Chinese Song Name: Sai Na He 塞纳河
English Tranlation Name: Seine
Chinese Singer: Deng Zi Qi 邓紫棋 G.E.M
Chinese Composer: Deng Zi Qi 邓紫棋 G.E.M
Chinese Lyrics: Chen Hong Yu 陈宏宇
Sai Na He 塞纳河 Seine Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Deng Zi Qi 邓紫棋 G.E.M
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
nǐ duì ài bìng bù liáo jiě wù huì ài de fēn lèi
你 对 爱 并 不 了 解 误 会 爱 的 分 类
You can't understand the categories of love
bǎ zuì zhēn guì de méi gui dàng zuò huāng yě qiáng wēi
把 最 珍 贵 的 玫 瑰 当 作 荒 野 蔷 薇
Think of the most precious rose as rose-rose
xiāng xìn le nǐ de chéng nuò ràng ài méng bì wǒ de yǎn
相 信 了 你 的 承 诺 让 爱 蒙 蔽 我 的 眼
I have believed your promise and let love cover my eyes
sāi nà hé de guāng xiàn zhào bú liàng xīn de nà bian bèi pàn de zhōng diǎn
塞 纳 河 的 光 线 照 不 亮 心 的 那 边 背 叛 的 终 点
The light of the Seine does not shine on the other side of the heart of the end of betrayal
xiàn suǒ jǐ nà me míng xiǎn nǐ de ài shì qī piàn
线 索 己 那 么 明 显 你 的 爱 是 欺 骗
The line is so clear that your love is deceit
wǒ zài yì qiān líng yí yè shǒu zhe cuò wù de qiān
我 在 一 千 零 一 夜 守 着 错 误 的 签
I watched over the wrong sign at a thousand and one night
zhēn xiàng sì dú cì màn yán xīn bèi zhā dé chū xuè
真 相 似 毒 刺 漫 延 心 被 扎 得 出 血
The truth looks like a sting that spreads the heart and is pierced with blood
nǐ hé wǒ de ài zhī jiān zhǔ jué shì bèi pàn xū wěi de biáo yǎn
你 和 我 的 爱 之 间 主 角 是 背 叛 虚 伪 的 表 演
The horn between you and my love is a sign of treachery and hypocrisy
zài sāi nà hé shàng de méi gui tā de yǎng fēn shì wǒ de lèi
在 塞 纳 河 上 的 玫 瑰 它 的 养 分 是 我 的 泪
The rose on the Seine its nourishment is my tears
huā bàn de yán sè yù yāo yàn wǒ què yù qiáo cuì
花 瓣 的 颜 色 愈 妖 艳 我 却 愈 憔 悴
The more gorgeous I am, the more strained I am
fā xiàn le zì jǐ xìn yǎng de yī lài zhú jiàn wá jiě
发 现 了 自 己 信 仰 的 依 赖 逐 渐 瓦 解
A gradual solution to the dependence on which we have come to believe
yóng yuǎn zài shùn jiān bèi huǐ miè
永 远 在 瞬 间 被 毁 灭
Eternity is destroyed in an instant
xiàn suǒ jǐ nà me míng xiǎn nǐ de ài shì qī piàn
线 索 己 那 么 明 显 你 的 爱 是 欺 骗
The line is so clear that your love is deceit
wǒ zài yì qiān líng yí yè shǒu zhe cuò wù de qiān
我 在 一 千 零 一 夜 守 着 错 误 的 签
I watched over the wrong sign at a thousand and one night
zhēn xiàng sì dú cì màn yán xīn bèi zhā dé chū xuè
真 相 似 毒 刺 漫 延 心 被 扎 得 出 血
The truth looks like a sting that spreads the heart and is pierced with blood
tòng yǔ ài nán fēn nán jiě yīn wèi wǒ yǐ jīng wéi nǐ wàng le wǒ zì jǐ
痛 与 爱 难 分 难 解 因 为 我 已 经 为 你 忘 了 我 自 己
Pain and love are inseparable because I have forgotten myself for you
zài sāi nà hé shàng de méi gui tā de yǎng fēn shì wǒ de lèi
在 塞 纳 河 上 的 玫 瑰 它 的 养 分 是 我 的 泪
The rose on the Seine its nourishment is my tears
huā bàn de yán sè yù yāo yàn wǒ què yù qiáo cuì
花 瓣 的 颜 色 愈 妖 艳 我 却 愈 憔 悴
The more gorgeous I am, the more strained I am
tā huán huǎn luò xià de lù shuǐ cóng lái méi rén zài yì
它 缓 缓 落 下 的 露 水 从 来 没 人 在 意
The dew it slowly fell from nobody's mind
nǎ yì kē shì wǒ de yǎn lèi
哪 一 颗 是 我 的 眼 泪
Which one is my eye tear
ài huì ràng wǒ tòng
爱 会 让 我 痛
Love hurts
wǒ què bù dǒng hèn
我 却 不 懂 恨
I don't understand hate
zài sāi nà hé shàng de méi gui tā de yǎng fēn shì wǒ de lèi
在 塞 纳 河 上 的 玫 瑰 它 的 养 分 是 我 的 泪
The rose on the Seine its nourishment is my tears
yuán lái zài zuì měi de shí kè yào ràng tā xīn suì
原 来 在 最 美 的 时 刻 要 让 它 心 碎
Let her heart break at the best of times
zhōng yú ràng zì jǐ cán cún de ài qíng quán bù róu suì
终 于 让 自 己 残 存 的 爱 情 全 部 揉 碎
In the end to let their own residual love all crumbled
yān mò zài sāi nà hé shuǐ
淹 没 在 塞 纳 河 水
Submerged in the Seine
nǐ duì ài bìng bù liáo jiě ài huì bǎ nǐ hū lvè
你 对 爱 并 不 了 解 爱 会 把 你 忽 略
You don't know how to love and love makes you forget
biàn dì yě shēng de qiáng wēi bù rú méi gui zhēn guì
遍 地 野 生 的 蔷 薇 不 如 玫 瑰 珍 贵
Wild rose-rose everywhere is not as precious as roses
chéng nuò yào huī fēi yān miè shuí hái néng bèi ài jì niàn
承 诺 要 灰 飞 烟 灭 谁 还 能 被 爱 纪 念
Promise to destroy who can be remembered by love
diāo xiè zuì hóng de méi gui yǎn lèi huà zuò sāi nà hé shuǐ
凋 谢 最 红 的 玫 瑰 眼 泪 化 作 塞 纳 河 水
The reddest withered rose tears turn into Seine water
Some Great Reviews About Sai Na He 塞纳河
Listener 1: "In the heart of every person, there is a Seine river, which divides our hearts into two sides, the left bank is soft, the right bank is hard; Left bank sensibility, right bank rationality. On the left bank live our desires, prayers, struggles, and all our loves and hates, and on the right bank live the rules of this world that have stamped on our hearts — the left bank is our dreams, and the right bank is our lives!"
Listener 2: "GEM, we love you, we love your mascara, we love your Painting. For you, we along the Seine river, from the Devil from heaven's hands to the Lonely Planet rose, you as the sleep princess pet. Even if tornado is blown to Light Year away, wind against the wind will continue to follow your footsteps, How Far together. Even if 'The hourglass of Memories' leak faster, I will still' love you ', never 'the Continent', even if 'dead to love.
Listener 3: "No matter how beautiful you are, when someone envies you, you are ugly. No matter how sincere you are, when people doubt you, you are a lie. No matter how simple you are, when you meet complicated people, you are scheming. No matter how professional you are, when you meet people you don't understand, you are blank. Don't worry too much about what others think of you. You just need to be the best version of yourself and be satisfied with who you are."
Listener 4: "In fact, many of G.E.M. 's early works are outstanding, especially this one is so hot that she is really a talented girl. Apart from the scandal, she was gradually getting to know her due to the music. Every time out of the boutique this is the singer's sharpest weapon! It seems that nowadays female singers can hardly surpass you!"
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