Chinese Song Name: Ji Zhu Wang Ji Wo 记住忘记我
English Tranlation Name: Remember To Forget Me
Chinese Singer: Xu Ting Keng 许廷铿 Alfred Hui Ting Hang
Chinese Composer: Zhang Jia Cheng 张家诚
Chinese Lyrics: Zhang Mei Xian 张美贤
Ji Zhu Wang Ji Wo 记住忘记我 Remember To Forget Me Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Xu Ting Keng 许廷铿 Alfred Hui Ting Hang
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
dì yì tiān xiōng yǒng de sī niàn
第 一 天 汹 涌 的 思 念
The first day was filled with thoughts
zhú cùn sì nvè cháng duàn
逐 寸 肆 虐 肠 断
Inch by inch, wantonly broken intestines
zhí dào suó yǒu duì bái xiàng shí tou chén diàn
直 到 所 有 对 白 像 石 头 沉 淀
Straight to all the white as a stone head sink
zhí dào jǔ shì yǐ rù mián
直 到 举 世 已 入 眠
Till death do us part
yuán lái méi rén mèng zhōng xiāng jiàn
原 来 没 人 梦 中 相 见
For no one ever saw each other in a dream
cái néng quán wú fù dān xiàng chū shēng nà tiān
才 能 全 无 负 担 像 初 生 那 天
To be as free as the first day of life
céng shì zuì rè jì yì
曾 是 最 热 记 忆
Once was the hottest memory
dòng rén yuè sè yì liú zài jīn xī
动 人 月 色 亦 留 在 今 夕
Moving people on the moon also stay in this evening
wǒ wéi shuí ài guò hào jìn le bì shēng qì lì
我 为 谁 爱 过 耗 尽 了 毕 生 气 力
For whom I have spent all my energy
yí xià zuì hòu tàn xī
遗 下 最 后 叹 息
Leave the last sigh
chuán qí shì jì bèi shí rì qīn shí
传 奇 事 迹 被 时 日 侵 蚀
The legend is eroded by time
yǐ hòu shuí yuǎn qù
以 后 谁 远 去
After who is far away
yě méi yǒu bú sǎn luò yán xí
也 没 有 不 散 落 筵 席
There is no feast without a feast
céng qiān shǒu huī guò zhè yī xiù
曾 牵 手 挥 过 这 衣 袖
Once held hands and waved the sleeve of this dress
biàn zài yě méi rán hòu
便 再 也 没 然 后
And then no more
zhí dào sī xù huà dié fēi bú guò lěng qiū
直 到 思 絮 化 蝶 飞 不 过 冷 秋
Until think flocculation butterfly fly not too cold autumn
zhí dào hēi fā yǐ bái tóu
直 到 黑 发 已 白 头
Up to black hair and white head
cóng qián liè hén yǐ jīng shēng xiù
从 前 裂 痕 已 经 生 锈
The front crack has rusted away
tái wàng quán wú fù dān biàn gāo fēi yuǎnzǒu
抬 望 全 无 负 担 便 高 飞 远 走
Look at no load on the high fly away
céng shì zuì rè jì yì
曾 是 最 热 记 忆
Once was the hottest memory
dòng rén yuè sè yì liú zài jīn xī
动 人 月 色 亦 留 在 今 夕
Moving people on the moon also stay in this evening
wǒ wéi shuí ài guò
我 为 谁 爱 过
For whom I loved
hào jìn le bì shēng qì lì
耗 尽 了 毕 生 气 力
Use up all the gas
yí xià zuì hòu tàn xī
遗 下 最 后 叹 息
Leave the last sigh
chuán qí shì jì bèi shí rì qīn shí
传 奇 事 迹 被 时 日 侵 蚀
The legend is eroded by time
yǐ hòu shuí yuǎn qù
以 后 谁 远 去
After who is far away
yě méi yǒu bú sǎn luò yán xí
也 没 有 不 散 落 筵 席
There is no feast without a feast
céng shì zuì dú jì yì
曾 是 最 毒 记 忆
It was the most poisonous memory
hài rén jué sè bǎi nián zhǎng gū jì
害 人 绝 色 百 年 长 孤 寂
It kills people and makes them lonely for hundreds of years
nǐ shì shuí cā guò
你 是 谁 擦 过
Who are you
shèn rù wǒ shēn tǐ xuè yè
渗 入 我 身 体 血 液
It seeps into my blood
yí xià zuì hòu tàn xī
遗 下 最 后 叹 息
Leave the last sigh
màn wú mù dì yuàn wàng diào zhāo xī
漫 无 目 的 愿 忘 掉 朝 夕
Aimless wish to forget the evening
jì zhù wàng jì wǒ
记 住 忘 记 我
Remember me
zài méi yǒu bú sǎn luò yán xí
再 没 有 不 散 落 筵 席
There is no feast without a feast
Some Great Reviews About Ji Zhu Wang Ji Wo 记住忘记我 Remember To Forget Me
Listener 1: "the dentist once said, let it go out like a tooth extraction of that a moment, you will feel relief, but the tongue always involuntarily into the empty cavities lick countless times, the pain does not mean you have completely ignored the vacancy left, never in abnormal miss, it always takes time to adapt to, but always teeth to pull out, because too much pain so it still need to let go."
Listener 2:"I was waiting at a corner of the street at noon yesterday when suddenly a young yellow boy driving a bomb-making car crashed into a car parked next to me. The boy said to me as he got up: Sorry, boss, I will pay you. Then the kid took out 500 dollars from his pocket and handed it to me. After I took the money, I shouted at the kid: Get out! "
Listener 3: "This is a sad and beautiful love song. The hero is never old, but the heroine is going to grow old very quickly. As time goes by, they will be separated from each other. At this time I understand a truth is, cherish the present person. Because once it's gone, it can never come back. "
Listener 4: "Who has read a novel? The second part of the heroine is very poor, such as a lifetime without heart, if inadvertently know is such a result should regret to leave? I don't know if I'm watching tried, in the novel describes a careless and white coloured glaze that a somewhat ambiguous, white coloured glaze should be that kind of ability not how wto, whatever feelings, he really like a careless, especially the child let centerless care of life, he wants to lead my life should be like this and not intentional, centerless is really owe the white glaze"
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