Chinese Song Name: Ta De Jie Mao 她的睫毛
English Tranlation Name: Her Eyelashes
Chinese Singer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Composer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Lyrics: Fang Wen Shan 方文山
Ta De Jie Mao 她的睫毛 Her Eyelashes Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
qīn ài de zǒng yǒu xiē shì méi bàn fǎ jiāo
亲 爱 的 总 有 些 事 没 办 法 教
Honey, there's always something you can't teach
biǎo cuò qíng de gǎn jué yǒu yì diǎn zāo
表 错 情 的 感 觉 有 一 点 糟
It feels a little bad to say the wrong thing
lài zhe bù zǒu huì ràng rén hěn gǎn mào
赖 着 不 走 会 让 人 很 感 冒
Staying put can be very cold
yǐ shàng zhè dào lǐ wǒ quán dōu le
以 上 这 道 理 我 全 都 了
I were all more than the truth
wǒ jiāng bù gāi fàn de cuò dōu mò bèi hǎo
我 将 不 该 犯 的 错 都 默 背 好
I memorized all the mistakes I shouldn't have made
zǐ xì guān chá tā de xǐ hào
仔 细 观 察 她 的 喜 好
Watch her preferences closely
ér wǒ jǐn bēng de wài biǎo
而 我 紧 绷 的 外 表
And my taut exterior
xiàng shàng jǐn hòu de fā tiáo
像 上 紧 后 的 发 条
Like a wound up
děng tā de dá àn jiē xiǎo
等 她 的 答 案 揭 晓
Wait for her answer
tā de jié máo wān de zuí jiǎo
她 的 睫 毛 弯 的 嘴 角
Her eyelashes curved the corners of her mouth
wú yù jǐng dì duì wǒ xiào
无 预 警 地 对 我 笑
Smile at me without warning
méi yǒu yù zhào chū hū yù liào
没 有 预 兆 出 乎 预 料
No warning was unexpected
jìng rán xiān duì wǒ shì hǎo
竟 然 先 对 我 示 好
He was the first to show me affection
tā de jié máo wān de zuí jiǎo
她 的 睫 毛 弯 的 嘴 角
Her eyelashes curved the corners of her mouth
yòng yǎn shén duì wǒ pāi zhào
用 眼 神 对 我 拍 照
Photograph me with your eyes
wǒ jiè bú diào tā de wēi xiào
我 戒 不 掉 她 的 微 笑
I can't get rid of her smile
yáng yì xìng fú de wèi dào
洋 溢 幸 福 的 味 道
The smell of happiness
yǒu xiē shì méi bàn fǎ jiāo
有 些 事 没 办 法 教
Some things can't be taught
biǎo cuò qíng de gǎn jué yǒu yì diǎn zāo
表 错 情 的 感 觉 有 一 点 糟
It feels a little bad to say the wrong thing
lài zhe bù zǒu huì ràng rén hěn gǎn mào
赖 着 不 走 会 让 人 很 感 冒
Staying put can be very cold
yǐ shàng zhè dào lǐ wǒ quán dōu le
以 上 这 道 理 我 全 都 了
I were all more than the truth
liàn ài de fāng shì wú fǎ ná bǐ lái chāo
恋 爱 的 方 式 无 法 拿 笔 来 抄
The way of love can not take the pen to copy
yě méi yǒu guī zé ké yǐ qú qiǎo
也 没 有 规 则 可 以 取 巧
There are no rules
bèi dòng de yuán fèn hěn bù kě kào
被 动 的 缘 分 很 不 可 靠
Passive fate is very unreliable
xǐ huan de duì xiàng yào zì jǐ tiāo
喜 欢 的 对 象 要 自 己 挑
Choose who you like
tā fěn nèn qīng xiù de wài biǎo
她 粉 嫩 清 秀 的 外 表
Her delicate pink appearance
xiàng shì duō zhī de shuǐ mì táo shuí dōu xiǎng yǎo
像 是 多 汁 的 水 蜜 桃 谁 都 想 咬
It's like a juicy peach that everybody wants to bite
tā zuǐ shàng liàng lì de chún gāo
她 嘴 上 亮 丽 的 唇 膏
The bright lipstick on her lips
yǒu yì gǔ zì xìn de jiāo ào wǒ kàn dé dào
有 一 股 自 信 的 骄 傲 我 看 得 到
There's a confident pride I can see
tā fěn nèn qīng xiù de wài biǎo
她 粉 嫩 清 秀 的 外 表
Her delicate pink appearance
xiàng shì duō zhī de shuǐ mì táo shuí dōu xiǎng yǎo
像 是 多 汁 的 水 蜜 桃 谁 都 想 咬
It's like a juicy peach that everybody wants to bite
tā zuǐ shàng liàng lì de chún gāo
她 嘴 上 亮 丽 的 唇 膏
The bright lipstick on her lips
yǒu yì gǔ zì xìn de jiāo ào wǒ kàn dé dào
有 一 股 自 信 的 骄 傲 我 看 得 到
There's a confident pride I can see
tā fěn nèn qīng xiù de wài biǎo
她 粉 嫩 清 秀 的 外 表
Her delicate pink appearance
xiàng shì duō zhī de shuǐ mì táo shuí dōu xiǎng yǎo
像 是 多 汁 的 水 蜜 桃 谁 都 想 咬
It's like a juicy peach that everybody wants to bite
tā zuǐ shàng liàng lì de chún gāo
她 嘴 上 亮 丽 的 唇 膏
The bright lipstick on her lips
yǒu yì gǔ zì xìn de jiāo ào wǒ kàn dé dào
有 一 股 自 信 的 骄 傲 我 看 得 到
There's a confident pride I can see
tā fěn nèn qīng xiù de wài biǎo
她 粉 嫩 清 秀 的 外 表
Her delicate pink appearance
xiàng shì duō zhī de shuǐ mì táo shuí dōu xiǎng yǎo
像 是 多 汁 的 水 蜜 桃 谁 都 想 咬
It's like a juicy peach that everybody wants to bite
tā zuǐ shàng liàng lì de chún gāo
她 嘴 上 亮 丽 的 唇 膏
The bright lipstick on her lips
yǒu yì gǔ zì xìn de jiāo ào wǒ kàn dé dào
有 一 股 自 信 的 骄 傲 我 看 得 到
There's a confident pride I can see
tā de jié máo wān de zuí jiǎo
她 的 睫 毛 弯 的 嘴 角
Her eyelashes curved the corners of her mouth
wú yù jǐng dì duì wǒ xiào
无 预 警 地 对 我 笑
Smile at me without warning
méi yǒu yù zhào chū hū yù liào
没 有 预 兆 出 乎 预 料
No warning was unexpected
jìng rán xiān duì wǒ shì hǎo
竟 然 先 对 我 示 好
He was the first to show me affection
tā de jié máo wān de zuí jiǎo
她 的 睫 毛 弯 的 嘴 角
Her eyelashes curved the corners of her mouth
yòng yǎn shén duì wǒ pāi zhào
用 眼 神 对 我 拍 照
Photograph me with your eyes
wǒ jiè bú diào tā de wēi xiào
我 戒 不 掉 她 的 微 笑
I can't get rid of her smile
yáng yì xìng fú de wèi dào
洋 溢 幸 福 的 味 道
The smell of happiness
tā de jié máo wān de zuí jiǎo
她 的 睫 毛 弯 的 嘴 角
Her eyelashes curved the corners of her mouth
wú yù jǐng dì duì wǒ xiào
无 预 警 地 对 我 笑
Smile at me without warning
méi yǒu yù zhào chū hū yù liào
没 有 预 兆 出 乎 预 料
No warning was unexpected
jìng rán xiān duì wǒ shì hǎo
竟 然 先 对 我 示 好
He was the first to show me affection
tā de jié máo wān de zuí jiǎo
她 的 睫 毛 弯 的 嘴 角
Her eyelashes curved the corners of her mouth
yòng yǎn shén duì wǒ pāi zhào
用 眼 神 对 我 拍 照
Photograph me with your eyes
wǒ jiè bú diào tā de wēi xiào
我 戒 不 掉 她 的 微 笑
I can't get rid of her smile
yáng yì xìng fú de wèi dào
洋 溢 幸 福 的 味 道
The smell of happiness
Some Great Reviews About Ta De Jie Mao 她的睫毛
Listener 1: "Jay's masterpiece of showmanship, dials and double chorus. See a comment, let a person admire Jielun's talent more. Roughly: this song, start strange! The first musical instrument was the church organ, which we did not often hear, but Zhou also dimmed the sound of the organ, so the "weird" melody at the beginning, although it was a complete minor melody, was strange and did not make people feel "sad". And then electric guitar, ok, rock and roll. And then the drums come in, okay, lyric rock. The lead song starts coming in, okay, British rock R&B, the main melody line is still R&B. "
Listener 2: "Right in front of my eyes, this is a natural turn! Too casual! It's so smooth! Every strange melody of the original theme song is the prelude to this part of the theme song, her eyelashes, curved corners of the mouth…" Sweet lyrics. Then when the chorus is over, it immediately switches to a minor and the main song repeats. Notice that the new entry point the melody has changed, to 321, which is very impressive and heralds the next big change, and then repeats the main verse. She's surprised by the upcoming chorus, and yes, the chorus has changed, and her pink look…" It's a completely new theme, it's a completely different melody from the first chorus, it's even a different beat type. "
Listener 3: "To put it simply, if you take the two melodies separately, it absolutely means," The two melodies were not written by the same person." Then, again, back to minor, into the first interlude of the whole! Then, change the tune again! Enter chorus B! And then, again, the chorus A! Then, how is Jay Chou without RAP? Not happy without RAP! Sure enough, there came A RAP at the end, which changed all the melody lines of the main song A, and brought A zhou ending to the passionately sweet "Her Eyelashes". "
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