Chinese Song Name: Mi Hun Qu 迷魂曲
English Tranlation Name: Enchanting Melody
Chinese Singer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Composer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Lyrics: Fang Wen Shan 方文山
Mi Hun Qu 迷魂曲 Enchanting Melody Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
wǒ yòng qín jiàn yí dòng
我 用 琴 键 移 动
I move it with the keys
jué dìng nǐ yì shēng de nèi róng
决 定 你 一 生 的 内 容
Determine the length of your life
hēi mào dài shàng
黑 帽 戴 上
Black hat on
chuān zhuó héng tiáo máo yī zài pèi shàng shǒu tào
穿 着 横 条 毛 衣 再 配 上 手 套
Wear a striped sweater with a glove
jiē zhe zǒu zài yí piàn wù lǐ
接 着 走 在 一 片 雾 里
Walking in a fog
wǒ bú shì nà fó lái dí
我 不 是 那 佛 莱 迪
I'm not Freddy
suó yǐ bié pà
所 以 别 怕
To don't be afraid of
wǒ tōu tōu mō mō zǒu jìn nǐ mèng lǐ
我 偷 偷 摸 摸 走 进 你 梦 里
I stole into your dream
wǒ yòng yīn yuè zhè wǔ qì
我 用 音 乐 这 武 器
I use the instrument of music
jìn rù nǐ mèng lǐ zhí dǎo nǐ yǎn xì
进 入 你 梦 里 指 导 你 演 戏
Into your dreams to guide you into the play
chuán lái yì shēng āi yōu
传 来 一 声 哎 呦
Pass me a whoop
shuì le tài jiǔ shuì le tài shú
睡 了 太 久 睡 了 太 熟
Too long, too deep
xiǎo xīn mì mì bèi wǒ tōu zǒu
小 心 秘 密 被 我 偷 走
Little heart secret was stolen by me
xīn shì xiè lòu quán bèi wǒ kàn tòu
心 事 泄 漏 全 被 我 看 透
I see all the leaks
bú guò qǐng bié dān xīn
不 过 请 别 担 心
No, please don't worry
wǒ bú shì lǐ ào nà duō
我 不 是 李 奥 纳 多
I'm not Leonardo
bú huì yì céng yòu yì céng de bǎ mèng
不 会 一 层 又 一 层 的 把 梦
Will not layer upon layer of the dream
tōu tōu dào zǒu
偷 偷 盗 走
Steal steal steal away
wǒ tán qín shè xiàn jǐng
我 弹 琴 设 陷 阱
I play the piano and make a trap
xiàng nǐ huán huǎn de bī jìn
向 你 缓 缓 的 逼 近
Come close to you slowly
nǐ de shāng xīn yóu wǒ jué dìng
你 的 伤 心 由 我 决 定
I'll make up your mind
wǒ tán qín tán gǎn qíng
我 弹 琴 谈 感 情
I play the piano to express my feelings
ràng nǐ màn màn de shàng yǐn
让 你 慢 慢 的 上 瘾
Let you slowly on the addiction
nǐ de ài qíng yǐ jīng zhù dìng
你 的 爱 情 已 经 注 定
Your affections are fixed
wǒ tán qín shè xiàn jǐng
我 弹 琴 设 陷 阱
I play the piano and make a trap
xiàng nǐ huán huǎn de bī jìn
向 你 缓 缓 的 逼 近
Come close to you slowly
nǐ de shāng xīn yóu wǒ jué dìng
你 的 伤 心 由 我 决 定
I'll make up your mind
wǒ tán qín tán gǎn qíng
我 弹 琴 谈 感 情
I play the piano to express my feelings
ràng nǐ màn màn de shàng yǐn
让 你 慢 慢 的 上 瘾
Let you slowly on the addiction
nǐ de ài qíng yǐ jīng zhù dìng
你 的 爱 情 已 经 注 定
Your affections are fixed
zhè chǎng dǔ jú qǐng xiāng xìn wǒ nǐ hěn nán yíng
这 场 赌 局 请 相 信 我 你 很 难 赢
Trust me on this bet, you're hard to win
cháng jǐng jiù xiàng yì chǎng háo huá de mèng jìng
场 景 就 像 一 场 豪 华 的 梦 境
The scene is like a luxury dream
gē shēng mèi yǐng nǐ shēn shēn de bèi xī yǐn
歌 声 魅 影 你 深 深 的 被 吸 引
The enchantment of the song you are deeply drawn
bì shàng yǎn jing náo hǎi fēng jǐng
闭 上 眼 睛 脑 海 风 景
Close your eyes and focus on the sea
yǐ jīng kāi shǐ fēi xíng
已 经 开 始 飞 行
It has begun to fly
yì zhì zài zài jiān dìng zài duō lěng jìng
意 志 再 再 坚 定 再 多 冷 静
Will again firm up again cold and quiet
zài duō rén xìng
再 多 任 性
More sex
nǐ yě wú fǎ qù dǐ kàng
你 也 无 法 去 抵 抗
You can't fight it
wǒ suǒ dàn de rè qíng
我 所 弹 的 热 情
The heat I play
gēn zhe jié zòu wēn róu gēn zhe wǒ
跟 着 节 奏 温 柔 跟 着 我
Follow me softly to the stanza
ràng xuán lǜ zì yóu
让 旋 律 自 由
Leave the spin law to its own devices
yí biàn yòu yí biàn de yòu huò
一 遍 又 一 遍 的 诱 惑
Seduction over and over again
ài shàng wǒ shì zhǒng shēng huó
爱 上 我 是 种 生 活
Loving me is a kind of life
wǒ yòng qín jiàn yí dòng
我 用 琴 键 移 动
I move it with the keys
jué dìng nǐ yì shēng de nèi róng
决 定 你 一 生 的 内 容
Determine the length of your life
wǒ tán qín shè xiàn jǐng
我 弹 琴 设 陷 阱
I play the piano and make a trap
xiàng nǐ huán huǎn de bī jìn
向 你 缓 缓 的 逼 近
Come close to you slowly
nǐ de shāng xīn yóu wǒ jué dìng
你 的 伤 心 由 我 决 定
I'll make up your mind
wǒ tán qín tán gǎn qíng
我 弹 琴 谈 感 情
I play the piano to express my feelings
ràng nǐ màn màn de shàng yǐn
让 你 慢 慢 的 上 瘾
Let you slowly on the addiction
nǐ de ài qíng yǐ jīng zhù dìng
你 的 爱 情 已 经 注 定
Your affections are fixed
wǒ tán qín shè xiàn jǐng
我 弹 琴 设 陷 阱
I play the piano and make a trap
xiàng nǐ huán huǎn de bī jìn
向 你 缓 缓 的 逼 近
Come close to you slowly
nǐ de shāng xīn yóu wǒ jué dìng
你 的 伤 心 由 我 决 定
I'll make up your mind
wǒ tán qín tán gǎn qíng
我 弹 琴 谈 感 情
I play the piano to express my feelings
ràng nǐ màn màn de shàng yǐn
让 你 慢 慢 的 上 瘾
Let you slowly on the addiction
nǐ de ài qíng yǐ jīng zhù dìng
你 的 爱 情 已 经 注 定
Your affections are fixed
wǒ yòng qín jiàn yí dòng
我 用 琴 键 移 动
I move it with the keys
nǐ de shāng xīn yóu wǒ jué dìng
你 的 伤 心 由 我 决 定
I'll make up your mind
jué dìng nǐ yì shēng de nèi róng
决 定 你 一 生 的 内 容
Determine the length of your life
nǐ de ài qíng yǐ jīng zhù dìng
你 的 爱 情 已 经 注 定
Your affections are fixed
wǒ yòng qín jiàn yí dòng
我 用 琴 键 移 动
I move it with the keys
nǐ de shāng xīn yóu wǒ jué dìng
你 的 伤 心 由 我 决 定
I'll make up your mind
jué dìng nǐ yì shēng de nèi róng
决 定 你 一 生 的 内 容
Determine the length of your life
nǐ de ài qíng yǐ jīng zhù dìng
你 的 爱 情 已 经 注 定
Your affections are fixed
Some Great Reviews About Mi Hun Qu 迷魂曲 Enchanting Melody
Listener 1: "jay started trying to electronic music for the first time that five years ago when most people are too many people can't accept it spray mark b: he would have said the sound will become the mainstream trend in the future time to prove he was not wrong in other people are still in the bitter love songs to sing when he would have began to explore new areas for five years later you can accept electronic music? And the exclamation point? Suit?"
Listener 2: "Vertigo is Jay's first attempt at electronic dance music. The song opens with a dreamy, psychedelic electronica. In this song, Jay combines a variety of singing styles, such as island style with nasal resonance, and auto-tune voice changer to present a strange and treacherous feeling. The chorus changes to another Middle Eastern style, and the deep voice is even more mysterious."
Listener 3: "You really think that Jay is too simple, thinking that Jay is just the electronic sound of hip-hop Stewardess in 2010, but in fact, it was already used in Compendium of Materia Mata in 2006. The popularity of electronic sound in the past two years shows that Jay's music is too advanced!"
Listener 4: "Sometimes a song that is not very popular is not a song that is not very good, rather it may be a song that is too good for the Listener to follow. For example, this song is Jay's first electronic dance music. The singing is changeable and psychedelic, with a strong sense of rhythm. It's just that most people's musical perception can't keep up with his pace, and they're stuck in the early days of Simple Love. But music is constantly evolving, and Jay, as a pioneer of The Times, needs constant breakthroughs."
Listener 5: "Psychedelic electronic rock R&B arrangement, placed today is also the top production level in the Chinese music industry. I had to compromise with the market with 12 and Ouch! Because I was so badly squirted. While most people are still singing the same old adult lyricism, Jay Chou has broken new ground. And most of them are pushing me that this isn't the Jay I know.“
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