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HomePopDing Ding Bang Bang 叮叮梆梆 Ding-ding Bang Bang Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin...

Ding Ding Bang Bang 叮叮梆梆 Ding-ding Bang Bang Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Ding Ding 丁丁 Li Bang Bang 李棒棒 Muti

Chinese Song Name: Ding Ding Bang Bang 叮叮梆梆
English Tranlation Name: Ding-ding Bang Bang
Chinese Singer: Ding Ding 丁丁 Li Bang Bang 李棒棒 Muti
Chinese Composer: Ding Ding 丁丁 Li Bang Bang 李棒棒 Muti
Chinese Lyrics: Ding Ding 丁丁 Li Bang Bang 李棒棒 Muti

Ding Ding Bang Bang 叮叮梆梆 Ding-ding Bang Bang Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Ding Ding 丁丁 Li Bang Bang 李棒棒 Muti

Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:

lǐ bàng bàng : 
李 棒   棒   : 
Li bar bar:
zhè zhuō zi shàng de lā jī nǐ kuài ná zǒu 
这  桌   子 上    的 垃 圾 你 快   拿 走  
Take the trash off this table
dīng dīng : 
丁   丁   : 
Ding ding:
nǐ zài shuō yī cì 
你 再  说   一 次 
Say it again
lǐ bàng bàng : 
李 棒   棒   : 
Li bar bar:
shuí nà me dǎo méi cái huì dāng nǐ nán péng you 
谁   那 么 倒  霉  才  会  当   你 男  朋   友  
It's bad luck who's gonna be your boyfriend
dīng dīng : 
丁   丁   : 
Ding ding:
OK That's fine
lǐ bàng bàng : 
李 棒   棒   : 
Li bar bar:
bú jiù shì yí gè chōng dòng 
不 就  是  一 个 冲    动   
It's not just a rush
yīn wèi nǐ tiān tā dì xiàn shēng xiǎng hōng lōng 
因  为  你 天   塌 地 陷   声    响    轰   隆   
For because of thee the heavens fall and the earth crash
běn lái zài ài qíng lǐ wǒ hǎn féng dí shǒu 
本  来  在  爱 情   里 我 罕  逢   敌 手   
In love I seldom meet enemies
You not my lady
nǐ pàng hái ràng wǒ bèi nǐ 
你 胖   还  让   我 背  你 
You're too fat to let me carry you
yòu méi yǒu dà de bēi xǐ 
又  没  有  大 的 悲  喜 
There was no great sadness
hái yào měi cì hē dào bēi dǐ 
还  要  每  次 喝 到  杯  底 
And drink to the bottom of the glass every time
Oh baby  zhè shì mìng   hǎo ba 
Oh baby  这  是  命     好  吧 
It's destiny. Okay
dàn shì jìng   wǒ què jué dé xìng yùn 
但  是  竟     我 却  觉  得 幸   运  
But it was lucky for me
qì nǐ pàn nì yòu dà yì 
气 你 叛  逆 又  大 意 
Angry with you for your treachery and great intentions
wǒ fán nǐ dàn shì wǒ ài nǐ 
我 烦  你 但  是  我 爱 你 
I hate you but I love you
ēn   wǒ chéng rèn shì wǒ méi yǒu fēng dù 
恩   我 承    认  是  我 没  有  风   度 
Well, I guess I don't have the wind
hā   nǐ ràng wǒ méi fǎ  hold  zhù 
哈   你 让   我 没  法  hold  住  
You got me lost
ēn   wǒ bú shì nǐ de hǎ bā gǒu 
恩   我 不 是  你 的 哈 巴 狗  
Well, I'm not your pug
dàn zhè kē xīn qǐng nǐ xiān ná zǒu 
但  这  颗 心  请   你 先   拿 走  
But please take this heart first
B-E-E-F Ding Ding
tā àn le mén líng lái dào wǒ de xīn 
他 按 了 门  铃   来  到  我 的 心  
He rang the door bell to come to my heart
B-E-E-F Bang Bang
zhè xiǎo lù yì zhí zhuàng 
这  小   鹿 一 直  撞     
The little deer ran headlong
B-E-E-F Ding Ding
zhè xiē huà wǒ zhǐ xiǎng ràng nǐ tīng 
这  些  话  我 只  想    让   你 听   
That's all I want you to hear
B-E-E-F Bang Bang
yīn wèi   zhí yǒu nǐ bù yí yàng 
因  为    只  有  你 不 一 样   
For thou art not the only one
dīng dīng : 
丁   丁   : 
Ding ding:
jì niàn rì biàn chéng píng fán de xīng qī liù 
纪 念   日 变   成    平   凡  的 星   期 六  
The day of remembrance becomes the sixth star of Pingvan
shuí nà me kě lián huì dāng nǐ de nǚ péng you 
谁   那 么 可 怜   会  当   你 的 女 朋   友  
Who can pity will be your female friend
You got me going psycho
I just can't say no no no
gēn wǒ yì qǐ  chill  lái xiāo huà nǐ de wú lí tóu 
跟  我 一 起  chill  来  消   化  你 的 无 厘 头  
Chill with me to keep your cool
xiāng ài xiāng shā 
相    爱 相    杀  
That love phase
We on the beat ya
jiù shì zhè me zhà   jiù shì zhè me là 
就  是  这  么 炸    就  是  这  么 辣 
That's it. That's it. That's it
wǒ jiù shì zhè me sà 
我 就  是  这  么 飒 
That's what I'm doing
Boy  jiù shì ràng nǐ fàng bú xià 
Boy  就  是  让   你 放   不 下  
"Boy" means you can't put it down
nǐ jiù shì zhè me shǎ   jiù shì zhè me huā 
你 就  是  这  么 傻    就  是  这  么 花  
You are so silly is the flowers
jiù shì zhè me qí pā 
就  是  这  么 奇 葩 
It's just weird
nǐ gēn běn méi zhǎng dà 
你 根  本  没  长    大 
You didn't grow up
tǎo yàn nǐ ài zì jǐ wán 
讨  厌  你 爱 自 己 玩  
I hate it when you love to play with yourself
tǎo yàn nǐ zuǐ chán 
讨  厌  你 嘴  馋   
I hate your food
tǎo yàn nǐ xiǎng dà dǎn 
讨  厌  你 想    大 胆  
I hate it when you want to be bold
jiàn dào cháng tuǐ jiù xǐ huan 
见   到  长    腿  就  喜 欢   
Seeing long legs makes me happy
tǎo yàn nǐ   tǎo yàn nǐ   tǎo yàn nǐ   huài 
讨  厌  你   讨  厌  你   讨  厌  你   坏   
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you
tǎo yàn nǐ ràng wǒ zhè me ài   ràng wǒ lí bù kāi 
讨  厌  你 让   我 这  么 爱   让   我 离 不 开  
I hate you for letting me love you so much that I can't let go
B-E-E-F Ding Ding
tā àn le mén líng lái dào wǒ de xīn 
他 按 了 门  铃   来  到  我 的 心  
He rang the door bell to come to my heart
B-E-E-F Bang Bang
zhè xiǎo lù yì zhí zhuàng 
这  小   鹿 一 直  撞     
The little deer ran headlong
B-E-E-F Ding Ding
dàn zhè xiē huà wǒ zhǐ xiǎng ràng nǐ tīng 
但  这  些  话  我 只  想    让   你 听   
But that's all I want you to hear
B-E-E-F Bang Bang
yīn wèi   zhí yǒu nǐ bù yí yàng 
因  为    只  有  你 不 一 样   
For thou art not the only one

Some Great Reviews About Ding Ding Bang Bang 叮叮梆梆

Listener 1: "Thought rap is diss of each other and is cold, but this song is unexpectedly sweet, replayed three times in the middle of the show, and is lighter and cheerier than Fox's. It is a gem with few new rap!"

Listener 2: "Instead of Saying Homei Yan, you want a honey girl and you don't even want an all-rounder like Tintin Bang Bang, no wonder only a rookie is left. And wilber you too, you let Lee stick it out, you went to pick a Sean this Sean, I don't know much about him, what's so good about him, can he match Lee stick it out? I heard that a program is huang Xu to help sing, but also caused trouble, and finally was forced down by the car guide. I'm not a fan of Sean's, but I really feel sorry for Lee and Tintin."

Listener 3: "If the shoes do not fit, do not force them, but wear your feet; Call the other side does not pick up, do not replay again and again, cherish your people will call the first time; Don't go all the way to the restaurant you moved away from. Your time can't always be spent on the road you follow. All people and things, their own clear conscience is good, not you also do not force, leave, is the scenery, leaving, is life.“

Listener 4: "thanks to this song let you and I meet, the right is the heart of music you like, but you are lucky, understand people natural understand, also can become beautiful, ugly people willing to listen the songs never outweighed, may the people will never be disappoint, lovely you will eventually become better yourself, manic up along with the melody, will we share the happiness to more people."

Listener 5: "From a musician's point of view, the song's style and lyrics are at a releasable level."

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