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HomePopGong Zhu Bing 公主病 Princess Syndrome Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhou...

Gong Zhu Bing 公主病 Princess Syndrome Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou

Chinese Song Name: Gong Zhu Bing 公主病
English Tranlation Name: Princess Syndrome
Chinese Singer:  Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Composer:  Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Lyrics:  Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou

Gong Zhu Bing 公主病 Princess Syndrome Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou

Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:

āi yōu gē ge   hēi nǐ hǎo 
哎 呦  哥 哥   嗨  你 好
Ouch. Hi, bro. How are you
wǒ bú shì āi yōu gē ge 
我 不 是  哎 呦  哥 哥 
I'm not brother Whoops
wǒ shì jù pào shū shu 
我 是  巨 炮  叔  叔  
I'm Uncle Gun
nǐ zěn me lā 
你 怎  么 啦 
How do you it
wǒ shēng bìng le 
我 生    病   了 
I was sick
nà tīng yí xià āi yōu gē ge de yáng guāng zhái nán 
那 听   一 下  哎 呦  哥 哥 的 阳   光    宅   男
 Well, listen to brother Whoops' sunshine geek
jiù huì hǎo le lā 
就  会  好  了 啦 
You'll be all right
No no  hǎo bù liǎo wō 
No no  好  不 了   喔 
Good oh
wèi shén me ne 
为  什   么 呢 
yīn wèi shì gōng zhǔ bìng lā 
因  为  是  公   主  病   啦 
For the Lord is sick
wèi shén me wǒ yào qù shài tài yáng 
为  什   么 我 要  去 晒   太  阳  
Why am I going to get too much sun
wǒ yào qù xué yóu yǒng 
我 要  去 学  游  泳   
I'm going to learn to swim
chōng làng bǎn yào dān shǒu lái káng 
冲    浪   板  要  单  手   来  扛   
The surf board must be carried with one hand
hái bú shì yīn wèi nǐ xǐ huan yáng guāng nán hái 
还  不 是  因  为  你 喜 欢   阳   光    男  孩
Not because you like the sun light boys 
yào wǒ bēn pǎo zài hǎi tān shàng 
要  我 奔  跑  在  海  滩  上    
Make me run on the beach
nǐ diū fēi pán wǒ xué gǒu lái jiē   wāng 
你 丢  飞  盘  我 学  狗  来  接    汪  
You throw the flying dish and I'll pick him up like a dog 
yào wǒ xué hòu yì shè tài yáng 
要  我 学  后  羿 射  太  阳  
I was told to learn hou Yi to shoot taiyang
yīn wèi nǐ shuō tài rè 
因  为  你 说   太  热 
Because you said it was too hot
gē ér men dōu xiào nǐ huó zài 
哥 儿 们  都  笑   你 活  在  
The brothers laughed at you for living
zì jǐ tóng huà shì jiè 
自 己 童   话  世  界  
I am a child of the world
nǐ shuō bú shì de huà zěn me jiào gōng zhǔ 
你 说   不 是  的 话  怎  么 叫   公   主  
How then are you called a Lord if you say no
kàn lái zhè wèi gōng zhǔ 
看  来  这  位  公   主  
Look at this Lord
bìng de hǎo xiàng bù qīng 
病   的 好  像    不 轻   
The illness is very serious
kū zhe shuō wǒ bèi pàn nǐ 
哭 着  说   我 背  叛  你 
Crying and saying I'm against you
wǒ shuō zài nǎ lǐ 
我 说   在  哪 里 
I said where
nǐ shuō zài mèng lǐ 
你 说   在  梦   里 
You said in a dream
shuō yī qiān biàn ài nǐ 
说   一 千   遍   爱 你 
Say I love you a thousand times
zhè dōu bú shì wèn tí 
这  都  不 是  问  题 
That's not a question
wǒ yòng yīn yuè lái zhì nǐ de gōng zhǔ bìng 
我 用   音  乐  来  治  你 的 公   主  病   
I used music to cure your Lord's disease
yào wǒ dǎ bāo zì jǐ 
要  我 打 包  自 己 
Make me pack for myself
bàn chéng Hello Kitty
扮  成    Hello Kitty
Dress up as a
nà kàn qǐ lái jiù huì yóu diǎn wèn tí 
那 看  起 来  就  会  有  点   问  题 
That's going to look a little bit problematic
méi guān xi wǒ ài nǐ 
没  关   系 我 爱 你 
It doesn't matter that I love you
jiù suàn nǐ ài zì jǐ 
就  算   你 爱 自 己 
If you love yourself
dòu dòu bāng nǐ jǐ gán zǒu huài huài pí qi 
痘  痘  帮   你 挤 赶  走  坏   坏   脾 气 
Acne squeezes out bad spleen qi
rú guǒ tū rán xīn jí 
如 果  突 然  心  急 
If the fruit is abrupt, the heart is anxious
xiǎng yào méi hǎo hūn yīn 
想    要  美  好  婚  姻  
Want to have a good wedding
wǒ de chéng bǎo shuō huān yíng guāng lín 
我 的 城    堡  说   欢   迎   光    临  
My castle says welcome the coming of light
wèi shén me wǒ yào qù shài tài yáng 
为  什   么 我 要  去 晒   太  阳  
Why am I going to get too much sun
wǒ yào qù xué yóu yǒng 
我 要  去 学  游  泳   
I'm going to learn to swim
chōng làng bǎn yào dān shǒu lái káng 
冲    浪   板  要  单  手   来  扛   
The surf board must be carried with one hand
hái bú shì yīn wèi nǐ xǐ huan yáng guāng nán hái 
还  不 是  因  为  你 喜 欢   阳   光    男  孩
Not because you like the sun light boys 
yào wǒ bēn pǎo zài hǎi tān shàng 
要  我 奔  跑  在  海  滩  上    
Make me run on the beach
nǐ diū fēi pán wǒ xué gǒu lái jiē   wāng 
你 丢  飞  盘  我 学  狗  来  接    汪  
You throw the flying dish and I'll pick him up like a dog 
yào wǒ xué hòu yì shè tài yáng 
要  我 学  后  羿 射  太  阳  
I was told to learn hou Yi to shoot taiyang
yīn wèi nǐ shuō tài rè 
因  为  你 说   太  热 
Because you said it was too hot
gē ér men dōu xiào nǐ huó zài 
哥 儿 们  都  笑   你 活  在  
The brothers laughed at you for living
zì jǐ tóng huà shì jiè 
自 己 童   话  世  界  
I am a child of the world
nǐ shuō bú shì de huà zěn me jiào gōng zhǔ 
你 说   不 是  的 话  怎  么 叫   公   主  
How then are you called a Lord if you say no
kàn lái zhè wèi gōng zhǔ 
看  来  这  位  公   主  
Look at this Lord
bìng de hǎo xiàng bù qīng 
病   的 好  像    不 轻   
The illness is very serious
kū zhe shuō wǒ bèi pàn nǐ 
哭 着  说   我 背  叛  你 
Crying and saying I'm against you
wǒ shuō zài nǎ lǐ 
我 说   在  哪 里 
I said where
nǐ shuō zài mèng lǐ 
你 说   在  梦   里 
You said in a dream
shuō yī qiān biàn ài nǐ 
说   一 千   遍   爱 你 
Say I love you a thousand times
zhè dōu bú shì wèn tí 
这  都  不 是  问  题 
That's not a question
wǒ yòng yīn yuè lái zhì nǐ de gōng zhǔ bìng 
我 用   音  乐  来  治  你 的 公   主  病   
I used music to cure your Lord's disease
yào wǒ dǎ bāo zì jǐ 
要  我 打 包  自 己 
Make me pack for myself
bàn chéng Hello Kitty
扮  成    Hello Kitty
Dress up as a
nà kàn qǐ lái jiù huì yóu diǎn wèn tí 
那 看  起 来  就  会  有  点   问  题 
That's going to look a little bit problematic
méi guān xi wǒ ài nǐ 
没  关   系 我 爱 你 
It doesn't matter that I love you
jiù suàn nǐ ài zì jǐ 
就  算   你 爱 自 己 
If you love yourself
dòu dòu bāng nǐ jǐ gán zǒu huài huài pí qi 
痘  痘  帮   你 挤 赶  走  坏   坏   脾 气 
Acne squeezes out bad spleen qi
rú guǒ tū rán xīn jí 
如 果  突 然  心  急 
If the fruit is abrupt, the heart is anxious
xiǎng yào méi hǎo hūn yīn 
想    要  美  好  婚  姻  
Want to have a good wedding
wǒ de chéng bǎo shuō huān yíng guāng lín 
我 的 城    堡  说   欢   迎   光    临  
My castle says welcome the coming of light
shuō yī qiān biàn ài nǐ 
说   一 千   遍   爱 你 
Say I love you a thousand times
zhè dōu bú shì wèn tí 
这  都  不 是  问  题 
That's not a question
wǒ yòng yīn yuè lái zhì nǐ de gōng zhǔ bìng 
我 用   音  乐  来  治  你 的 公   主  病   
I used music to cure your Lord's disease
yào wǒ dǎ bāo zì jǐ 
要  我 打 包  自 己 
Make me pack for myself
bàn chéng Hello Kitty
扮  成    Hello Kitty
Dress up as a
nà kàn qǐ lái jiù huì yóu diǎn wèn tí 
那 看  起 来  就  会  有  点   问  题 
That's going to look a little bit problematic
méi guān xi wǒ ài nǐ 
没  关   系 我 爱 你 
It doesn't matter that I love you
jiù suàn nǐ ài zì jǐ 
就  算   你 爱 自 己 
If you love yourself
dòu dòu bāng nǐ jǐ gán zǒu huài huài pí qi 
痘  痘  帮   你 挤 赶  走  坏   坏   脾 气 
Acne squeezes out bad spleen qi
rú guǒ tū rán xīn jí 
如 果  突 然  心  急 
If the fruit is abrupt, the heart is anxious
xiǎng yào méi hǎo hūn yīn 
想    要  美  好  婚  姻  
Want to have a good wedding
wǒ de chéng bǎo shuō huān yíng guāng lín 
我 的 城    堡  说   欢   迎   光    临  
My castle says welcome the coming of light

Some Great Reviews About Gong Zhu Bing 公主病 Princess Syndrome

Listener 1: "Princess Disease," for example, is a song written to cater to the mentality of little girls. At the beginning of the song, Chou transforms into a sunny homebody, having a childlike dialogue with an innocent girl. "I'm sick, I can't get well!" 'Why not? 'Because the princess is ill! Two naive figures leap out. Then, the sunlight curtilage male juvenile sing all the boys in a tone of voice: although girlfriend have the princess disease, but are still willing to love her times a day, her dressed as HELLO KITTY, in the sunshine, for her to learn swimming, even if it is a bad temper her this castle is always open for her, just like a brave boy of for love. For song in the kind of pure love, jay also acknowledged that you actually have been like to sing a lovely woman such a sweet song, the song is "princess disease" deliberately pressed his age is small, "in fact, I've always wanted to do this, with a very natural way back to the very simple very pure feeling of the song, and let people won't feel I deliberately playing cute."

Listener 2: "Princess Disease" is a light-hearted rock song, a sister song of Sunshine Nerdy. At the beginning of the song, it is customary to come to OS, this time to join the voice performance of the little girl, the lovely voice said he got "princess disease" can not get well, it seems that can only use love songs to treat; Basking in the sun, learning to surf and carrying a surfboard with one hand were all designed to make the princess like a sunny boy and the whole song was full of sweet love."

Listener 3: "Hannah dreams of Jay cheating and wakes up crying. So the lyrics are "Crying I betray you, I say where, you say in the dream." Jay really spoiled his wife."

How do you think about this song? Please leave a comment below.

Jack Smith
Jack Smith
I am a Chinese music lover, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share my passion for Chinese music with you. Through my love for Chinese music, I hope to connect with fellow enthusiasts and explore the beauty and depth of this incredible art form.


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