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HomePopTian Qi Zhe Me Re 天气这么热 The Weather Is So Hot Lyrics...

Tian Qi Zhe Me Re 天气这么热 The Weather Is So Hot Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhang Xue You 张学友 Jacky Cheung

Chinese Song Name: Tian Qi Zhe Me Re 天气这么热
English Tranlation Name: The Weather Is So Hot
Chinese Singer: Zhang Xue You 张学友 Jacky Cheung
Chinese Composer: Xiao An 小安
Chinese Lyrics: Xiao An 小安

Tian Qi Zhe Me Re 天气这么热 The Weather Is So Hot Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhang Xue You 张学友 Jacky Cheung

Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:

ná qǐ xiǎo jiǎn dāo zhēn xiǎng hǎo hǎo xiū lǐ wǒ de tóu fa 
拿 起 小   剪   刀  真   想    好  好  修  理 我 的 头  发 
I picked up my little scissors and wanted to fix my hair
wǒ de làn tóu fa yì zhí xiàng qián chuí zài wǒ de liǎn 
我 的 烂  头  发 一 直  向    前   垂   在  我 的 脸   
My rotten hair fell straight in front of my face
bù guǎn zěn me bō hái shì zǒng yǒu yì duī zhān zài liǎn shàng 
不 管   怎  么 拨 还  是  总   有  一 堆  粘   在  脸   上    
Never mind how to dial is always a pile of glue on the face
é  tóu liú zhe hàn suí zhe tóu fa yì qǐ liú dào liǎn 
额 头  流  着  汗  随  着  头  发 一 起 流  到  脸   
The sweat trickled down his forehead and into his face with his hair
tiān qì zhè me rè wǒ nà lǐ tōng tōng bù xiǎng qù 
天   气 这  么 热 我 那 里 通   通   不 想    去 
The weather is so hot that I don't want to go there
zhǐ xiǎng duǒ zài jiā kàn zhe wǒ de diàn shì chuī lěng qì 
只  想    躲  在  家  看  着  我 的 电   视  吹   冷   气 
I just want to hide at home and watch my TV blowing cold air
wǒ de tóu hǎo tòng wǒ tǎng xià tǎng zài wǒ de chuáng 
我 的 头  好  痛   我 躺   下  躺   在  我 的 床     
My head hurts so much that I lie down in my bed
lóu shàng de bà mā yì zhí chǎo jià bù tíng yì zhí chǎo 
楼  上    的 爸 妈 一 直  吵   架  不 停   一 直  吵   
Mom and dad on the building a straight quarrel not to stop a straight quarrel
kè tīng de diàn huà méi yǒu rén jiē hái shì yì zhí xiǎng 
客 厅   的 电   话  没  有  人  接  还  是  一 直  响    
The phone rang in the reception hall before anyone answered
hái néng zěn me bàn tǎng zài chuáng shàng de wǒ yì zhí xiǎng 
还  能   怎  么 办  躺   在  床     上    的 我 一 直  想    
What else could I do lying in bed I thought
tiān qì zhè me rè wǒ nà lǐ tōng tōng bù xiǎng qù 
天   气 这  么 热 我 那 里 通   通   不 想    去 
The weather is so hot that I don't want to go there
zhǐ xiǎng duǒ zài jiā kàn zhe wǒ de diàn shì chuī lěng qì 
只  想    躲  在  家  看  着  我 的 电   视  吹   冷   气 
I just want to hide at home and watch my TV blowing cold air
tiān qì zhè me rè wǒ nà lǐ tōng tōng bù xiǎng qù 
天   气 这  么 热 我 那 里 通   通   不 想    去 
The weather is so hot that I don't want to go there
zhǐ xiǎng duǒ zài jiā kàn zhe wǒ de diàn shì chuī lěng qì 
只  想    躲  在  家  看  着  我 的 电   视  吹   冷   气 
I just want to hide at home and watch my TV blowing cold air
wǒ xiàn zài qí zhe chē wǒ qí zhe chē yì zhí xiàng qián pǎo 
我 现   在  骑 着  车  我 骑 着  车  一 直  向    前   跑  
I'm riding now. I'm riding straight ahead
shēn biān de yì qiè què yì zhí yi zhí xiàng hòu pǎo 
身   边   的 一 切  却  一 直  一 直  向    后  跑  
All the edges of the body ran straight back
xiàn zài bú yòng guǎn wǒ de yǐ hòu hái shì bú yòng guǎn 
现   在  不 用   管   我 的 以 后  还  是  不 用   管   
Now I don't use the tube after I still don't use the tube
yì zhí xiàng qián chōng yīn wèi xiàn zài de wǒ tíng bù liǎo 
一 直  向    前   冲    因  为  现   在  的 我 停   不 了   
A straight forward because now I can not stop
tiān qì nà me rè wǒ nà lǐ tōng tōng bù xiǎng qù 
天   气 那 么 热 我 那 里 通   通   不 想    去 
The weather is so hot that I don't want to go there
zhǐ néng yì zhí qí yīn wèi wǒ bù xiǎng fā pí qi 
只  能   一 直  骑 因  为  我 不 想    发 脾 气 
I can only ride straight because I don't want to get angry
tiān qì nà me rè wǒ nà lǐ tōng tōng bù xiǎng qù 
天   气 那 么 热 我 那 里 通   通   不 想    去 
The weather is so hot that I don't want to go there
zhǐ néng yì zhí qí yīn wèi wǒ bù xiǎng fā pí qi 
只  能   一 直  骑 因  为  我 不 想    发 脾 气 
I can only ride straight because I don't want to get angry
wǒ shì zhe yì zhí xiàng qián pǎo 
我 试  着  一 直  向    前   跑  
I tried to run straight ahead
shēn biān de yì qiè què xiàng hòu pǎo 
身   边   的 一 切  却  向    后  跑  
The edge of the body is running back
wǒ shì zhe yì zhí xiàng qián pǎo 
我 试  着  一 直  向    前   跑  
I tried to run straight ahead
shēn biān de yì qiè què xiàng hòu pǎo 
身   边   的 一 切  却  向    后  跑  
The edge of the body is running back
ná qǐ xiǎo jiǎn dāo zhēn xiǎng hǎo hǎo xiū lǐ wǒ de tóu fa 
拿 起 小   剪   刀  真   想    好  好  修  理 我 的 头  发 
I picked up my little scissors and wanted to fix my hair
wǒ de làn tóu fa yì zhí xiàng qián chuí zài wǒ de liǎn 
我 的 烂  头  发 一 直  向    前   垂   在  我 的 脸   
My rotten hair fell straight in front of my face
bù guǎn zěn me bō hái shì zǒng yǒu yì duī zhān zài liǎn shàng 
不 管   怎  么 拨 还  是  总   有  一 堆  粘   在  脸   上    
Never mind how to dial is always a pile of glue on the face
é  tóu liú zhe hàn suí zhe tóu fa yì qǐ liú dào liǎn 
额 头  流  着  汗  随  着  头  发 一 起 流  到  脸   
The sweat trickled down his forehead and into his face with his hair
tiān qì zhè me rè wǒ nà lǐ tōng tōng bù xiǎng qù 
天   气 这  么 热 我 那 里 通   通   不 想    去 
The weather is so hot that I don't want to go there
zhǐ xiǎng duǒ zài jiā kàn zhe wǒ de diàn shì chuī lěng qì 
只  想    躲  在  家  看  着  我 的 电   视  吹   冷   气 
I just want to hide at home and watch my TV blowing cold air
tiān qì zhè me rè wǒ nà lǐ tōng tōng bù xiǎng qù 
天   气 这  么 热 我 那 里 通   通   不 想    去 
The weather is so hot that I don't want to go there
zhǐ xiǎng duǒ zài jiā kàn zhe wǒ de diàn shì chuī lěng qì 
只  想    躲  在  家  看  着  我 的 电   视  吹   冷   气 
I just want to hide at home and watch my TV blowing cold air
tiān qì zhè me rè wǒ nà lǐ tōng tōng bù xiǎng qù 
天   气 这  么 热 我 那 里 通   通   不 想    去 
The weather is so hot that I don't want to go there
zhǐ xiǎng duǒ zài jiā kàn zhe wǒ de diàn shì chuī lěng qì 
只  想    躲  在  家  看  着  我 的 电   视  吹   冷   气 
I just want to hide at home and watch my TV blowing cold air
tiān qì zhè me rè wǒ nà lǐ tōng tōng bù xiǎng qù 
天   气 这  么 热 我 那 里 通   通   不 想    去 
The weather is so hot that I don't want to go there
zhǐ xiǎng duǒ zài jiā kàn zhe wǒ de diàn shì chuī lěng qì 
只  想    躲  在  家  看  着  我 的 电   视  吹   冷   气 
I just want to hide at home and watch my TV blowing cold air
tiān qì zhè me rè 
天   气 这  么 热 
It's so hot
tiān qì zhè me rè 
天   气 这  么 热 
It's so hot
tiān qì zhè me rè 
天   气 这  么 热 
It's so hot
tiān qì zhè me rè 
天   气 这  么 热 
It's so hot
tiān qì zhè me rè 
天   气 这  么 热 
It's so hot
tiān qì zhè me rè 
天   气 这  么 热 
It's so ho
tiān qì zhè me rè 
天   气 这  么 热 
It's so hot
tiān qì zhè me rè 
天   气 这  么 热 
It's so hot

Some Great Reviews About Tian Qi Zhe Me Re 天气这么热

Listener 1: "Jacky Cheung is born with a strong, strong, golden voice. His voice is very metallic and has a very wide vocal range. The midrange is the most attractive and perfect; Bass bass is deep and mellow), together with consummate and superb singing skills, thus can interpret all kinds of songs to be warm and lyrical, deep, passionate, majestic, qi Ileum! Jacky Cheung had the most beautiful middle and low notes from 1985 to 1995, and the most beautiful high notes from 1995 to 2000, and of course the high notes from 1991 to 1995 were also very good. Since he went to the United States for a short study in 1995, Jacky Cheung's high notes have become louder, clearer and brighter. Jacky Cheung's singing is sometimes deep and vigorous, sometimes loud and open, sometimes clear and transparent, sometimes passionate and unrestrained, sometimes warm and affectionate, and sometimes vigorous and powerful. Listening to his songs makes people relaxed and happy, which is more and more a kind of enjoyment. I like Jacky Cheung's songs, and I believe I like his exquisite trill, and his falsetto attainments are the highest!!"

Listener 2: "I don't know home telephone no, stop all night last night, in the east lake cool sleep in more than three, home hot couldn't sleep, or trapped fell asleep the bath, and hot, afternoon not call back, how sleep all hot there is no place to go to bed, no don't call don't go back, go out air-conditioned place, want to sleep, no place to sleep, the weather is so hot. Cool dog music recommended daily, the weather is so hot, Jacky cheung, issued in 2001, it will rain tomorrow, hope the next, or heat, temperature not decrease much, it's hot like a bamboo steamer, the weather is so hot, what all don't want to do don't want to go, just want to blow air conditioning in the home, have air conditioning, go to the water not to come out, go where the air conditioning is cool, still want to call tonight, the weather is so hot, xueyou different styles of song, like a rock, good, like the xueyou's song, new song want him, he has been the support, hope he can in a concert to zhengzhou, xuchang best, really want to see, I'd like to have a go to see, This is also my wish to see xueyou's concert."

Listener 3: "I'm dying of laughter! This song is very famous when you wake up and dream. No star in the industry dares to sing this song! Xueyou brother low-key, do not participate in various variety shows, low exposure, or do not know how many songs popular, awake dream album is to pay members to listen to. Don't understand don't force, don't like in xueyou brother song review!"

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