Chinese Song Name: Pai Dui Dong Wu 派对动物
English Tranlation Name: Party Animal
Chinese Singer: Wu Yue Tian 五月天 Mayday
Chinese Composer: A Xin 阿信
Chinese Lyrics: A Xin 阿信
Pai Dui Dong Wu 派对动物 Party Animal Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Wu Yue Tian 五月天 Mayday
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
Let's go party party all night oh oh
Hey lonely lonely goodbye oh oh
wǒ men dōu yǒu jué wù yào fēng kuáng dào rì chū
我 们 都 有 觉 悟 要 疯 狂 到 日 出
We all have the consciousness to be crazy until sunrise
wǒ men tiān shēng jiù shì
我 们 天 生 就 是
We are born
wǒ hěn yán sù zhè bù néng dān wu
我 很 严 肃 这 不 能 耽 误
I'm serious. There's no delay
zhè bù néng ràng bù
这 不 能 让 步
There is no compromise.
nà xiàn shí zhōng yǐ jīng yǒu tài duō ràng bù
那 现 实 中 已 经 有 太 多 让 步
There are already too many concessions in reality
Hey pài duì dòng wù bié zhǎo tuì lù
Hey 派 对 动 物 别 找 退 路
Hey, party animals
bú huì tiào wǔ jiù bú yào tiào wǔ
不 会 跳 舞 就 不 要 跳 舞
Don't dance unless you can dance
yáo bǎi yě xìng fú
摇 摆 也 幸 福
Swing also happy
jiù bì zhuó yǎn yǐ kōng qì jí tā biāo sù
就 闭 着 眼 以 空 气 吉 他 飙 速
Just shut your eyes and speed the air guitar
Hey pài duì dòng wù bú yào rèn shū
Hey 派 对 动 物 不 要 认 输
Hey, party animal, don't give up
nǐ bù gū dú péng you mǎn wū
你 不 孤 独 朋 友 满 屋
You're not alone
fēng kuáng hú nào fēng kuáng qìng zhù
疯 狂 胡 闹 疯 狂 庆 祝
Wild, wild celebration
Let's go party party all night oh oh
And many many good times oh oh
bú yuàn bèi dāng chǒng wù nìng yuàn biàn chéng guài wu
不 愿 被 当 宠 物 宁 愿 变 成 怪 物
Would rather be a monster than a pet
ō ō oh oh
噢 噢 oh oh
rù bù fū chū shuǐ diàn hé fáng zū
入 不 敷 出 水 电 和 房 租
We can't make ends meet, water, electricity and rent
chéng jì hé rèn wù
成 绩 和 任 务
Achievements and tasks
zhè pào mò bān rén shēng shì nà me xīn kǔ
这 泡 沫 般 人 生 是 那 么 辛 苦
The bubble of life is so hard
Hey pài duì dòng wù shì fǒu má mù
Hey 派 对 动 物 是 否 麻 木
Hey, are the party animals numb
nǐ wàng le xiào hái wàng le néng kū
你 忘 了 笑 还 忘 了 能 哭
You forget to laugh and you forget to cry
běn xìng bèi xùn fú
本 性 被 驯 服
Nature is tamed
huā liǎng yì nián jìn huà què méi yǒu jìn bù
花 两 亿 年 进 化 却 没 有 进 步
Two hundred million years of evolution and no progress
Hey pài duì dòng wù wú lùn nǐ shì
Hey 派 对 动 物 无 论 你 是
Hey party animal whether you are
māo mī láo hǔ má què biān fú
猫 咪 老 虎 麻 雀 蝙 蝠
Cat tiger sparrow bat
dōu yào jiāo ào dōu yào dà bù
都 要 骄 傲 都 要 大 步
Be proud and take great strides
Let's go party party all night oh oh
And many many good times oh oh
bú yuàn bèi dāng chǒng wù nìng yuàn biàn chéng guài wu
不 愿 被 当 宠 物 宁 愿 变 成 怪 物
Would rather be a monster than a pet
ō ō oh oh
噢 噢 oh oh
Let's go party party all night oh oh
Hey lonely lonely goodbye oh oh
wǒ men dōu yǒu jué wù yào fēng kuáng dào rì chū
我 们 都 有 觉 悟 要 疯 狂 到 日 出
We all have the consciousness to be crazy until sunrise
wǒ men tiān shēng jiù shì pài duì dòng wù
我 们 天 生 就 是 派 对 动 物
We were born to be party animals
Let's go party party all night oh oh
And many many good times oh oh
rén shēng nán dé hú tu óu ěr tuō guǐ yǎn chū
人 生 难 得 糊 涂 偶 尔 脱 轨 演 出
Life is rare confused occasionally derailed performance
ō ō oh oh
噢 噢 oh oh
Let's go party party all night oh oh
Hey lonely lonely goodbye oh oh
wǒ men dōu yǒu jué wù yào fēng kuáng dào rì chū
我 们 都 有 觉 悟 要 疯 狂 到 日 出
We all have the consciousness to be crazy until sunrise
wǒ men tiān shēng jiù shì pài duì dòng wù
我 们 天 生 就 是 派 对 动 物
We were born to be party animals
Some Great Reviews About Pai Dui Dong Wu 派对动物
Listener 1: "the song may sound nothing to you now, but if you have been to the scene, you will know how shocking it is! As the opening song of the concert, after the opening of the VCR screen slowly opened from the middle, the feeling do not know how to describe. I'll never forget it. It's a blast!"
Listener 2: "the song of party animal, maybe it means that in today's society, many people don't live from their heart, they don't want to be pets, they prefer to be monsters. People have spent 200 million years of evolution, but they haven't made any progress."
Listener 3: "too good, I'm just a passerby, at first only to look at, look at douban score high before only know a mayday song has a stubborn and gentleness, to go to the cinema discovered that they have so many good songs, they concert is so hi so shocked, just like a music treasure to be found, the inside of the performance and fans interaction of chorus too shock is so cool, watching movies, and mayday fans directly buy our collective stand up teetering at the cinema to listen to the concert, I was into the pit at the moment, immediately listen to search a mayday song downloads, were you shocked."
Listener 4: "I used to think that I would like to go to the first mayday concert with my favorite person, but now I think it is quite good to go myself after seeing the movie, because their songs contain too many memories of mine, such as crying, confused, lovelorn and passionately in love… It belongs to me alone. When I meet my favorite person in the future, I will take him to see my favorite band and tell him what happened to me in each song."
Listener 5: "opening" party animal "super fuel, is inherently hot-blooded songs, under the" blessing "of the fans, but also is huge, listen to the Musical Instruments sound, ashin cries, and the audience cheering, clapping together the music of the ripples, as if sitting on the scene, also through the headset and screen, still can feel the shock. "Party animals" used for the opening is quite suitable, although the song connotation is some reality, but on the other hand, it is the people who have been depressed for a long time to vent, rules for a long time, always want to listen to mayday, return to the "animal", find the wild."
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