Chinese Song Name: 现在你看到我了
English Tranlation Name: Now You See Me
Chinese Singer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Composer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Lyrics: Fang Wen Shan 方文山
Now You See Me Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
wǒ de huàn shù shì chāo néng lì
我 的 幻 术 是 超 能 力
My magic is super power
wǒ tiān shēng shén lì
我 天 生 神 力
I have divine powers
nǐ de mó shù yào kào dào jù
你 的 魔 术 要 靠 道 具
Your magic depends on the tao
hái zhēn bù gěi lì
还 真 不 给 力
That's not cool
nǐ huà shù shuǎ shuǎ zuǐ pí
你 话 术 耍 耍 嘴 皮
You play with your tongue
shēng dōng jī xī fēn sàn zhù yì
声 东 击 西 分 散 注 意
The sound struck east and scattered the notes
wǒ gēn běn bù lǐ
我 根 本 不 理
I have no reason at all
shěng diǎn lì qi nǐ hái zhēn yǒu nài xìng
省 点 力 气 你 还 真 有 耐 性
You're really tolerant
ā wán yi wán zhǐ pái
啊 玩 一 玩 纸 牌
Ah, play with paper CARDS
xiāo shī le qián bì
消 失 了 钱 币
The money was lost
shǒu lǐ biàn chū bái gē
手 里 变 出 白 鸽
White dove in hand
dōu shì xiǎo péng you de bǎ xì
都 是 小 朋 友 的 把 戏
They are all little friends
cāi nǐ yīng gāi shǐ yòng le zhàng yǎn de bǎ xì
猜 你 应 该 使 用 了 障 眼 的 把 戏
Guess you should have used a blind trick
bù rán nǐ kàn yi kàn nǐ páng biān de guān zhòng
不 然 你 看 一 看 你 旁 边 的 观 众
But look at the crowd beside you
tā men dōu pǎo dào nǎ qù
他 们 都 跑 到 哪 去
Where are they all going
chū shén rù huà wù lǐ kàn huā
出 神 入 化 雾 里 看 花
Go out into the mist to see the flowers
gēn wǒ pīn mìng nǐ huì shū diào suó yǒu chóu mǎ
跟 我 拼 命 你 会 输 掉 所 有 筹 码
Fight with me and you'll lose everything you have
chū shén rù huà làng jì tiān yá
出 神 入 化 浪 迹 天 涯
Out of god into the waves and into the sky
rèn zhēn qǐ lái wǒ lián wǒ zì jǐ dōu hài pà
认 真 起 来 我 连 我 自 己 都 害 怕
I was afraid of myself at first
Now you see me cuz I let it be
Wanna find the key you gotta follow my beat
Now you see me cuz I let it be
wǒ de huàn shù cún zài dàn kàn bú jiàn zhèng jù
我 的 幻 术 存 在 但 看 不 见 证 据
My magic exists but there is no proof
Now you see me cuz I let it be
Wanna find the key you gotta follow my beat
Now you see me cuz I let it be
wǒ de huàn shù ràng nǐ chén mí kàn chuān nǐ
我 的 幻 术 让 你 沉 迷 看 穿 你
My magic will make you look crazy
One two three four
One two three four
dào shù jì shí zhēng kāi yǎn
倒 数 计 时 睁 开 眼
Open your eyes when counting backwards
zhì shēn zài bù tóng de chéng shì
置 身 在 不 同 的 城 市
In a different city
One more two more
One more two more
nǐ kàn bú jiàn wǒ kàn bú jiàn wǒ kàn bú jiàn wǒ
你 看 不 见 我 看 不 见 我 看 不 见 我
Can you see me? Can you see me? Can you see me
kàn bú jiàn wǒ kàn bú jiàn wǒ
看 不 见 我 看 不 见 我
Can you see me? Can you see me
nán dù jiù xiàng wū guī fān gēn dòu
难 度 就 像 乌 龟 翻 跟 斗
Difficulty is like a black turtle
kàn bú jiàn wǒ
看 不 见 我
Look not to see me
nǐ jiù shì fú bù qǐ de ā dòu
你 就 是 扶 不 起 的 阿 斗
You can't help it
kàn bú jiàn wǒ
看 不 见 我
Look not to see me
bù rán nǐ záo yǐ gēn wǒ wò shǒu
不 然 你 早 已 跟 我 握 手
But you shook hands with me
kàn bú jiàn wǒ
看 不 见 我
Look not to see me
wàn yí kàn jiàn de rén shì zhǐ xiǎo gǒu
万 一 看 见 的 人 是 只 小 狗
The man who sees you is a little dog
chū shén rù huà wù lǐ kàn huā
出 神 入 化 雾 里 看 花
Go out into the mist to see the flowers
gēn wǒ pīn mìng nǐ huì shū diào suó yǒu chóu mǎ
跟 我 拼 命 你 会 输 掉 所 有 筹 码
Fight with me and you'll lose everything you have
chū shén rù huà làng jì tiān yá
出 神 入 化 浪 迹 天 涯
Out of god into the waves and into the sky
rèn zhēn qǐ lái wǒ lián wǒ zì jǐ dōu hài pà
认 真 起 来 我 连 我 自 己 都 害 怕
I was afraid of myself at first
Now you see me cuz I let it be
Wanna find the key you gotta follow my beat
Now you see me cuz I let it be
wǒ de huàn shù cún zài dàn kàn bú jiàn zhèng jù
我 的 幻 术 存 在 但 看 不 见 证 据
My magic exists but there is no proof
Now you see me cuz I let it be
Wanna find the key you gotta follow my beat
Now you see me cuz I let it be
wǒ de huàn shù ràng nǐ chén mí kàn chuān nǐ
我 的 幻 术 让 你 沉 迷 看 穿 你
My magic will make you look crazy
Some Great Reviews About Now You See Me
Listener 1: "jay Chou is about to release another album. However, as someone who has been listening to him since 2004, I think it is better for him not to continue to release new songs. Originally "lover in a previous life" this song let Me think he finally intended to do well, but jay Chou strength hit my face, Now You See Me in the MV or young model, nightclub, a few naughty friends wriggle-jumping — 10 years later MV is such a broken routine, day by day, is playing fans. Few album covers have been seen since he struck out on his own; His favorite arranger huang yuxun, most of the songs are noisy and noisy, no sense of hierarchy; His poet fang wenshan, only moss, wind chimes, love these ten thousand years unchanged phrases; His album name, 12 new, exclamation, oh well, just kidding, take a look at what was before: s November's Chopin, qi li xiang, his title, healing of burning flesh see sailor, princess disease, fear of water, hip hop a flight attendant, I scold have his lyrics, you throw a frisbee dog I pick, the ubiquitous "hey hey hey hey,,
Listener 2: "I am the one who will accompany you, and I am the one who will accompany you to your old age. I'm still in the torment of expectation, and I'm still thinking of you."
Listener 3: "jay Chou's bedside story never stops exploring and innovating in music. The combination of Chinese wind and hip-hop, opera and rap mix and match, etc., these content of the attempt to let jay win the Chinese circle of major music awards; As for the choice of music carrier, he also pays more attention to the cooperation with the streaming media platform."
Listener 4: "every song has a soul, and there is always a song for everyone to remember. Childhood memories are more likely to touch people's hearts unforgettable, because has missed, regret can not come again, so can only cherish the present in front of the people and life."
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