Chinese Song Name: Shi Jian De Mai Luo 时间的脉络
English Tranlation Name: Vein Of Time
Chinese Singer: Wang Zheng Liang 王铮亮 Reno Wang
Chinese Composer: Sweetune- gāo nán xiù
Chinese Lyrics: NamSu
Shi Jian De Mai Luo 时间的脉络 Vein Of Time Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Wang Zheng Liang 王铮亮 Reno Wang
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
shí jiān guò le nà me jiǔ
时 间 过 了 那 么 久
Time has passed so long
yī rán guān xīn nǐ de xià luò
依 然 关 心 你 的 下 落
Depend on the heart you down
huí yì zǎn le nà me duō
回 忆 攒 了 那 么 多
Back to save so much
xì shù yí hàn fàn guò de cuò
细 数 遗 憾 犯 过 的 错
Count the mistakes you've made
zhè xiē nián tòng kǔ huò zhě hěn kuài lè
这 些 年 痛 苦 或 者 很 快 乐
These are bitter or happy years
dàn wǒ wéi nǐ bǎo liú zì wǒ
但 我 为 你 保 留 自 我
But I saved you from me
ruò néng zài xiāng yù
若 能 再 相 遇
If we could meet again
wèn hòu huà yào zěn me shuō
问 候 话 要 怎 么 说
Ask what you want to say
cái zuì shēn kè
才 最 深 刻
Only the most deep
céng zhēn xīn gǎn jué pí bèi
曾 真 心 感 觉 疲 惫
I really felt tired
bù gāi bèi wù jiě suǒ lián lěi
不 该 被 误 解 所 连 累
Should not be encumbered with false solutions
mín gǎn de wǒ men bù wán měi
敏 感 的 我 们 不 完 美
Sensitive we are not all beautiful
xué bú huì chǎng kāi xīn fēi hǎo bān pèi
学 不 会 敞 开 心 扉 好 般 配
Learn not to open the heart of good match
bié jì jiào zài ài zhōng
别 计 较 在 爱 中
Don't compare it to love
shī qù yǔ huò dé
失 去 与 获 得
Lose and gain
měi gè rén zhǐ néng píng qǐ píng zuò
每 个 人 只 能 平 起 平 坐
Everyone can only sit flat
suì yuè běn bù duō
岁 月 本 不 多
Months are not many
yú xià rì zi zěn me guò
余 下 日 子 怎 么 过
What about the rest of the day
zǎo yǒu dìng duó
早 有 定 夺
Had taken
jiū chán qī mán de ài mèi
纠 缠 欺 瞒 的 暧 昧
To rectify the confusion of ignorance
pí bèi bú zì jué fáng bèi
疲 惫 不 自 觉 防 备
He is tired and does not feel ready
suì yuè nà me měi bèi làng fèi
岁 月 那 么 美 被 浪 费
Year old month that beautiful by wave fee
ài bù gāi shì zhè yàng de jié wěi
爱 不 该 是 这 样 的 结 尾
Love should not be the end of this knot
jiù suàn shí jiān nán yǐ zuó mo
就 算 时 间 难 以 琢 磨
Time can hardly grind
wǒ zài děng rú guǒ bú shì ruò
我 在 等 如 果 不 示 弱
I'm just waiting
zhè yì huí bú huì tuì suō
这 一 回 不 会 退 缩
This time it will not retreat
ruò néng bào jǐn qǐng dā yìng bù duǒ
若 能 抱 紧 请 答 应 不 躲
If you can hold tight, please do not hide
zhuī suí zhe shí jiān de mài luò
追 随 着 时 间 的 脉 络
Follow the pulse of time
sī niàn nián zhuǎn fǎn cè huì chéng hé
思 念 辗 转 反 侧 汇 成 河
Thoughts run over and over into a river
bù gāi shì tàn de yì tuō zài tuō
不 该 试 探 的 一 拖 再 拖
It should not be tried again and again
míng míng fàng bú xià yòu wán gù bù shuō
明 明 放 不 下 又 顽 固 不 说
Ming Ming put down and stubborn do not say
jiù suàn shí jiān nán yǐ zuó mo
就 算 时 间 难 以 琢 磨
Time can hardly grind
wǒ zài děng rú guǒ bú shì ruò
我 在 等 如 果 不 示 弱
I'm just waiting
zhè yì huí bú huì tuì suō
这 一 回 不 会 退 缩
This time it will not retreat
ruò néng bào jǐn qǐng dā yìng bù duǒ
若 能 抱 紧 请 答 应 不 躲
If you can hold tight, please do not hide
dā yìng bù duǒ
答 应 不 躲
The answer should not hide
dā yìng bù duǒ
答 应 不 躲
The answer should not hide
Some Great Reviews About Shi Jian De Mai Luo 时间的脉络 Vein Of Time
Listener 1: "time keeps slipping away, people who have never changed, different ages have different experience, not time is not equal, or I can't keep up, don't think about anything, just listen to music, eliminate troubles."
Listener 2: "life, but a cup of tea, full or little or what? Thick or light, its own flavor. So what if it's urgent or slow? Warm or cold, smile at each other. Life, because care, so the pain. Because of doubt, so hurt. Because look down, so happy; Because look pale, so happy. We are all passengers of heaven and earth, many personnel, we are not master."
Listener 3: "time moves forward and the clock cannot turn backwards, so as long as everything has passed, there is no turning back. In this world, even if it seems like going back, it is all facing completion. We can turn around, but don't have to look back, even if one day, you find yourself going wrong, you should also turn around, stride in the right direction, rather than back to blame their own wrong.Please put all the troubles, frustrations, lies, frustrations, disappointments, struggles, disillusionment, betrayals,Hurt by the hands of time, please always go through fire and water with the courage to face life.For heaven is kind to all who are brave and true in their affections."
Listener 4: "it is also because I heard it at the airport, so I came to search for it, which is really too emotional. It sings the flow of time, giving me a lot of picture sense, and can render the emotions of the actors, so that I, the audience, can experience the feeling after the reunion."
Listener 5: "time moves forward and the clock cannot turn backwards, so as long as everything has passed, there is no turning back. In this world, even if it seems like going back, it is all facing completion. We can turn around,"
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