Chinese Song Name: Mi Lan De Xiao Tie Jiang 米兰的小铁匠
English Tranlation Name: Little Blacksmith in Milan
Chinese Singer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Composer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Lyrics: Fang Wen Shan 方文山
Mi Lan De Xiao Tie Jiang 米兰的小铁匠 Little Blacksmith in Milan Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
pǎo biàn le mù chǎng yòu rào guò le cūn zhuāng
跑 遍 了 牧 场 又 绕 过 了 村 庄
Through the pasture and around the village
tā jiù zhàn zài jiē jiǎo de jiù bào tān
他 就 站 在 街 角 的 旧 报 摊
He was standing at the old newspaper stand at the corner of the street
yǎn jing dīng zhe gé bì lǐ de chú chuāng
眼 睛 盯 着 隔 壁 里 的 橱 窗
His eyes were fixed on the cupboard window in the partition
yì bǎ jí tā yuǎn yuǎn xīn shǎng
一 把 吉 他 远 远 欣 赏
A dollop of good fortune is bestowed far and wide
mù tàn yì luó kuāng
木 炭 一 箩 筐
A basket of wood charcoal
mù tàn yì zhí fàng
木 炭 一 直 放
Put the charcoal straight
mù tàn shèng yí bàn
木 炭 剩 一 半
One half of the charcoal is left
huǒ lú tàng xiǎo tiě jiang cún qián mǎi qī wàng zài liú hàn
火 炉 烫 小 铁 匠 存 钱 买 期 望 在 流 汗
A small ironsmith hopes to sweat when he saves money to buy a stove
bā luò kè jiàn zhù de jiē dào páng
巴 洛 克 建 筑 的 街 道 旁
The side of the street built by Barlock
yì jiā yān wù liáo rào de jiǔ guǎn
一 家 烟 雾 缭 绕 的 酒 馆
A wine shop surrounded by mist
bō lán de yín chàng shī rén zài tán chàng
波 兰 的 吟 唱 诗 人 在 弹 唱
Polish minstrels are playing and singing
xiǎo tiě jiang zài mén wài jìn bú qù zài kú nǎo
小 铁 匠 在 门 外 进 不 去 在 苦 恼
The little ironsmith was vexed that he should not go in at the door
tā de tóng bǎn hái tài shǎo
他 的 铜 板 还 太 少
He has too few brass plates
tā zhēn de zhēn de xiǎng zhī dào
他 真 的 真 的 想 知 道
He really really wants to know
nà shǒu lái zì dōng ōu de mín yáo hé xián
那 首 来 自 东 欧 的 民 谣 和 弦
The ballad chord from Eastern Europe
dào dǐ shén me diào
到 底 什 么 调
To the bottom
mǐ lán de tiān kōng gāng pò xiǎo
米 兰 的 天 空 刚 破 晓
The sky is breaking in Milan
xún mǎ dì tiě hái yào qiāo duō shǎo jí tā
寻 马 碲 铁 还 要 敲 多 少 吉 他
It will take more than good luck to find the horse
cái néng mǎi dé dào
才 能 买 得 到
You can buy it
tā zhēn de zhēn de xiǎng zhī dào
他 真 的 真 的 想 知 道
He really really wants to know
tā bù zhī dào zěn me bàn cái hǎo shuì bù zhe
他 不 知 道 怎 么 办 才 好 睡 不 着
He didn't know what to do to keep awake
tā jiāng nà pū mǎn dǎ pò le
他 将 那 扑 满 打 破 了
He smashed the pool
xiǎo xiǎo yuàn wàng jiù kuài shí xiàn le tā zài xiào
小 小 愿 望 就 快 实 现 了 他 在 笑
The little wish will soon come true. He is smiling
pǎo biàn le mù chǎng yòu rào guò le cūn zhuāng
跑 遍 了 牧 场 又 绕 过 了 村 庄
Through the pasture and around the village
tā jiù zhàn zài jiē jiǎo de jiù bào tān
他 就 站 在 街 角 的 旧 报 摊
He was standing at the old newspaper stand at the corner of the street
yǎn jing dīng zhe gé bì lǐ de chú chuāng
眼 睛 盯 着 隔 壁 里 的 橱 窗
His eyes were fixed on the cupboard window in the partition
yì bǎ jí tā yuǎn yuǎn xīn shǎng
一 把 吉 他 远 远 欣 赏
A dollop of good fortune is bestowed far and wide
mù tàn yì luó kuāng
木 炭 一 箩 筐
A basket of wood charcoal
mù tàn yì zhí fàng
木 炭 一 直 放
Put the charcoal straight
mù tàn shèng yí bàn
木 炭 剩 一 半
One half of the charcoal is left
huǒ lú tàng xiǎo tiě jiang cún qián mǎi qī wàng zài liú hàn
火 炉 烫 小 铁 匠 存 钱 买 期 望 在 流 汗
A small ironsmith hopes to sweat when he saves money to buy a stove
bā luò kè jiàn zhù de jiē dào páng
巴 洛 克 建 筑 的 街 道 旁
The side of the street built by Barlock
yì jiā yān wù liáo rào de jiǔ guǎn
一 家 烟 雾 缭 绕 的 酒 馆
A wine shop surrounded by mist
bō lán de yín chàng shī rén zài tán chàng
波 兰 的 吟 唱 诗 人 在 弹 唱
Polish minstrels are playing and singing
xiǎo tiě jiang zài mén wài jìn bú qù zài kú nǎo
小 铁 匠 在 门 外 进 不 去 在 苦 恼
The little ironsmith was vexed that he should not go in at the door
tā de tóng bǎn hái tài shǎo
他 的 铜 板 还 太 少
He has too few brass plates
tā zhēn de zhēn de xiǎng zhī dào
他 真 的 真 的 想 知 道
He really really wants to know
nà shǒu lái zì dōng ōu de mín yáo hé xián
那 首 来 自 东 欧 的 民 谣 和 弦
The ballad chord from Eastern Europe
dào dǐ shén me diào
到 底 什 么 调
To the bottom
mǐ lán de tiān kōng gāng pò xiǎo
米 兰 的 天 空 刚 破 晓
The sky is breaking in Milan
xún mǎ dì tiě hái yào qiāo duō shǎo jí tā
寻 马 碲 铁 还 要 敲 多 少 吉 他
It will take more than good luck to find the horse
cái néng mǎi dé dào
才 能 买 得 到
You can buy it
tā zhēn de zhēn de xiǎng zhī dào
他 真 的 真 的 想 知 道
He really really wants to know
tā bù zhī dào zěn me bàn cái hǎo shuì bù zhe
他 不 知 道 怎 么 办 才 好 睡 不 着
He didn't know what to do to keep awake
tā jiāng nà pū mǎn dǎ pò le
他 将 那 扑 满 打 破 了
He smashed the pool
xiǎo xiǎo yuàn wàng jiù kuài shí xiàn le tā zài xiào
小 小 愿 望 就 快 实 现 了 他 在 笑
The little wish will soon come true. He is smiling
tā zhēn de zhēn de xiǎng zhī dào
他 真 的 真 的 想 知 道
He really really wants to know
nà shǒu lái zì dōng ōu de mín yáo hé xián
那 首 来 自 东 欧 的 民 谣 和 弦
The ballad chord from Eastern Europe
dào dǐ shén me diào
到 底 什 么 调
To the bottom
mǐ lán de tiān kōng gāng pò xiǎo
米 兰 的 天 空 刚 破 晓
The sky is breaking in Milan
xún mǎ dì tiě hái yào qiāo duō shǎo jí tā
寻 马 碲 铁 还 要 敲 多 少 吉 他
It will take more than good luck to find the horse
cái néng mǎi dé dào
才 能 买 得 到
You can buy it
tā zhēn de zhēn de xiǎng zhī dào
他 真 的 真 的 想 知 道
He really really wants to know
tā bù zhī dào zěn me bàn cái hǎo shuì bù zhe
他 不 知 道 怎 么 办 才 好 睡 不 着
He didn't know what to do to keep awake
tā jiāng nà pū mǎn dǎ pò le
他 将 那 扑 满 打 破 了
He smashed the pool
xiǎo xiǎo yuàn wàng jiù kuài shí xiàn le tā zài xiào
小 小 愿 望 就 快 实 现 了 他 在 笑
The little wish will soon come true. He is smiling
Some Great Reviews About Mi Lan De Xiao Tie Jiang 米兰的小铁匠 Little Blacksmith in Milan
Listener 1: "is there a man just like his fast rhythmic songs, like" the little blacksmith milan "the night of the seventh chapter" class two three "" ninja" shuangjieao "" dragon fist" "nocturne" compendium of materia medica "red imitation" orcs, "dad I'm back in the name of the father, the wounds of war" "rice fragrance" the same tone in "love" BC "peninsula tin box" "master Chou" "besieged" the lamella "general" "secret code" "in the opposite direction of the clock" "drift" "my site" fearless "Indian old turtle dove" "cowboy busy"… Is there anyone left to follow? "
Listener 2: "I know JAY, s thinking, living in octave space, mother called Chou, like qi li xiang, can play Chopin's nocturne in November, when challenged, he said: I think it s still, although I'm busy, magic jie of I, will use across the work of The Times, to draw the exclamation point on, one day, people hear the twelve new, still will praise: oh, good! So this is Jay's bedtime story. "
Listener 3: "jay Chou's music is undoubtedly the avant-garde, even over the years to listen to is so nice, the lyrics and arrangements are still very good to listen, to his music style is difficult to be transcended now, after all his songs too rich music element, Chinese and western, so stand scrutiny of music is the real good work time. "
Listener 4: "I have not worshipped stars since I was a child, but Jay Chou is an exception. In fact, I do not worship Jay, but sincerely admire him. It has been more than ten years since his debut. Just heard his song "The Little Blacksmith in Milan", a feeling of nostalgia came to my heart, also exclaimed that even after all these years to listen to his song is still good. "
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