Chinese Song Name: Da Tou Tie 大头贴
English Tranlation Name: Photo Sticker
Chinese Singer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Composer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou St
Chinese Lyrics: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Da Tou Tie 大头贴 Photo Sticker Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
Ya zhè shǒu gē sòng gěi wǒ de péng you zhān yǔ háo
Ya 这 首 歌 送 给 我 的 朋 友 詹 宇 豪
This song Ya is for my friend zhan yuhao
zhēn de yǒu gòu shuāi
真 的 有 够 衰
It's really bad
bú shì bié rén pāi dào tā
不 是 别 人 拍 到 他
He wasn't photographed
hēng zì jǐ pāi dào zì jǐ
哼 自 己 拍 到 自 己
Hum yourself on camera
Ya tīng xià qu
Ya 听 下 去
Ya listen
qián jǐ tiān cóng xiāng gǎng huí lái
前 几 天 从 香 港 回 来
I came back from Hong Kong the other day
tīng dào gǒu zhōu kān
听 到 狗 周 刊
Hear the dog week
pāi le yǔ háo gēn Lara
拍 了 宇 豪 跟 Lara
Shot yuhao and Lara
chǎng miàn yóu diǎn wēn xīn yóu diǎn tián mì
场 面 有 点 温 馨 有 点 甜 蜜
It was kind of warm and sweet
yǒu shén me bù ké yǐ
有 什 么 不 可 以
Why not
zhào piàn bù xīng shān sè zuǐ duì zuǐ
照 片 不 腥 膻 色 嘴 对 嘴
Photos don't smell like mutton mouth to mouth
nián qīng rén dōu shì guò liàn ài
年 轻 人 都 试 过 恋 爱
Young people have tried love
zěn me bù ké yǐ zuǐ duì zuǐ
怎 么 不 可 以 嘴 对 嘴
Why not mouth to mouth
wǒ shuō zhēn xīn huà dà mào xiǎn yóu xì
我 说 真 心 话 大 冒 险 游 戏
I'm talking truth or dare
yóu xì jiù shì zhè yàng wán
游 戏 就 是 这 样 玩
That's how games are played
zhēn xīn huà dà mào xiǎn yóu xì
真 心 话 大 冒 险 游 戏
Truth or dare
hái yǒu gèng kuā zhāng gèng kǒng bù de
还 有 更 夸 张 更 恐 怖 的
There are more exaggerated and terrifying
zhǐ shì nǐ men méi yǒu jī huì kàn dào ā
只 是 你 们 没 有 机 会 看 到 啊
You just didn't get a chance to see it
zhāng jié shuō tā bǎ guò 8 gè mèi
张 杰 说 他 把 过 8 个 妹
Zhang jie says he's had eight girls
dàn tóu shuō tā bǎ guò 9 gè mèi
弹 头 说 他 把 过 9 个 妹
Bullet says he's had nine girls
liǎng gè rén hái ké yǐ hù xiāng chuī chuī
两 个 人 还 可 以 互 相 吹 吹
Two people can also blow each other
zhǐ shì nǐ men méi yǒu jī huì kàn dào ā
只 是 你 们 没 有 机 会 看 到 啊
You just didn't get a chance to see it
gǒu ér ā gǒu ér ā zhēn kě lián
狗 儿 啊 狗 儿 啊 真 可 怜
Dog, dog, poor dog
pāi bú dào zhào piàn hái yào huā dà qián
拍 不 到 照 片 还 要 花 大 钱
You have to spend a lot of money to get a picture
rú guǒ nǐ men méi pāi dào yòu zhè me yǒu kōng
如 果 你 们 没 拍 到 又 这 么 有 空
If you didn't get it, you'd be so free
yào bu yào gān cuì bǎ xuān chuán zhào tōng tōng ná qù yòng
要 不 要 干 脆 把 宣 传 照 通 通 拿 去 用
Why don't you just use them all
nǐ zhēn de yào fàng xià nà shēn duàn
你 真 的 要 放 下 那 身 段
You really have to let go of that
nǐ zhēn de yào wéi yì rén zhuó xiǎng
你 真 的 要 为 艺 人 着 想
You really have to think about the artist
zhè shì nǐ tiān shēng de shǐ mìng
这 是 你 天 生 的 使 命
It's your natural calling
bú shì hé gēn yǔ háo pīn mìng
不 适 合 跟 宇 豪 拼 命
Not suitable with yu hao desperately
jiù zhè yàng qiān zhe nǐ yì zhí zǒu
就 这 样 牵 着 你 一 直 走
So lead you always walk
jiù zhè yàng qiān zhe nǐ zǒu
就 这 样 牵 着 你 走
So lead you to walk
wǒ bú pà bié rén zěn yàng shuō wǒ
我 不 怕 别 人 怎 样 说 我
I'm not afraid of what people say about me
wǒ zěn me huì bèi pāi dào
我 怎 么 会 被 拍 到
How did I get photographed
jiù zhè yàng qiān zhe nǐ yì zhí zǒu
就 这 样 牵 着 你 一 直 走
So lead you always walk
jiù zhè yàng qiān zhe nǐ zǒu
就 这 样 牵 着 你 走
So lead you to walk
wǒ bú pà bié rén zěn yàng shuō wǒ
我 不 怕 别 人 怎 样 说 我
I'm not afraid of what people say about me
wǒ zěn me huì bèi pāi dào wǒ zěn me huì bèi pāi dào
我 怎 么 会 被 拍 到 我 怎 么 会 被 拍 到
How could I be photographed how could I be photographed
wǒ zěn me huì bèi pāi dào wǒ yě bù zhī dào
我 怎 么 会 被 拍 到 我 也 不 知 道
How did I get photographed and I don't know
yé xǔ shì zì jǐ pāi dào yé xǔ shì zì jǐ pāi dào
也 许 是 自 己 拍 到 也 许 是 自 己 拍 到
Maybe it was me. Maybe it was me
yé xǔ shì dà tóu tiē yóng yuǎn bù pāi dà tóu tiē
也 许 是 大 头 贴 永 远 不 拍 大 头 贴
Maybe the big picture never takes the big picture
nǎ ér nǎ ér nǎ ér
哪 儿 哪 儿 哪 儿
Where, where, where
nǎ ér nǎ ér yǒu dà tóu tiē
哪 儿 哪 儿 有 大 头 贴
Where can I get a bumper sticker
nǎ ér nǎ ér nǎ ér
哪 儿 哪 儿 哪 儿
Where, where, where
nǎ ér nǎ ér yǒu dà tóu tiē
哪 儿 哪 儿 有 大 头 贴
Where can I get a bumper sticker
Some Great Reviews About Da Tou Tie 大头贴
Listener 1: "on January 12, 2006, the MV of jay Chou's new song 'big head post' was exposed on the Internet. This is the second time that jay Chou makes fun of the paparazzi after the song 'besieged on all sides'. < / p > < p > the incident in the days before south boxing mother's lead singer lara and league member yu hao play games were punished, took a big stick to play kiss, did not expect to be published by the gossip week, caused a great disturbance. Jay Chou not only impromptu song "big head", also homemade music video, take the opportunity to clarify the gossip news for the apprentice, but also lampooned the incompetence of the paparazzi. New song "photo" posted in jay Chou, the world's biggest fans of MV, jay composer, joined the nan quan ma ma song melody of orange soda, part of the melody and arranger is fairly simple, notes however pure and fresh feeling, intoxicate of rap is different from his work in recent years, optional and lazy. The song was short, just over two minutes long, and jay Chou himself appeared in the easy-to-make video, wearing a cap and grey sunglasses, and his stubble was decadent. And "the party" nanquan mother member lara and yu hao also naturally appear in the MV.
Listener 2: "those who know this song are all hardcore jay fans, and they like this jay song, which satirizes the paparazzi, which is called the spirit of hip-hop. They like this" arrogant and domineering "positive song! Unfortunately, now that jay is married, he can't write such a song."
Listener 3: "after listening to this song for the first time, I turned off the mobile phone, took a cigarette, went to the balcony to get a bottle of beer, drank 2 mouthfuls, came to the window, watching the rain outside, at this time I also can't control my mood, Shouting to the sky: too special to listen to!"
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