Chinese Song Name: Deng Ta 灯塔
English Tranlation Name: The Lighthouse
Chinese Singer: Guo Hong Xu 郭虹旭
Chinese Composer: Liang Mang 梁芒
Chinese Lyrics: Yi Ming 佚名
Deng Ta 灯塔 The Lighthouse Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Guo Hong Xu 郭虹旭
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
hǎi làng bù tíng zhěng yè yín chàng
海 浪 不 停 整 夜 吟 唱
The sea waves sing all night long
gū dú péi zhe wǒ shǒu wàng
孤 独 陪 着 我 守 望
Alone with me to watch
tǎn tè pái huái zhí zhuó děng dài
忐 忑 徘 徊 执 着 等 待
Hesitating to wait
wǒ yào chuān yuè guò zhè hǎi
我 要 穿 越 过 这 海
I want to cross the sea
dēng tǎ de guāng jiù zài bǐ àn
灯 塔 的 光 就 在 彼 岸
The light from the lamp tower is on the other bank
nà yì lì bú biàn de ài
那 屹 立 不 变 的 爱
That stand still love
hū rán lǐng wù míng xīn kè gǔ
忽 然 领 悟 铭 心 刻 骨
Suddenly enlightened Ming heart engraved bones
yóng gǎn de fàng shēng tòng kū
勇 敢 的 放 声 痛 哭
Brave voice pain cry
pī xīng dài yuè rì yè zhuī zhú
披 星 戴 月 日 夜 追 逐
Stars wear moon night chase
nǎ pà yì wú suǒ huò
哪 怕 一 无 所 获
I fear nothing
shuāng yǎn bú zài mó mó hu hú
双 眼 不 再 模 模 糊 糊
Neither eye shall be moulded
hǎi shuǐ yǐ chōng zǒu fèn nù
海 水 已 冲 走 愤 怒
The sea has washed away anger
ài guò de rén nǐ zài hé chù
爱 过 的 人 你 在 何 处
Where are you, the one you loved
shì fǒu bàn tú jiù lí kāi
是 否 半 途 就 离 开
Yes or no to leave halfway
jiù lí kāi xiāo shì zài
就 离 开 消 逝 在
Away from the disappear in
hái yǒu dēng tǎ cì yǎn duó mù
还 有 灯 塔 刺 眼 夺 目
There are also pylons that Pierce the eyes
nà shì zuì hòu de jiù shú
那 是 最 后 的 救 赎
That's the last redemption
nà shì zuì hòu de guī sù
那 是 最 后 的 归 宿
That's the last homestay
Some Great Reviews About Deng Ta 灯塔
Listener 1: "This is one of my favorite singers from season 2 and he has a very bright voice. When he spoke my heart melted, good duck, he wore a blue shirt, like the patron saint of the sea. But the patron saint of the sea may be a lighthouse, but the old lighthouse left the ocean long ago. When every time the waves surge, does the lighthouse still guide the way for the lost waves… Little by little, I began to close my eyes and listen. It was a blue sky, a blue sea, a flock of seagulls flying peacefully, the sound of summer haunting the lighthouse. This is when you close your eyes. When I opened my eyes again, my eyes were moist. The big sunny boy didn't let his father down. He really made his voice heard tonight! I will continue to focus on him, good lovely ow ♡ (♡) come!"
Listener 2: "Everyone wants their own lighthouse when they get lost, but is it found in time? Lonely accompany me to watch, watch what? Your dreams? The family? Love? Everyone has their own things to watch, cherish things, whether regret or found still timely? I watch the future of me, whether not forget the original intention, can also maintain this time I? That's a real problem for me."
Listener 3: "such a boy, willing to speak out hidden under his heart with a smile is the most sad story, I'm not like the cry, he was still smiling, his father is a what kind of person, put him so brave, maybe don't want to see him sad, xu xu sounds really good, has the sense the high layer, he really deserves better, actually should consult Dong Pan, a tenor and bass cannot compare"
Listener 4: "The first part hears the touching of the lighthouse and the waves protecting and accompanying each other, while the second part hears the waves rushing towards the lighthouse regardless of everything. His beautiful timbre makes people listen and see hope. I hope I can come on stage more often and bring more excellent works."
How do you think about this song? Please leave a comment below.
Hi Hong Xu, Warm greetings to you and I hope this message reaches you. I'm from Singapore and I would like to compliment you on your very impressive and touching rendition of Xiang Si He Pan together with Dong Pang.
I would like a favour of you. I also love your rendition of Deng Ta or The Lighthouse. I wonder if you could help get the piano music score for Deng Ta so that I can enjoy playing the song on my piano during my leisure in my retirement years. I am willing to pay for the purchase of the music sheet.
I really hope you are able to assist me on this matter for which I would be very grateful.
Warm regards
Hi, Adrian. Just see your email.