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Mian Fei Jiao Xue Lu Ying Dai 免费教学录影带 Free Tutorial Video Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin

Chinese Song Name: Mian Fei Jiao Xue Lu Ying Dai 免费教学录影带
English Tranlation Name: Free Tutorial Video 
Chinese Singer:  Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Composer:  Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Lyrics:  Huang Jun Lang 黄俊郎

Mian Fei Jiao Xue Lu Ying Dai 免费教学录影带 Free Tutorial Video Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin

Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:

wèi láo bǎn 
喂  老  板  
Hello old plate
āi nián qīng rén 
哎 年   轻   人  
Ah in young people
yòu lái kàn jí tā lā 
又  来  看  吉 他 啦 
Come to see him again
wǒ yào nà bǎ 
我 要  那 把 
I want that one
nà bǎ   ā    hā hā hā 
那 把   啊   哈 哈 哈 
That's ha ha ha
nà bǎ shì pí pá   bú shì jí tā 
那 把 是  琵 琶   不 是  吉 他
That's a spoonful, not a lucky one
wǒ shuō páng biān nà bǎ 
我 说   旁   边   那 把 
I said the side one
páng biān nà bǎ hěn guì de yē 
旁   边   那 把 很  贵  的 耶 
The expensive one on the other side
nǐ kě bu ké yǐ zì rán yì diǎn 
你 可 不 可 以 自 然  一 点   
You can't be spontaneous
rú guǒ nǐ 
如 果  你 
If you are
xiǎng yào biàn chéng yí gè Rocker
想    要  变   成    一 个 Rocker
Wanted to become a Rocker
nǐ jiù bì xū yào 
你 就  必 须 要  
You must have it
xiān yǒu yì bǎ Guitar
先   有  一 把 Guitar
First there's a Guitar
shuā hé xián de shí hou jǐn liàng bú yòng Pick
刷   和 弦   的 时  候  尽  量    不 用   Pick
Don't use Pick when brushing and strings
ā    kàn qǐ lái yàng zi huì bǐ jiào suí xìng 
啊   看  起 来  样   子 会  比 较   随  性   
Ah, it looks more random
jiù suàn nǐ dàn cuò le dà jiā huì yǐ wéi 
就  算   你 弹  错  了 大 家  会  以 为  
If you play it wrong, everyone will do it
nǐ shì gù yì 
你 是  故 意 
You are so
nǐ shì bu shì   ā  hā 
你 是  不 是    啊 哈 
You're not. You're not
gǎn jué dào le 
感  觉  到  了 
The sense of awareness to the
wǒ de hé xián   ā  hā 
我 的 和 弦     啊 哈 
My chord
zài chóng fù zhe 
在  重    复 着  
In the heavy complex
āi yōu bú cuò 
哎 呦  不 错  
Oh don't wrong
dài biǎo nǐ ěr duo méi yǒu lóng 
代  表   你 耳 朵  没  有  聋   
I don't think you're deaf
Blues jiù shì zài chóng fù zhè jǐ gè hé xián 
Blues 就  是  在  重    复 这  几 个 和 弦   
The Blues is reinventing the chord
yáo gǔn de jié zòu zài yòu shǒu 
摇  滚  的 节  奏  在  右  手
The roll stanza is played in the right hand
líng hún zài zuó shǒu 
灵   魂  在  左  手   
Spirit in the left hand
xīn jiù shì yǔ zhòu 
心  就  是  宇 宙   
The heart is the universe
wǒ dàn de jiào zì yóu 
我 弹  的 叫   自 由  
I play free
tīng wǒ de Blues Blues
听   我 的 Blues Blues
Listen to me, Blues Blues
yào xué huì jiān jiào   jiān jiào 
要  学  会  尖   叫     尖   叫   
Learn to squeak
bǐ yí gè Peace Peace
比 一 个 Peace Peace
Than a Peace Peace
shì wèi le pāi zhào   pāi zhào 
是  为  了 拍  照     拍  照
 It's for taking a picture
diū yí kuài Ice Ice
丢  一 块   Ice Ice
Throw a piece of Ice Ice
jiào tā bú yào chǎo   bú yào chǎo 
叫   他 不 要  吵     不 要  吵  
Tell him not to fight
yáo gǔn bú shì wèi le bǎ mèi 
摇  滚  不 是  为  了 把 妹  
Rolling is not for picking up girls
shì wèi le mèng xiǎng 
是  为  了 梦   想    
It's a dream
dāng rán mèi lì tài qiáng 
当   然  魅  力 太  强
When the enchantment is too strong   
bèi bié rén ài shàng 
被  别  人  爱 上    
To be loved by others
wǒ méi bàn fǎ 
我 没  办  法 
I didn't do
ā    duàn le 
啊   断   了 
méi guān xi zài mǎi yì bǎ jí tā 
没  关   系 再  买  一 把 吉 他
 Leave it alone and buy another pair of gilts
jí tā 
吉 他 
Has he
méi yǒu qián jiù jiè bié rén de ba 
没  有  钱   就  借  别  人  的 吧 
If you don't have the money, borrow it
de ba 
的 吧 
zěn me huì yǒu rén xǐ huan shuāi jí tā 
怎  么 会  有  人  喜 欢   摔    吉 他
 Why would someone like to throw a favor to him
jí tā 
吉 他 
Has he
yǒu zhǒng nǐ jiù shuāi zuì guì de jí tā 
有  种    你 就  摔    最  贵  的 吉 他
There is a kind of you drop the most expensive auspicious
jí tā 
吉 他 
Has he
nǐ yào hǎo hǎo zhēn xī tā 
你 要  好  好  珍   惜 它 
Take good care of it
tā cái huì duì nǐ shuō huà 
它 才  会  对  你 说   话  
It will speak to you
shǒu zài dàn   rú guǒ jiǎo yóu diǎn xián 
手   在  弹    如 果  脚   有  点   闲  
 The hand is playing like a foot has a little leisure
zài jiā diǎn wú dǎo jiù tài wán měi le 
再  加  点   舞 蹈  就  太  完  美  了 
A little dancing would be so beautiful
jǔ qǐ nǐ de dān shǒu gěi tā gè bo 
举 起 你 的 单  手   给  她 个 啵 
Raise your hand and give her a kiss
zhè shí hou nǐ ké yǐ fàng kāi Pick bo 
这  时  候  你 可 以 放   开  Pick 啵 
You can put off the Pick at this time
měi nǚ zài nǎ nǐ jiù yào kàn dào nǎ 
美  女 在  哪 你 就  要  看  到  哪 
Where the beautiful girl is, you must see it
nǐ yí dìng yǐ wéi wǒ jiē xià lái yào chàng fù gē 
你 一 定   以 为  我 接  下  来  要  唱    副 歌
 You are to sing me a song as soon as possible
hái méi   bù jí 
还  没    不 急 
Haven't no hurry
wǒ xiān jiāo nǐ dàn 
我 先   教   你 弹  
I'll teach you to play first
zài shēng yì gé 
再  升    一 格 
Another one
zài shēng yì gé 
再  升    一 格 
Another one
zuì hòu tuì yì gé 
最  后  退  一 格 
One back
tīng wǒ de Blues Blues
听   我 的 Blues Blues
Listen to me, Blues Blues
yào xué huì jiān jiào   jiān jiào 
要  学  会  尖   叫     尖   叫
Learn to squeak
bǐ yí gè Peace Peace
比 一 个 Peace Peace
Than a Peace Peace
shì wèi le pāi zhào   pāi zhào 
是  为  了 拍  照     拍  照   
It's for taking a picture
diū yí kuài Ice Ice
丢  一 块   Ice Ice
Throw a piece of Ice Ice
jiào tā bú yào chǎo   bú yào chǎo 
叫   他 不 要  吵     不 要  吵
Tell him not to fight
yáo gǔn bú shì wèi le bǎ mèi 
摇  滚  不 是  为  了 把 妹
Rolling is not for picking up girls
shì wèi le mèng xiǎng 
是  为  了 梦   想    
It's a dream
dāng rán mèi lì tài qiáng 
当   然  魅  力 太  强  
When the enchantment is too strong 
bèi bié rén ài shàng 
被  别  人  爱 上    
To be loved by others
wǒ méi bàn fǎ 
我 没  办  法 
I didn't do
zài lái yí cì 
再  来  一 次 
Once again
rú guǒ nǐ jiā jǐ gè yīn jiù biàn xiāng cūn fēng wèi 
如 果  你 加  几 个 音  就  变   乡    村  风   味
 If you add a few notes to change the taste of the village wind
dà jiā tīng jiǔ le dōu   miē 
大 家  听   久  了 都    咩  
Everyone has been listening for a long time
huì hěn xiǎng hē niú nǎi 
会  很  想    喝 牛  奶  
You'll want to drink cow's milk
niú zǎi hěn máng 
牛  仔  很  忙   
Cattle wang is very busy
méi yǒu kōng bāng nǐ jǐ niú nǎi 
没  有  空   帮   你 挤 牛  奶  
I haven't got time to milk your cows
bú guò bú yào bèn dào 
不 过  不 要  笨  到  
Don't be stupid
zì jǐ pǎo qù jǐ niú nǎi 
自 己 跑  去 挤 牛  奶  
He went to milk the cows
yīn wèi lín shí yào zài lù biān 
因  为  临  时  要  在  路 边   
For the hour is by the way
zhǎo dào yì tóu niú zhēn de hěn nán 
找   到  一 头  牛  真   的 很  难  
It's really hard to find a cow
tīng wǒ de Blues Blues
听   我 的 Blues Blues
Listen to me, Blues Blues
yào xué huì jiān jiào   jiān jiào 
要  学  会  尖   叫     尖   叫   
Learn to squeak
bǐ yí gè Peace Peace
比 一 个 Peace Peace
Than a Peace Peace
shì wèi le pāi zhào   pāi zhào 
是  为  了 拍  照     拍  照  
It's for taking a picture
diū yí kuài Ice Ice
丢  一 块   Ice Ice
Throw a piece of Ice Ice
jiào tā bú yào chǎo   bú yào chǎo 
叫   他 不 要  吵     不 要  吵   
Tell him not to fight
yáo gǔn bú shì wèi le bǎ mèi 
摇  滚  不 是  为  了 把 妹  
Rolling is not for picking up girls
shì wèi le mèng xiǎng 
是  为  了 梦   想    
It's a dream
dāng rán mèi lì tài qiáng 
当   然  魅  力 太  强
When the enchantment is too strong
bèi bié rén ài shàng 
被  别  人  爱 上    
To be loved by others
dāng rán mèi lì tài qiáng 
当   然  魅  力 太  强  
When the enchantment is too strong
bèi bié rén ài shàng 
被  别  人  爱 上  
To be loved by others 
wǒ méi bàn fǎ 
我 没  办  法 
I didn't do
zài lái yí cì   zuì hòu yí cì 
再  来  一 次   最  后  一 次 
One more time, one more time
zài bo yí cì 
再  啵 一 次 
Boh again

Some Great Reviews About Mian Fei Jiao Xue Lu Ying Dai 免费教学录影带 Free Tutorial Video

Listener 1: "sing pop star jay Chou, to lead the global Chinese wind, whether dynamic fast song, lyrical ballads, sweet love songs, singing love songs, all kinds of style is outstanding, actually music listening to jay's only one person is enough, if used, of course, when it comes to foreigners is jay's songs, under my idol, my pride, in addition to lead the world, the other is not interested in. Zhao Zilong let foreigners know what is the great man of chivalry for the country and the people, what is the ability of literature, military, wisdom and courage, and what is the only tiger general in the five tiger general was granted the title. Bruce Lee let foreigners know what is Chinese kung fu incomparable, Jay Chou let foreigners know what is Chinese music incomparable, also some is to let foreigners know what is male goddess handsome handsome girl. I am a descendant of Zhao Zilong from Changshan. I hope to use the power of my idol, Jay Chou, to let foreigners know what Chinese clothing is. I have no interest in anything but leading the world."

Listener 2: "I know, you have not forgotten your promise of one album a year. When I heard this song, I knew that you were still making music with your heart, and that you were still a brilliant Jay, all the time. Even though I am far away now, even though you are so popular, I know the music of I love you clearly, like the eternal youth of love."

Listener 3: "There is no song that I look forward to as much as this song. I never thought it was a song before. Now listen to it one by one.Free Teaching Video", composed by Jay Chou, lyrics written by Huang Junlang and arranged by CAI Kejun, is included in Jay Chou's 2010 album "Cross-Era". In 2011, CAI won the best Arranger award at the 22nd Taiwan Golden Melody Awards."

How do you think about this song? Please leave a comment below.

Jack Smith
Jack Smith
I am a Chinese music lover, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share my passion for Chinese music with you. Through my love for Chinese music, I hope to connect with fellow enthusiasts and explore the beauty and depth of this incredible art form.


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