Chinese Song Name: Ai Hen Qing Ge 爱恨情歌
English Tranlation Name: Love Hate Love Song
Chinese Singer: Zhang Dong Ling 张冬玲 Leng Mo 冷漠 MoMo
Chinese Composer: Chen Wei 陈伟
Chinese Lyrics: Chen Wei 陈伟
Ai Hen Qing Ge 爱恨情歌 Love Hate Love Song Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhang Dong Ling 张冬玲 Leng Mo 冷漠 MoMo
Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
nán : nǐ de qíng huà hái liú zài wǒ de ěr páng
男 : 你 的 情 话 还 留 在 我 的 耳 旁
Male: your feeling words still stay in my ear
nǐ de bèi yǐng yǐ cáng zài rén hǎi máng máng
你 的 背 影 已 藏 在 人 海 茫 茫
The shadow of your back is hidden in the sea of men
lěng lěng qiū fēng chuī bú sàn wǒ de yōu shāng
冷 冷 秋 风 吹 不 散 我 的 忧 伤
Cold autumn wind can not scatter my sorrow
xiàng nǐ liú gěi wǒ zhè duàn zuì měi de qī liáng
像 你 留 给 我 这 段 最 美 的 凄 凉
Like you left me this section of the most beautiful chill
wǒ de xīn fáng yǐ lào shàng nǐ de mú yàng
我 的 心 房 已 烙 上 你 的 模 样
Your likeness is burned into my heart
wǒ de líng hún shì bèi nǐ shàng cuò de chuáng
我 的 灵 魂 是 被 你 上 错 的 床
My soul is on the wrong bed by you
dàn dàn yuè guāng zhào bú jìn wǒ de mèng xiāng
淡 淡 月 光 照 不 进 我 的 梦 乡
The light of the moon does not shine into my dreamland
ài nǐ yòu hèn nǐ bàn mèng bàn xǐng dào tiān liàng
爱 你 又 恨 你 半 梦 半 醒 到 天 亮
I love you and Hate you till dawn
nǚ : wǒ hèn nǐ gǎn ài bù gǎn dāng
女 : 我 恨 你 敢 爱 不 敢 当
Female: I hate you dare to love dare not when
piàn zǒu wǒ de xīn jiù bù zhī qù xiàng
骗 走 我 的 心 就 不 知 去 向
Cheat me out of my heart and I don't know where to go
shèng wǒ yí gè rén zài fēng zhōng piāo dàng
剩 我 一 个 人 在 风 中 飘 荡
I was left alone floating in the wind
kàn zhe jì mò bèi huí yì yuè lā yuè cháng
看 着 寂 寞 被 回 忆 越 拉 越 长
Watching lonely was back to the memory of the longer and longer
wǒ xiào wǒ gǎn ài bù gǎn fàng
我 笑 我 敢 爱 不 敢 放
I laugh I dare love dare not put
bèi nǐ shāng tòu xīn hái niàn niàn bú wàng
被 你 伤 透 心 还 念 念 不 忘
Be broken heart by you still want to remember
děng zài nǐ yí qù bù huí de dì fang
等 在 你 一 去 不 回 的 地 方
Waiting for you in the place where you never return
què zhǎo bú dào xìng fú guī lái de fāng xiàng
却 找 不 到 幸 福 归 来 的 方 向
But they could not find the way back to happiness
nán : wǒ de xīn fáng yǐ lào shàng nǐ de mú yàng
男 : 我 的 心 房 已 烙 上 你 的 模 样
Man: My heart is branded with your likeness
wǒ de líng hún shì bèi nǐ shàng cuò de chuáng
我 的 灵 魂 是 被 你 上 错 的 床
My soul is on the wrong bed by you
dàn dàn yuè guāng zhào bú jìn wǒ de mèng xiāng
淡 淡 月 光 照 不 进 我 的 梦 乡
The light of the moon does not shine into my dreamland
ài nǐ yòu hèn nǐ bàn mèng bàn xǐng dào tiān liàng
爱 你 又 恨 你 半 梦 半 醒 到 天 亮
I love you and Hate you till dawn
nǚ : wǒ hèn nǐ gǎn ài bù gǎn dāng
女 : 我 恨 你 敢 爱 不 敢 当
Female: I hate you dare to love dare not when
piàn zǒu wǒ de xīn jiù bù zhī qù xiàng
骗 走 我 的 心 就 不 知 去 向
Cheat me out of my heart and I don't know where to go
shèng wǒ yí gè rén zài fēng zhōng piāo dàng
剩 我 一 个 人 在 风 中 飘 荡
I was left alone floating in the wind
kàn zhe jì mò bèi huí yì yuè lā yuè cháng
看 着 寂 寞 被 回 忆 越 拉 越 长
Watching lonely was back to the memory of the longer and longer
wǒ xiào wǒ gǎn ài bù gǎn fàng
我 笑 我 敢 爱 不 敢 放
I laugh I dare love dare not put
bèi nǐ shāng tòu xīn hái niàn niàn bú wàng
被 你 伤 透 心 还 念 念 不 忘
Be broken heart by you still want to remember
děng zài nǐ yí qù bù huí de dì fang
等 在 你 一 去 不 回 的 地 方
Waiting for you in the place where you never return
què zhǎo bú dào xìng fú guī lái de fāng xiàng
却 找 不 到 幸 福 归 来 的 方 向
But they could not find the way back to happiness
děng zài nǐ yí qù bù huí de dì fang
等 在 你 一 去 不 回 的 地 方
Waiting for you in the place where you never return
què zhǎo bú dào xìng fú guī lái de fāng xiàng
却 找 不 到 幸 福 归 来 的 方 向
But they could not find the way back to happiness
Some Great Reviews About Ai Hen Qing Ge 爱恨情歌
Listener 1: "I have ten thousand reasons to see you, but none of them to see your identity. Now I am a wife, wish each other well. If God gives me another chance to choose, I will choose never to meet you in this world, because this is a very sad teaching, too painful too painful…"
Listener 2: "Emotion is like the song lyrics, I hate you dare not love, in fact, love does not have to be together, life is not not regret things, even if love together will also have regrets! A snake swallows an elephant, as the saying goes. In fact, you opened up, put down, everything is smooth."
Listener 3: "In a relationship, if you cannot be loyal, please be honest, because the most hurtful thing is not breaking up, but cheating! In this life, you can be a good person, a kind person, a fool, a fool, an honest person, a true person, but never be either of these people! One is a villain, and one is a villain!"
Listener 4: "I and my wife 7 years of marriage, marriage or divorce, I work every day to wash clothes to cook, sweep the floor mop the floor, she said she doesn't need 当牛做马, she didn't understand I love her, I don't want to let her do the housework, don't want to so tired, as a result, she said so in a word, she came home the next day there was a man who gave her introduced object, the main I don't have money, I'm single family, is a self-made man, alas, can only blame society is too realistic, don't give her happiness is let her find happiness"
Listener 5: "Love-hate song; Beautiful singing, deep pain! 😐 😐 😐 meet human beings; Depends on fate. Get along with people; Rely on a little sincerity. Confidant is the perfect deep friendship, meet the most beautiful, this life can meet is a great nature! Love is not; 🙂 🙂 🙂. Beg, give, possess, pity! 😊 love cannot too fleet, leisurely feel upset… ? 🤔 🤔 🤔 in feelings, each of us should, see light all reality and substance, adhere to the emotional communication… ? 😂 😂 😂 men and women in modern society! Love makes a man live! To hate is to die! 😊 actually; Love is sacrifice, devotion, cherishing, guardian, true and pure. 🙂 🙂 🙂 love love too deep, love must respect… . 🤗 🤗 🤗 love is inclusive, we should keep a humble pure heart, will be happy, life will be colorful. The 🌸 of 🙁 don't do the corner! Narcissistic? 😀 😀 😀 let we cherish life, Thanksgiving life beautiful met…"
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