Chinese Song Name: Bi Jiao Da De Da Ti Qin 比较大的大提琴
English Tranlation Name: A Larger Cello
Chinese Singer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou Liang Xin Yi 梁心颐 Lara Veronin Yang Rui Dai 杨瑞代
Chinese Composer: Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou
Chinese Lyrics: Fang Wen Shan 方文山
Bi Jiao Da De Da Ti Qin 比较大的大提琴 A Larger Cello Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhou Jie Lun 周杰伦 Jay Chou Liang Xin Yi 梁心颐 Lara Veronin Yang Rui Dai 杨瑞代 Gary Yang
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
jié lún : xiǎo shǎ guā zhè bú shì dà tí qín
杰 伦 : 小 傻 瓜 这 不 是 大 提 琴
Jay: This is not a cello, silly
wǒ bō xián nǐ què zài chī diǎn xin
我 拨 弦 你 却 在 吃 点 心
I pluck the strings and you eat
wǒ yì rén jiù zú gòu
我 一 人 就 足 够
I'm enough alone
děng wǒ zhèn jīng nǐ men de sǐ biǎo qíng
等 我 震 惊 你 们 的 死 表 情
Wait till I shock your dead faces
míng míng wéi guān yì duī rén
明 明 围 观 一 堆 人
Mingming watches a crowd of people
què tīng bú dào kēng dēng líng qián shēng
却 听 不 到 吭 噔 零 钱 声
There was no stomping change
zhǐ néng yìng chēng yuè dàn yuè rèn zhēn
只 能 硬 撑 越 弹 越 认 真
Only hard play more serious
wǒ màn màn děng màn màn děng
我 慢 慢 等 慢 慢 等
I waited and waited
màn màn děng nà shí huò de rén
慢 慢 等 那 识 货 的 人
Wait for the man who knows what he's talking about
rén cháo rén cháo zhǎng shēng huí yìng
人 潮 人 潮 掌 声 回 应
The crowd clapped back
chāo piào chāo piào què bú kào jìn
钞 票 钞 票 却 不 靠 近
The money doesn't come close
chī gān mǒ jìng zhēn yóu diǎn bù gān xīn
吃 干 抹 净 真 有 点 不 甘 心
It's a bit hard to eat dry and wipe clean
gé bì tān ná wǒ de yīn yuè dāng
隔 壁 摊 拿 我 的 音 乐 当
The stall next door pawns my music
bèi jǐng fàng jìng hái biáo yǎn liú chàng
背 景 放 竟 还 表 演 流 畅
The background was smooth
wǒ gān cuì jiāng yīn yuè zhōng duàn
我 干 脆 将 音 乐 中 断
I simply cut the music off
wēi xiào zhe kàn nǐ zěn me bàn
微 笑 着 看 你 怎 么 办
Smile and see what you do
kàn nǐ zěn me bàn
看 你 怎 么 办
Let's see what you do.
nǐ què jiè bié tān yīn yuè
你 却 借 别 摊 音 乐
You borrowed music
hái jì xù zài tiào
还 继 续 在 跳
I'm still jumping
wǒ hǎo xīn tí xǐng nǐ de Key bié pǎo diào
我 好 心 提 醒 你 的 Key 别 跑 掉
I was kind enough to warn you not to run away
huì hěn hǎo xiào nǐ jìng rán
会 很 好 笑 你 竟 然
It's gonna be funny that you should
zài xián wǒ chǎo wā liě miāo
在 嫌 我 吵 哇 咧 喵
I'm making so much noise
wǒ nǎ lǐ ài dào nǐ
我 哪 里 碍 到 你
What's in my way
yìng shuō gēn wǒ yǒu mò qì
硬 说 跟 我 有 默 契
You have a tacit understanding with me
shì yīn yuè ràng wǒ men
是 音 乐 让 我 们
It's the music that makes us
dōng pīn xī còu zài yì qǐ
东 拼 西 凑 在 一 起
It all fits together
A-gogo bú huì tiào
A-gogo 不 会 跳
Can't jump
tiào le jiǎo má shǒu huì dǒu
跳 了 脚 麻 手 会 抖
Feet tremble and hands tremble
lái biáo yǎn jiù yào xuǎn zài jiē tóu
来 表 演 就 要 选 在 街 头
You have to be on the street to perform
gǎn dòng de rén cái duō
感 动 的 人 才 多
Many people are moved
wǒ jiāo nǐ qǐng qǐ lì
我 教 你 请 起 立
I'll teach you to stand up
fù gē jì dé yào huàn qì
副 歌 记 得 要 换 气
Chorus Remember to take a breath
tiào jiē wǔ yǎn mò jù
跳 街 舞 演 默 剧
Hip-hop dance mime
quán dōu jiǎo huo zài yì qǐ
全 都 搅 和 在 一 起
It's all mixed up
Disco méi qù guò
Disco 没 去 过
Haven't been to
jiù pà qù le qián bú gòu
就 怕 去 了 钱 不 够
I'm afraid I don't have enough money
jiāo péng you jiù bú yào tài luo suō
交 朋 友 就 不 要 太 啰 嗦
Don't be too wordy when making friends
yí jù huà kāi xīn zì yóu
一 句 话 开 心 自 由
In a word, be happy and free
Lara : xiǎo shǎ guā
Lara : 小 傻 瓜
zhè bú shì dà tí qín
这 不 是 大 提 琴
wǒ bō xián nǐ què zài chī diǎn xin
我 拨 弦 你 却 在 吃 点 心
I pluck the strings and you eat
wǒ yì rén jiù zú gòu
我 一 人 就 足 够
I'm enough alone
děng wǒ zhèn jīng nǐ men de sǐ biǎo qíng
等 我 震 惊 你 们 的 死 表 情
Wait till I shock your dead faces
míng míng wéi guān yì duī rén
明 明 围 观 一 堆 人
Mingming watches a crowd of people
què tīng bú dào kēng dēng líng qián shēng
却 听 不 到 吭 噔 零 钱 声
There was no stomping change
zhǐ néng yìng chēng yuè dàn yuè rèn zhēn
只 能 硬 撑 越 弹 越 认 真
Only hard play more serious
wǒ màn màn děng màn màn děng
我 慢 慢 等 慢 慢 等
I waited and waited
màn màn děng nà shí huò de rén
慢 慢 等 那 识 货 的 人
Wait for the man who knows what he's talking about
hé :rén cháo rén cháo zhǎng shēng huí yìng
合 :人 潮 人 潮 掌 声 回 应
The crowd clapped back
chāo piào chāo piào què bú kào jìn
钞 票 钞 票 却 不 靠 近
The money doesn't come close
chī gān mǒ jìng zhēn yóu diǎn bù gān xīn
吃 干 抹 净 真 有 点 不 甘 心
It's a bit hard to eat dry and wipe clean
Gary : gé bì tān ná wǒ de yīn yuè dāng
Gary : 隔 壁 摊 拿 我 的 音 乐 当
Gary: The stall next door is playing my music
Lara : gé bì tān ná wǒ de yīn yuè dāng
Lara : 隔 壁 摊 拿 我 的 音 乐 当
Lara: The stall next door is pawning my music
Gary : bèi jǐng fàng jìng hái biáo yǎn liú chàng
Gary : 背 景 放 竟 还 表 演 流 畅
Gary: The background is so smooth
Lara : bèi jǐng fàng jìng hái biáo yǎn liú chàng
Lara : 背 景 放 竟 还 表 演 流 畅
Lara: The background and the fluency of the performance
hé : wǒ gān cuì jiāng yīn yuè zhōng duàn
合 : 我 干 脆 将 音 乐 中 断
I'll just cut the music off
wēi xiào zhe kàn nǐ zěn me bàn
微 笑 着 看 你 怎 么 办
Smile and see what you do
wā liě kàn nǐ zěn me bàn
哇 咧 看 你 怎 么 办
Wow, what do you do
I don ’ t care
I don ’ t care
nǐ què jiè bié tān yīn yuè
你 却 借 别 摊 音 乐
You borrowed music
hái jì xù zài tiào
还 继 续 在 跳
I'm still jumping
wǒ hǎo xīn tí xǐng nǐ de Key bié pǎo diào
我 好 心 提 醒 你 的 Key 别 跑 掉
I was kind enough to warn you not to run away
huì hěn hǎo xiào nǐ jìng rán
会 很 好 笑 你 竟 然
It's gonna be funny that you should
zài xián wǒ chǎo wā liě miāo
在 嫌 我 吵 哇 咧 喵
I'm making so much noise
wǒ nǎ lǐ ài dào nǐ
我 哪 里 碍 到 你
What's in my way
yìng shuō gēn wǒ yǒu mò qì
硬 说 跟 我 有 默 契
You have a tacit understanding with me
shì yīn yuè ràng wǒ men
是 音 乐 让 我 们
It's the music that makes us
dōng pīn xī còu zài yì qǐ
东 拼 西 凑 在 一 起
It all fits together
A-gogo bú huì tiào
A-gogo 不 会 跳
Can't jump
tiào le jiǎo má shǒu huì dǒu
跳 了 脚 麻 手 会 抖
Feet tremble and hands tremble
lái biáo yǎn jiù yào xuǎn zài jiē tóu
来 表 演 就 要 选 在 街 头
You have to be on the street to perform
gǎn dòng de rén cái duō
感 动 的 人 才 多
Many people are moved
wǒ jiāo nǐ qǐng qǐ lì
我 教 你 请 起 立
I'll teach you to stand up
fù gē jì dé yào huàn qì
副 歌 记 得 要 换 气
Chorus Remember to take a breath
tiào jiē wǔ yǎn mò jù
跳 街 舞 演 默 剧
Hip-hop dance mime
quán dōu jiǎo huo zài yì qǐ
全 都 搅 和 在 一 起
It's all mixed up
Disco méi qù guò
Disco 没 去 过
Haven't been to
jiù pà qù le qián bú gòu
就 怕 去 了 钱 不 够
I'm afraid I don't have enough money
jiāo péng you jiù bú yào tài luo suō
交 朋 友 就 不 要 太 啰 嗦
Don't be too wordy when making friends
yí jù huà kāi xīn zì yóu
一 句 话 开 心 自 由
In a word, be happy and free
Some Great Reviews About Bi Jiao Da De Da Ti Qin 比较大的大提琴
Listener 1:"The Bigger Cello" is a song from Jay Chou's new album opus 12. It is performed by Jay Chou, Liang Xinyi and Yang Ruidai, and written by Fang Wenshan. This special theme song is inspired by Jay Chou's visit to the UK to shoot his MUSIC video, when he saw street performers playing Double Bass. This song for the Jazz cello, fusion of hip-hop style, the lyrics described a busker plays the cello aloof in street performances, watching the crowds is numerous, but there is no gratuity, are embarrassed when he died last, stand next to perform dance dancers dance to his music, a group of street artists like this song and dance friends. "
Listener 2: "Jay Chou in the MV incarnation into smartly buskers, playing the cello, also in the mix of European scene dance performances, the jazz music fusion of hip-hop style song invited school sister friar John and Gary chorus, MV also invited them to her performance together, three people in the two structures, the scene of a different interpretation of the role, jay Chou as buskers, everything is milking the Dutch girl, Gary is the British child soldiers, they are two streets rob the crowds in the next room business rival, jay Chou is helpless look at snack see the show but not to the people of money, See the next booth dance dancers with his music as the background, so he deliberately not play, see how they do, Jay performance expression rich, the street performer's helpless interpretation to the incisively and vividly; "
Listener 3: "there is a lot of dance performance of MV, dance style is jazz hip-hop dance wind restoring ancient ways, with Old school lockin in flavor, this is jay Chou debut dance fastest pace since the beginning of a song, the music rhythm, jay Chou and the dancers also show the flair bartenders, he practiced throwing dozens of snow g cup to take a good picture.Liang Xinyi in the MV played the dancer has a breakthrough performance, for the MV breakthrough in the past scale, the past few dance performance of Yang Ruidai in the MV is also different from the past, there are many dance performances, Yang Ruidai guilty of his dance practice is not good enough. "
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