William Castle
Chinese Singer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Composer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Lyrics: Fang Wen Shan 方文山
Wei Lian Gu Bao 威廉古堡 William Castle Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
téng màn zhí wù pá mǎn le bó jué de fén mù
藤 蔓 植 物 爬 满 了 伯 爵 的 坟 墓
Vines and plants covered the grave of Bojue
gǔ bǎo lǐ yí piàn huāng wú cháng mǎn zá cǎo de ní tǔ
古 堡 里 一 片 荒 芜 长 满 杂 草 的 泥 土
In the old castle was a patch of barren earth covered with weeds
bú huì qí sǎo bǎ de pàng nǚ wū
不 会 骑 扫 把 的 胖 女 巫
Fat witch who can't ride a sweep
yòng lā dīng wén niàn zhòu yǔ lā lā wū
用 拉 丁 文 念 咒 语 啦 啦 呜
Using the Ladin mantra lalala
tā yǎng de hēi māo xiào qǐ lái xiàng kū
她 养 的 黑 猫 笑 起 来 像 哭
Her black cat laughs like it cries
lā lā lā wū yòng shuǐ jīng qiú tì rén zhān bǔ
啦 啦 啦 呜 用 水 晶 球 替 人 占 卜
La la la woo USES a crystal ball for divination
tā shuō xià wǔ sān diǎn yáng guāng shè jìn jiào táng de jiǎo dù
她 说 下 午 三 点 阳 光 射 进 教 堂 的 角 度
She said the Angle at which the sun came into the church at three o 'clock in the afternoon
néng zhī dào nǐ qián shì shì láng rén hái shì biān fú
能 知 道 你 前 世 是 狼 人 还 是 蝙 蝠
Know if you were a werewolf or a bat
gǔ bǎo zhǔ rén wēi lián èr shì mǎn liǎn de luò sāi hú
古 堡 主 人 威 廉 二 世 满 脸 的 落 腮 胡
Wilhelm II, the owner of the castle, had a bearded face
xí guàn zài xī wán xuè hòu kāi shǐ dǎ hū
习 惯 在 吸 完 血 后 开 始 打 呼
It is customary to start snoring after sucking blood
guǎn jiā shì yì zhī huì shuō fá yǔ jú zhǐ yōu yǎ de zhū
管 家 是 一 只 会 说 法 语 举 止 优 雅 的 猪
The housekeeper is a pig who can only speak French
xī xuè qián huì niàn yuē hàn fú yīn zuò wéi mí bǔ
吸 血 前 会 念 约 翰 福 音 做 为 弥 补
They make up for it by reading the Gospel of John before they feed
yōng yǒu yì shuāng lán sè yǎn jing de kǎi sà lín gōng zhǔ
拥 有 一 双 蓝 色 眼 睛 的 凯 萨 琳 公 主
Princess Kathleen has blue eyes
zhuān chī yǒu AB xuè xíng de gōng láo shǔ
专 吃 有 AB 血 型 的 公 老 鼠
They only eat male rats with AB blood type
huǎng huǎng hū hū shì shuí de jiǎo bù
恍 恍 惚 惚 是 谁 的 脚 步
What's her gait, her lapses
yín zhì chá hú zhuāng zhāng láng zhī zhū
银 制 茶 壶 装 蟑 螂 蜘 蛛
Cockroach spider in a silver tea pot
xīn xīn kǔ kǔ quán jiā pà rì chū
辛 辛 苦 苦 全 家 怕 日 出
The whole family is afraid of the sun
bái sè là zhú wēn nuǎn le kōng wū
白 色 蜡 烛 温 暖 了 空 屋
The white candle warmed the empty room
téng màn zhí wù pá mǎn le bó jué de fén mù
藤 蔓 植 物 爬 满 了 伯 爵 的 坟 墓
Vines and plants covered the grave of Bojue
gǔ bǎo lǐ yí piàn huāng wú cháng mǎn zá cǎo de ní tǔ
古 堡 里 一 片 荒 芜 长 满 杂 草 的 泥 土
In the old castle was a patch of barren earth covered with weeds
bú huì qí sǎo bǎ de pàng nǚ wū
不 会 骑 扫 把 的 胖 女 巫
Fat witch who can't ride a sweep
yòng lā dīng wén niàn zhòu yǔ lā lā wū
用 拉 丁 文 念 咒 语 啦 啦 呜
Using the Ladin mantra lalala
tā yǎng de hēi māo xiào qǐ lái xiàng kū
她 养 的 黑 猫 笑 起 来 像 哭
Her black cat laughs like it cries
lā lā lā wū yòng shuǐ jīng qiú tì rén zhān bǔ
啦 啦 啦 呜 用 水 晶 球 替 人 占 卜
La la la woo USES a crystal ball for divination
tā shuō xià wǔ sān diǎn yáng guāng shè jìn jiào táng de jiǎo dù
她 说 下 午 三 点 阳 光 射 进 教 堂 的 角 度
She said the Angle at which the sun came into the church at three o 'clock in the afternoon
néng zhī dào nǐ qián shì shì láng rén hái shì biān fú
能 知 道 你 前 世 是 狼 人 还 是 蝙 蝠
Know if you were a werewolf or a bat
gǔ bǎo zhǔ rén wēi lián èr shì mǎn liǎn de luò sāi hú
古 堡 主 人 威 廉 二 世 满 脸 的 落 腮 胡
Wilhelm II, the owner of the castle, had a bearded face
xí guàn zài xī wán xuè hòu kāi shǐ dǎ hū
习 惯 在 吸 完 血 后 开 始 打 呼
It is customary to start snoring after sucking blood
guǎn jiā shì yì zhī huì shuō fá yǔ jú zhǐ yōu yǎ de zhū
管 家 是 一 只 会 说 法 语 举 止 优 雅 的 猪
The housekeeper is a pig who can only speak French
xī xuè qián huì niàn yuē hàn fú yīn zuò wéi mí bǔ
吸 血 前 会 念 约 翰 福 音 做 为 弥 补
They make up for it by reading the Gospel of John before they feed
yōng yǒu yì shuāng lán sè yǎn jing de kǎi sà lín gōng zhǔ
拥 有 一 双 蓝 色 眼 睛 的 凯 萨 琳 公 主
Princess Kathleen has blue eyes
zhuān chī yǒu AB xuè xíng de gōng láo shǔ
专 吃 有 AB 血 型 的 公 老 鼠
They only eat male rats with AB blood type
huǎng huǎng hū hū shì shuí de jiǎo bù
恍 恍 惚 惚 是 谁 的 脚 步
What's her gait, her lapses
yín zhì chá hú zhuāng zhāng láng zhī zhū
银 制 茶 壶 装 蟑 螂 蜘 蛛
Cockroach spider in a silver tea pot
xīn xīn kǔ kǔ quán jiā pà rì chū
辛 辛 苦 苦 全 家 怕 日 出
The whole family is afraid of the sun
bái sè là zhú wēn nuǎn le kōng wū
白 色 蜡 烛 温 暖 了 空 屋
The white candle warmed the empty room
nǐ shuō nǐ shuō fēn shù zěn me tíng liú
你 说 你 说 分 数 怎 么 停 留
You said you said how to stop the minutes
yì zhí zài tíng liú shuí ràng tā tíng liú de
一 直 在 停 留 谁 让 它 停 留 的
A straight in the stay who let it stay
wèi shén me wǒ nǚ péng you chǎng wài jiā yóu
为 什 么 我 女 朋 友 场 外 加 油
Why do my girlfriend put gas out of the market
nǐ què hái ràng wǒ chū qiǔ
你 却 还 让 我 出 糗
And you made me look bad
nǐ shuō nǐ shuō fēn shù zěn me tíng liú
你 说 你 说 分 数 怎 么 停 留
You said you said how to stop the minutes
yì zhí zài tíng liú shuí ràng tā tíng liú de
一 直 在 停 留 谁 让 它 停 留 的
A straight in the stay who let it stay
wèi shén me wǒ nǚ péng you chǎng wài jiā yóu
为 什 么 我 女 朋 友 场 外 加 油
Why do my girlfriend put gas out of the market
nǐ què hái ràng wǒ chū qiǔ
你 却 还 让 我 出 糗
And you made me look bad
Some Great Reviews About Wei Lian Gu Bao 威廉古堡 William Castle
Listener 1: "Sometimes it seems as if Fang wenshan is making trouble for Jay Chou. It is terrible to write such unpredictable and different lyrics to make Jay write music. More frightening is that Jay Chou unexpectedly so perfect spectrum, and so not into the vulgar flow, the crown is the leader. Jay Chou and Vincent Fang are made for each other. They are both talented, close in age, and can meet each other and make a perfect match. In addition to sigh, there is nothing to express this perfect match!"
Listener 2: "The song 'Fort William' is full of eerie atmosphere, from the title to the musical style, which reminds us of horror elements such as western vampires. In essence, it is a typical British style song. Jay Chou USES the classical Baroque string accompaniment and Band to blend in with the song, forming a unique British retro style, leaving the audience with endless aftertastes."
Listener 3: "To be honest, it's a genius idea to end the song with another rap in a very different style, and it's absolutely confident. I don't comment on the creativity of the music, but as the first goal of the song, it is really very nice and very successful. In addition it is worth mentioning that with the songs for the 13th 2002, wenshan Taiwan golden melody awards best lyricist, in power to deliver their acceptance speech, wenshan, thank a lot a lot of people, but jay Chou said he, jay may be added at the end of "bull" rap as at the end, is to make him angry"
Listener 4: "I really like your song. Listening to music when tired can relieve people's tired body and relax their mind. Being used to being alone, there is no uncertainty, no helplessness, because there is no expectation." Tomorrow, is a rare day off. But I know I'll be alone in my room for twenty-four hours."
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