Chinese Song Name: Shui Shou Pa Shui 水手怕水
English Tranlation Name: Sailor Afraid of Water
Chinese Singer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Composer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Lyrics: Huang Jun Lang 黄俊郎
Shui Shou Pa Shui 水手怕水 Sailor Afraid of Water Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
dà hǎi zhēn kě pà jiào wǒ shuí shǒu
大 海 真 可 怕 叫 我 水 手
Big sea really afraid to call me water hand
Oh oh come on come on baby
měi rén yú gōu yǐn wǒ zhè zhāo bēi bǐ
美 人 鱼 勾 引 我 这 招 卑 鄙
Fish tempt me to be contemptuous
Oh hǎn wǒ shuí shǒu
Oh 喊 我 水 手
Call me water
Oh oh come on come on honey
wǒ xǐ huan nǐ shèng guò Money
我 喜 欢 你 胜 过 Money
I love your victories
chuán cāng tā shì wǒ de jiā
船 舱 它 是 我 的 家
It's my home
dà hǎi shì wǒ xū xū de dì fang
大 海 是 我 嘘 嘘 的 地 方
The big sea is where I pee
wǒ duì hǎi xiān huì guò mǐn chī sù yǐ hěn jiǔ
我 对 海 鲜 会 过 敏 吃 素 已 很 久
I've been a vegetarian for a long time
xiǎng dāng nà gē shǒu jié guǒ biàn chéng shuí shǒu
想 当 那 歌 手 结 果 变 成 水 手
Think when the song hand knot fruit turned into water hand
Oh oh zěn me yóu diǎn dōng běi qiāng
Oh oh 怎 么 有 点 东 北 腔
Why does it have a northeast cavity
No no qù dào tài yuǎn de dì fang
No no 去 到 太 远 的 地 方
Go too far away
rén jia Popeye zuì ài chī bō cài
人 家 Popeye 最 爱 吃 菠 菜
People like to eat spinach the most
wǒ què ài qīng zhōu xiǎo cài
我 却 爱 清 粥 小 菜
But I love small dishes with clear porridge
zài lái diǎn hǎi dài
再 来 点 海 带
Some more sea belts
líng bu líng bu líng líng bu líng bu líng
铃 不 铃 不 铃 铃 不 铃 不 铃
No bell, no bell, no bell
líng bu líng bu líng líng bu líng bu líng
铃 不 铃 不 铃 铃 不 铃 不 铃
No bell, no bell, no bell
wǒ de nào zhōng zěn me jiào bù xǐng wǒ
我 的 闹 钟 怎 么 叫 不 醒 我
How can my clock not wake me
líng bu líng bu líng líng bu líng bu líng
铃 不 铃 不 铃 铃 不 铃 不 铃
No bell, no bell, no bell
líng bu líng bu líng líng bu líng bu líng
铃 不 铃 不 铃 铃 不 铃 不 铃
No bell, no bell, no bell
lín lǎo shī líng bu líng
林 老 师 铃 不 铃
Miss Lin does not ring
jiào wǒ shuí shǒu
叫 我 水 手
Call me water
Oh oh come on come on baby
měi rén yú gōu yǐn wǒ zhè zhāo bēi bǐ
美 人 鱼 勾 引 我 这 招 卑 鄙
Fish tempt me to be contemptuous
Oh hǎn wǒ shuí shǒu
Oh 喊 我 水 手
Call me water
Oh oh come on come on honey
wǒ xǐ huan nǐ shèng guò Money
我 喜 欢 你 胜 过 Money
I love your victories
zhè xiē hǎi xiān bǔ chī kě chī
这 些 海 鲜 捕 吃 可 吃
These seafood are edible
zhī bù kě chī bǔ chī kě chī
知 不 可 吃 捕 吃 可 吃
Do not eat any fish
zhī bù kě chī
知 不 可 吃
Know not to eat
kě bù chī bu chī bu chī
可 不 吃 不 吃 不 吃
Don't eat, don't eat
kè zhì bù chī tǔ sī
克 制 不 吃 土 司
Gram does not eat Turkey
gēn wǒ xué yí biàn lái
跟 我 学 一 遍 来
Follow me again
wǒ qù hái chǎn diàn mǎi yú xiā lái fàng shēng
我 去 海 产 店 买 鱼 虾 来 放 生
I went to the seafood store to buy fish and shrimp for the fish
qù shuǐ zú guǎn bǎ yú tōng tōng lāo zǒu
去 水 族 馆 把 鱼 通 通 捞 走
Go to the aquarium and get all the fish out
zhí yǒu yì zhǒng yú lāo bù zǒu
只 有 一 种 鱼 捞 不 走
There is only one fish that cannot be caught
xìng dà míng jiào bái shā dà bái shā
姓 大 名 叫 白 鲨 大 白 鲨
The big name is white shark big white shark
chuán zhǎng shuō
船 长 说
Ship long said
wèi le jié néng jiǎn tàn jǐn liàng yòng shǒu huá
为 了 节 能 减 碳 尽 量 用 手 划
To save as much carbon as possible by hand
yǒu kōng jiù qù jiá bǎn xī shōu tài yáng néng
有 空 就 去 甲 板 吸 收 太 阳 能
If you have time, go to nail plate to absorb solar energy
mǒ mǒ fáng shài děng zhe měi rén yú shàng gōu
抹 抹 防 晒 等 着 美 人 鱼 上 钩
Apply sunscreen and wait for the fish to bite
líng bu líng bu líng líng bu líng bu líng
铃 不 铃 不 铃 铃 不 铃 不 铃
No bell, no bell, no bell
líng bu líng bu líng líng bu líng bu líng
铃 不 铃 不 铃 铃 不 铃 不 铃
No bell, no bell, no bell
wǒ de nào zhōng zěn me jiào bù xǐng wǒ
我 的 闹 钟 怎 么 叫 不 醒 我
How can my clock not wake me
líng bu líng bu líng líng bu líng bu líng
铃 不 铃 不 铃 铃 不 铃 不 铃
No bell, no bell, no bell
líng bu líng bu líng líng bu líng bu líng
铃 不 铃 不 铃 铃 不 铃 不 铃
No bell, no bell, no bell
lín lǎo shī líng bu líng
林 老 师 铃 不 铃
Miss Lin does not ring
jiào wǒ shuí shǒu
叫 我 水 手
Call me water
Oh oh come on come on baby
měi rén yú gōu yǐn wǒ zhè zhāo bēi bǐ
美 人 鱼 勾 引 我 这 招 卑 鄙
Fish tempt me to be contemptuous
Oh hǎn wǒ shuí shǒu
Oh 喊 我 水 手
Call me water
Oh oh come on come on honey
wǒ xǐ huan nǐ shèng guò Money
我 喜 欢 你 胜 过 Money
I love your victories
xū jiào wǒ shuí shǒu
嘘 叫 我 水 手
Call me water
Oh oh come on come on baby
měi rén yú gōu yǐn wǒ zhè zhāo bēi bǐ
美 人 鱼 勾 引 我 这 招 卑 鄙
Fish tempt me to be contemptuous
Oh hǎn wǒ shuí shǒu
Oh 喊 我 水 手
Call me water
Oh oh come on come on honey
wǒ xǐ huan nǐ shèng guò Money
我 喜 欢 你 胜 过 Money
I love your victories
jiào wǒ shuí shǒu
叫 我 水 手
Call me water
Oh oh come on come on baby
měi rén yú gōu yǐn wǒ zhè zhāo bēi bǐ
美 人 鱼 勾 引 我 这 招 卑 鄙
Fish tempt me to be contemptuous
Oh hǎn wǒ shuí shǒu
Oh 喊 我 水 手
Call me water
Oh oh come on come on honey
wǒ xǐ huan nǐ shèng guò Money
我 喜 欢 你 胜 过 Money
I love your victories
Some Great Reviews About Shui Shou Pa Shui 水手怕水 Sailor Afraid of Water
Listener 1: "Sailors Are Afraid of water, Ragtime, hip-hop, b-box style, jay's first. No one has ever tried this style in Chinese music. In addition, it is rare for Jay Chou to arrange the music for this song, which means that he hopes to show his own style of original music, instead of sampling from the existing Ragtime piano melody."
Listener 2: "Jay is a musician first and a singer second, don't get confused, otherwise he is always compared with those singers by others. He is very annoying. There are so many people who can sing well. There are also a lot of people who write melodies from time to time will also write some words, but as long as the music sounds good, the words are not at all affected, so the music is the soul, so… No One in China has him."
Listener 3: "The song" sailors fear of water "is the product of" born to MOE ", from theme to create to singing is full of thick dreamy feeling, although is the "cowboy busy" before the banter, but is no longer just calling, I need my beauty "handsome warrior, but a start Shouting" coward, how dreadful "sea lyrics will no longer have any heroic, pile up all kinds of baby teeth in a wide range of designs symbols, replaced several channels in the singing, basic is the wide range gag ShuaHuaQiang, jay Chou milk milk gas to say tongue twisters, sprechstimme wulitou NianBai children's books. As for the music itself, the sailors fear of water "did not bring much surprise to the audience the feeling, although the arranger is more and more exaggerated lively, jay Chou also gather enough strength to create a history's most image of sailors, should be able to attract more young fans, but is the external conspicuous topics, specific lyrics and singing not too impressive performance, less" cowboy busy "style transformation, also didn't listen to mommy so cordial nature, only 2 minutes and 40 seconds songs like dessert after a meal, although people might not sure where the meal."
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