Chinese Song Name: Wan Mei Zhu Yi 完美主义
English Tranlation Name: Perfectionism
Chinese Singer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Composer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Lyrics: Fang Wen Shan 方文山
Wan Mei Zhu Yi 完美主义 Perfectionism Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
rú guǒ shuō huái yí ké yǐ zào jù
如 果 说 怀 疑 可 以 造 句
If you say it with doubt, you can make a sentence
rú guǒ shuō fēn lí néng gòu fān yì
如 果 说 分 离 能 够 翻 译
If it is said that separation is sufficient for translation
rú guǒ zhè yì qiè zhēn de ké yǐ
如 果 这 一 切 真 的 可 以
If this is true, it can be
wǒ xiǎng yào jiāng wǒ de jì mò fēng bì
我 想 要 将 我 的 寂 寞 封 闭
I want to shut up my loneliness
rán hòu zài zhè lǐ bú xiàn rì qī
然 后 在 这 里 不 限 日 期
However, there is no limit of time in this
rán hòu jiāng guò qù màn màn wēn xí
然 后 将 过 去 慢 慢 温 习
Then I will go slowly and slowly
ràng wǒ ài shàng nǐ nà chǎng bēi jù
让 我 爱 上 你 那 场 悲 剧
Make me fall in love with your sad play
shì nǐ wán měi yǎn chū de yì chǎng xì
是 你 完 美 演 出 的 一 场 戏
It's a scene you put on beautifully
nìng yuàn xīn suì kū qì zài hěn hěn wàng jì
宁 愿 心 碎 哭 泣 再 狠 狠 忘 记
I'd rather break my heart and cry again
nǐ ài guò wǒ de zhèng jù
你 爱 过 我 的 证 据
That you loved me
ràng jīng yíng de lèi dī shǎn shuò chéng huí yì
让 晶 莹 的 泪 滴 闪 烁 成 回 忆
Let the crystal tears flash into memories
shāng rén de měi lì
伤 人 的 美 丽
The beauty that hurts
nǐ de wán měi zhǔ yì tài chè dǐ
你 的 完 美 主 义 太 彻 底
Your perfect righteousness is too thorough
ràng wǒ lián hèn dōu nán yǐ xià bǐ
让 我 连 恨 都 难 以 下 笔
I can't even begin to hate
jiāng zhēn xīn chōu lí xiě chéng rì jì
将 真 心 抽 离 写 成 日 记
Take your heart away and write it down in your diary
xiàng shì yì chǎng mò jù
像 是 一 场 默 剧
It's like a silent drama
nǐ de wán měi zhǔ yì tài chè dǐ
你 的 完 美 主 义 太 彻 底
Your perfect righteousness is too thorough
fēn shǒu de huà xiàng yǔ yán bào lì
分 手 的 话 像 语 言 暴 力
The words of the parting are like words of violence
wǒ yǐ wú néng wéi lì zài tí qǐ
我 已 无 能 为 力 再 提 起
I can no longer lift for strength
jué dìng zhōng duàn shú xī
决 定 中 断 熟 悉
The decision is well known
rán hòu zài zhè lǐ bú xiàn rì qī
然 后 在 这 里 不 限 日 期
However, there is no limit of time in this
rán hòu jiāng guò qù màn màn wēn xí
然 后 将 过 去 慢 慢 温 习
Then I will go slowly and slowly
ràng wǒ ài shàng nǐ nà chǎng bēi jù
让 我 爱 上 你 那 场 悲 剧
Make me fall in love with your sad play
shì nǐ wán měi yǎn chū de yì chǎng xì
是 你 完 美 演 出 的 一 场 戏
It's a scene you put on beautifully
nìng yuàn xīn suì kū qì zài hěn hěn wàng jì
宁 愿 心 碎 哭 泣 再 狠 狠 忘 记
I'd rather break my heart and cry again
nǐ ài guò wǒ de zhèng jù
你 爱 过 我 的 证 据
That you loved me
ràng jīng yíng de lèi dī shǎn shuò chéng huí yì
让 晶 莹 的 泪 滴 闪 烁 成 回 忆
Let the crystal tears flash into memories
shāng rén de měi lì
伤 人 的 美 丽
The beauty that hurts
nǐ de wán měi zhǔ yì tài chè dǐ
你 的 完 美 主 义 太 彻 底
Your perfect righteousness is too thorough
ràng wǒ lián hèn dōu nán yǐ xià bǐ
让 我 连 恨 都 难 以 下 笔
I can't even begin to hate
jiāng zhēn xīn chōu lí xiě chéng rì jì
将 真 心 抽 离 写 成 日 记
Take your heart away and write it down in your diary
xiàng shì yì chǎng mò jù
像 是 一 场 默 剧
It's like a silent drama
nǐ de wán měi zhǔ yì tài chè dǐ
你 的 完 美 主 义 太 彻 底
Your perfect righteousness is too thorough
fēn shǒu de huà xiàng yǔ yán bào lì
分 手 的 话 像 语 言 暴 力
The words of the parting are like words of violence
wǒ yǐ wú néng wéi lì zài tí qǐ
我 已 无 能 为 力 再 提 起
I can no longer lift for strength
jué dìng zhōng duàn shú xī
决 定 中 断 熟 悉
The decision is well known
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun
lián hèn dōu nán xià bǐ
连 恨 都 难 下 笔
It is hard to write hate
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun
zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún zhōu jié lún
周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦 周 杰 伦
Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun Zhou Jielun
Some Great Reviews About Wan Mei Zhu Yi 完美主义
Listener 1: "The previous Jay was so green, wearing a cap, with his head low and not speaking. But he is also good, dare to scold paparazzi words into the song, also dare to say others would never dare to say. We just love him as young as he is, as young as he is. Now Jay has grown up, mature, no longer as rebellious as before, because he has a wife, has a child, his heart has a caring person, he can no longer be so arrogant, he wants to be a good example for children. Jay, I still love you, don't you?"
Listener 2: "A perfect person has the following characteristics: good taste, pure intelligence, clear speech, clarity of perception, and care. For thousands of years, many sages have followed suit. But most of us lack something to be good at. Although practice is hard, intelligent people try to perfect it."
Listener 3: "Listen to perfectionism today, the song is still composed by Jay Chou and composed by Fang Wenshan. It is a creation of musical style, a staggered expression of classical and rhythm. When I hear the last one from Ajaga Ajaga, I wonder what it is."
Listener 4: "Every time I listen to Perfectionism, I think it's just a debut, how dare the big boy with the first album put his name in the song. Maybe Jay Chou didn't think he would be where he is today 15 years later. He wrote songs for himself, wrote songs for others, helped others make movies, made his own movies, and became a mentor, taking young students to concerts. It was worth every step."
Listener 5: "There are two sides to everything, and we have to consider both. Or, as time goes by, they become confused and lose their shape; Or a certain idea has been popular for many years, and it is no longer suitable, and has many disadvantages and loses its original intention. This means to understand the truth of "if the day is new, the day will be new, and the day will be new" in "University". At this time, one must know to be flexible. Therefore, Laozi's thoughts are the same as those of the Book of Changes, both in the same word "change".
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