Chinese Song Name: Chun Jiao Yu Zhi Ming 春娇与志明
English Tranlation Name: Love In The Buff
Chinese Singer: Jie Dao Ban 街道办 GDC Ou Yang Yao Ying 欧阳耀莹
Chinese Composer: Jie Dao Ban 街道办 GDC
Chinese Lyrics: Jie Dao Ban 街道办 GDC
Chun Jiao Yu Zhi Ming 春娇与志明 Love In The Buff Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Jie Dao Ban 街道办 GDC Ou Yang Yao Ying 欧阳耀莹
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
JCool :
yǒu gè nǚ zǎi lìng wǒ sī xiǎng biàn dé dà gè
有 个 女 仔 令 我 思 想 变 得 大 个
A girl made me want to grow big
dāng chū wǒ yòu zhì xíng wéi duì nǐ fàn xià dà cuò
当 初 我 幼 稚 行 为 对 你 犯 下 大 错
When I was young I made a big mistake for you
nǐ huà wǒ én shí lín yòng qián mǎi wú yòng shì pǐn
你 话 我 唔 识 淋 用 钱 买 无 用 饰 品
You tell me not to buy useless ornaments with money
nǐ màn màn xīn dàn jué dé wǒ duì gǎn qíng én rèn zhēn
你 慢 慢 心 淡 觉 得 我 对 感 情 唔 认 真
You slowly heart light that I do not know true feelings
yāo zhī dào nán rén xì tiān shēng kài xiǎo péng you
要 知 道 男 人 系 天 生 嘅 小 朋 友
Understand that men are natural friends
xiǎo péng you ruò diǎn huì hū lvè lìng yí bàn gǎn shòu
小 朋 友 弱 点 会 忽 略 另 一 半 感 受
A weak friend will suddenly feel the other side
yào gǎi zhèng hǎo jiǎn dān wǒ zhǐ xì qiàn tiáo jiào
要 改 正 好 简 单 我 只 系 欠 调 教
To correct the simple list, I only have to adjust the teaching
jīng lì dé duō fǎn ér ké yǐ lìng dào ài yì nóng hòu
经 历 得 多 反 而 可 以 令 到 爱 意 浓 厚
The reverse of experience can make love thicker
Vai :
zhì míng kài shì jiè yóng yuǎn hǎo dòng dài zhe kě ài
志 明 嘅 世 界 永 远 好 动 带 着 可 爱
The enlightened world is always moving with love
qú mǎo shí jiān mí máng ài qíng cuò guò què én kě zài
佢 冇 时 间 迷 茫 爱 情 错 过 却 唔 可 再
He had lost all love wrong but can not again
cóng kāi shǐ zǒu dào jié wěi nǎ gè bú huì biàn dà gè
从 开 始 走 到 结 尾 哪 个 不 会 变 大 个
From the beginning to the end which does not grow bigger
dàn chūn jiāo xiǎng yào nà gè nǐ yòu yǒu shuí ké yǐ quàn zǔ
但 春 娇 想 要 那 个 你 又 有 谁 可 以 劝 阻
But chunjiao wants that and who can dissuade you
děng dài UFO zòng yǒu biàn shù
等 待 UFO 纵 有 变 数
Wait for the UFO to change
zuì pǔ tōng kài qú mì shì shàng biàn bù
最 普 通 嘅 佢 哋 世 上 遍 布
They are most widely spread in the world
ài màn chūn tiān sǎn luò měi gè jì jié kài xiāo hào
爱 漫 春 天 散 落 每 个 季 节 嘅 消 耗
Love spring scatters the consumption of each season
kàn zhe huā bàn diē luò guò chéng chēng dé guò shuāi lǎo
看 着 花 瓣 跌 落 过 程 撑 得 过 衰 老
Watch the petals fall down over the course of aging
ōu yáng yào yíng :
欧 阳 耀 莹 :
Ouyang Yaoying:
chóng xīn chū fā ma huh gèng kě wàng wèi lái
重 新 出 发 吗 huh 更 渴 望 未 来
Huh is more eager for the future
yí wǎng zhè shào nián dǒng ài ma
以 往 这 少 年 懂 爱 吗
In the last few years to know love
fǎng fú bú gòu
仿 佛 不 够
Imitation is not enough
chéng zhǎng huì jìn huà ma yě xìn niàn zì yóu
成 长 会 进 化 吗 也 信 念 自 由
Does growth evolve? Also believe in freedom
wǒ ài zhè shào nián fěng cì ma
我 爱 这 少 年 讽 刺 吗
Do I love the young sarcasm
zhè huā kāi ma
这 花 开 吗
The flowers open
liú zhǐ :
留 纸 :
Leave a paper:
wǒ ài nǐ nǐ shì chàng jiāng wǒ zuò pèi hé
我 爱 你 你 是 唱 将 我 做 配 合
I love you you're singing me to fit
dàn nǐ yǔ wǒ zhè guò chéng xì zhì gěi wǒ péi xùn
但 你 予 我 这 过 程 细 致 给 我 培 训
But you gave me a little training
qíng yǔ ài tài guò fù zá wǒ yào tài duō chuǎn xī
情 与 爱 太 过 复 杂 我 要 太 多 喘 息
Love and love are too complex I want to breathe too much
dàn nǐ ài wǒ kài yǐ hòu bú huì tài guò tǎn tè
但 你 爱 我 嘅 以 后 不 会 太 过 忐 忑
But you love my after will not too metaphysically
dāng yōng yǒu kài shí hou yòu jiē jìn fàng shǒu
当 拥 有 嘅 时 候 又 接 近 放 手
When you have something close and put your hand
xún huán bō fàng jù qíng yǒu duō shǎo gè rán hòu
循 环 播 放 剧 情 有 多 少 个 然 后
How much and how little the loop shows love
rú guǒ xì xiàn shí wǒ huì xuǎn zé dǎ pò xiàn shí
如 果 系 现 实 我 会 选 择 打 破 现 实
If it is, I will choose to break it
zài nǐ kài shì jiè lǐ miàn wǒ huì xuǎn zé màn màn jiàn rù
在 你 嘅 世 界 里 面 我 会 选 择 慢 慢 渐 入
In your world I will choose to come slowly and slowly
Vai :
zhì míng kài shì jiè yóng yuǎn hǎo dòng dài zhe kě ài
志 明 嘅 世 界 永 远 好 动 带 着 可 爱
The enlightened world is always moving with love
qú mǎo shí jiān mí máng ài qíng cuò guò què én kě zài
佢 冇 时 间 迷 茫 爱 情 错 过 却 唔 可 再
He had lost all love wrong but can not again
cóng kāi shǐ zǒu dào jié wěi nǎ gè bú huì biàn dà gè
从 开 始 走 到 结 尾 哪 个 不 会 变 大 个
From the beginning to the end which does not grow bigger
dàn chūn jiāo xiǎng yào nà gè nǐ yòu yǒu shuí ké yǐ quàn zǔ
但 春 娇 想 要 那 个 你 又 有 谁 可 以 劝 阻
But chunjiao wants that and who can dissuade you
děng dài UFO zòng yǒu biàn shù
等 待 UFO 纵 有 变 数
Wait for the UFO to change
zuì pǔ tōng kài qú mì shì shàng biàn bù
最 普 通 嘅 佢 哋 世 上 遍 布
They are most widely spread in the world
ài màn chūn tiān sǎn luò měi gè jì jié kài xiāo hào
爱 漫 春 天 散 落 每 个 季 节 嘅 消 耗
Love spring scatters the consumption of each season
kàn zhe huā bàn diē luò guò chéng chēng dé guò shuāi lǎo
看 着 花 瓣 跌 落 过 程 撑 得 过 衰 老
Watch the petals fall down over the course of aging
ōu yáng yào yíng :
欧 阳 耀 莹 :
Ouyang Yaoying:
chóng xīn chū fā ma huh gèng kě wàng wèi lái
重 新 出 发 吗 huh 更 渴 望 未 来
Huh is more eager for the future
yí wǎng zhè shào nián dǒng ài ma
以 往 这 少 年 懂 爱 吗
In the last few years to know love
fǎng fú bú gòu
仿 佛 不 够
Imitation is not enough
chéng zhǎng huì jìn huà ma yě xìn niàn zì yóu
成 长 会 进 化 吗 也 信 念 自 由
Does growth evolve? Also believe in freedom
wǒ ài zhè shào nián fěng cì ma
我 爱 这 少 年 讽 刺 吗
Do I love the young sarcasm
zhè huā kāi ma
这 花 开 吗
The flowers open
pò suì hūn yīn lǐ chū shēn bī chū qú kài yìng jìng
破 碎 婚 姻 里 出 身 逼 出 佢 嘅 硬 净
Broken marriage out of his hard and clean
qú zài xī shēng qú kài shuài zhēn gǎi biàn qú kài yìng jǐng
佢 再 牺 牲 佢 嘅 率 真 改 变 佢 嘅 硬 颈
He saved his rate and changed his neck
dài yǎn jìng kài qú míng bai bō zhū jiě jué én dào táo bì
戴 眼 镜 嘅 佢 明 白 波 珠 解 决 唔 到 逃 避
Wearing glasses he understood that wave bead solve not to escape
yào zhǎng dà yào fù zé rèn suō duǎn liǎng gè rén kài jù lí
要 长 大 要 负 责 任 缩 短 两 个 人 嘅 距 离
To grow up to take responsibility to shorten the distance between two people
měi mèng lǐ xué huì gán kǎi
美 梦 里 学 会 感 慨
In the United States dream will feel deeply
nǐ yì fàng sì nǐ de ài
你 亦 放 肆 你 的 爱
And you let go of your love
yòng lì zhuán zǎi yuè guò bǐ sài
用 力 转 载 越 过 比 赛
Pass the race by force transfer
wéi wǒ yǎn gài dōu yīn wèi ài
为 我 掩 盖 都 因 为 爱
Cover me for love's sake
ōu yáng yào yíng :
欧 阳 耀 莹 :
Ouyang Yaoying:
chóng xīn chū fā ma huh gèng kě wàng wèi lái
重 新 出 发 吗 huh 更 渴 望 未 来
Huh is more eager for the future
yí wǎng zhè shào nián dǒng ài ma
以 往 这 少 年 懂 爱 吗
In the last few years to know love
fǎng fú bú gòu
仿 佛 不 够
Imitation is not enough
chéng zhǎng huì jìn huà ma yě xìn niàn zì yóu
成 长 会 进 化 吗 也 信 念 自 由
Does growth evolve? Also believe in freedom
wǒ ài zhè shào nián fěng cì ma
我 爱 这 少 年 讽 刺 吗
Do I love the young sarcasm
zhè huā kāi ma
这 花 开 吗
The flowers open
Some Great Reviews About Chun Jiao Yu Zhi Ming 春娇与志明 Love In The Buff
Listener 1: "Even after a long time, I still want to be positive because of you. Without the support of memories, this time, I can only face the dilemma alone as soon as the dawn to start. In the lie of life for so long, pain for so long, decadent for so long, hesitated for so long, finally woke up in a dream. Missing is a kind of poison, especially when the object of missing has gone like water, the poison is especially strong. This poison tortured me exhausted physically and mentally, even the strength to sleep, even the strength to shed tears have not if I had not left, now should also be covered with pain. Fate is never determined by circumstances but by character, but I have lost the original character, so please allow me to cowardly escape again I am stranded in the lowest ebb of life, in the difficult breathing only see the dark."
Listener 2: "Without you, I have almost lost everything, now I am a poor clown, trying to endure the pain inside and pretending to smile on the surface, I am no longer complete, just like the green mountains without the green water, will not be perfect. In fact, I never leave, never go far, I have been in the same place, listen to the wind talk, do not blame time, but ridiculous is that the wind is the original partner, but also the last beauty. Well, sometimes at night, in an empty room, I am rumbling through my loneliness, and I have no intention to murmur that what is lost is forever."
Listener 3: "A man and a cactus fall in love and hug each other, but the prickles of the cactus stick all over his body. He is very painful and tired, and decides to leave with the prickles.But after the separation, the cactus was free of prickles and she could gently hug others.Therefore, don't give up each other just because of a little mistake and pain. Learn to tolerate and understand each other. After that, we will be better off."
Listener 4: "each person only once seventeen or eighteen is not rational enough mature age met you don't know is right or wrong, we can go to the last who also perhaps in this blundering stage only hope to love you more you must don't complain about my temper time will tell you I love you is true hair die hope I like you, or you just like you, we are not Yu Chun jiao and chang. But I like you."
Listener 5: "Hi hi I have been married for half a year I did not think before I got married a few words can let people care about me so I flipped through comments said someone was thinking of going to get married I is for the sake of others goodbye with the past is like death will shine when others ask me happiness actually I was only 22 years old this year after getting married, always in love and not the same but I hope you don't get those who lost to instill chicken soup everyone's story is different and your story on your own to love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance may you met a lot of relationship ending unsatisfactory that is the beginning of your growth In the future, there will be someone more worthy of your love. Hug you, boys and girls. Love is sacred."
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